The Blood Temple: Chapter 21 | Dungeons & Dragons Cast of Players

Having obtained the artefact his Order sought many years ago, Jericho stands at a crossroads…
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when moloch and jericho are fighting
Amazing job on the story, didn’t see the red curtain reveal coming. The magic missile descriptions were epic. Maybe need to level up the bad guys a little bit more, particularly with Bone’s luck!
Outstanding! 500 out of 10
Thank you for the video!
Good job as always, but I do not belive Mr. Bone wants to kill everyone enymore. After the failed riddles.
P.S. This storytelling D&D videos is excellent change to batyle reports. Is where plans to continue Mr. Chef’s campaign or starting new one?
You guys have done such a great job over this whole campaign and the story has been just fantastic… and it keeps getting better. I sort of don’t want to get to the end because it means no more Bone, but I also can’t wait to see the conclusion.
Flipping table – this is too much! cant handle the epicness!!
so happy to see this return (and so sad, gonna miss bone) – can you stick the player stats panel at the top of the screen instead of bottom? it kinda interferes with the facial focus/board action – love you guys! more D&D please 🙂
Moloc definatley giving off Dark angels vibes, and im loving it
Epic! Can’t wait for next week. Good job guys.
Can you please help me here, I can’t find the first episode, can you please share the date?
Goosebumps with the red curtain reveal. Just keeps getting better
Everything about Cast of Players is awesome except for the 7 day wait between episodes… I need a marathon 🤣
Best one yet
I absolutely love these!! Sangas interruptions where hilarious
It seems that every time I think I have a favorite character one of you goes and changes it up! Love seeing all of you have a good time and interacting with the world that bone has created. Much love as always to you fine gentlemen.
Great stuff!
Jericho came here to smite and drop one liners, and he is all out of smite.
Oh man! That was such an amazing episode!
That thunderstorm… i don’t know how you guys do it, but each episode seems to get better and better. Great work chaps.