Ulthwe vs Iron Hands 2000pts | Warhammer 40,000 Battle Report

It’s a battle of mind against metal, but who will triumph in this brutal battle?!
00:00 Intro
01:57 Ulthwe List
05:00 Iron Hands List
08:08 Mission
09:13 Game Intro
11:28 Game
1:34:25 That Tang
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The Army Lists are:
++ Battalion Detachment ++
+ HQ +
Avatar of Khaine
Eldrad Ulthran: Warlord- Fate Reader, Powers- Guide, Doom, Executioner
Spiritseer: Relic- Ghosthelm of Alishazier, Power- Protect/Jinx
+ Troops +
20x Guardian Defenders
2x Guardian Heavy Weapons Platform: Starcannon
20x Guardian Defenders
2x Guardian Heavy Weapons Platform: Starcannon
20x Guardian Defenders
Guardian Heavy Weapons Platform: Shuriken Cannon
+ Fast Attack +
9x Windriders: Shuriken Cannon
+ Heavy Support +
Fire Prism: Twin Shuriken Catapult
Fire Prism: Twin Shuriken Catapult
Fire Prism: Twin Shuriken Catapult
+ Flyer +
Hemlock Wraithfighter: Power- Protect/Jinx
++ Total: 2,000pts ++
Iron Hands
++ Battalion Detachment ++
+ HQ +
Iron Father Feirros: Warlord- Student of History
Librarian in Phobos Armour: Powers- Blessing of the Machine God, Psysteel Armor
Primaris Librarian: Relic- The Tempered Helm, Powers- Might of Heroes, Null Zone
+ Troops +
5x Incursor Squad
5x Incursor Squad
5x Incursor Squad
5x Intercessor Squad
+ Elites +
Redemptor Dreadnought: March of the Ancients, Hero of the Chapter- All Flesh is Weakness, Macro Plasma Incinerator, Onslaught Gatling Cannon, 2x Storm Bolters
Redemptor Dreadnought: Heavy Onslaught Gatling Cannon, Onslaught Gatling Cannon, 2x Storm Bolters
Redemptor Dreadnought: Heavy Onslaught Gatling Cannon, Onslaught Gatling Cannon, 2x Storm Bolters
+ Fast Attack +
3x Invader ATV Squad: Multi-melta
3x Invader ATV Squad: Multi-melta
+ Heavy Support +
Firestrike Servo-Turret: Twin accelerator autocannon
Firestrike Servo-Turret: Twin accelerator autocannon
++ Total: 2,000pts ++
Loves it!
Great board set up guys, adds much more flavour and variety. Have to push forward to mid board to stop being hemmed in. Great armies and great rep. You boys are on form. When is the new presenter starting?
I haven’t watched this yet (just Spider’s list), but let me throw out another kudos to him for a wacky fun Eldar list full of some overlooked stuff. I didn’t even know you guys had an Avatar of Khaine! Thank you for the awesome work you do. Edit: I didn’t think this could get any better, and then Beard made an awesome hay fever joke and Spider said “betwixt”, this is superb Edit2 (I guess I’m the kind of gakhole who does edit2): Great game right down to the end. Beard/Spider games were always classic games, glad to see that… Read more »
Awesome game guys as always – always good to watch a closely fought one.
Really great to see some Craftworld action, and its interesting to see how much tactical power Lawrence can squeeze out of mediocre units.
Keep up the great work.
Small rules quirk: guardian platforms cannot shoot heavy weapons after advancing. Battlefocus works with assult (shuriken) only. Unfortunately thats why you only ever see shuriken canons with guardians. Its also cheaper.
Really greatful for demonstrating the power of protect + celestial shield. Big blobs with aok have some merit imo.
Thanks for representing E-drizzle in da nizzle.
Eeeeeeeek!!!! I just saw a glimpse of the AOK!!! 🤯🤯
Just a note for Spider: when resolving saves on a target you can no longer bounce from one model to the other (weapons platform and guardians), the model declared must keep taking the saves.
Haven’t watched the game yet but see the Avatar is there so that’s cool.Also nice to see other things not used much in both army’s.
Crazy close game. Very tense.
Just remember, while the Avatar does benefit from the Craftworld trait it kinda doesn’t matter because he has an in built 5+++.
Also, the Ulthwe save does not work on top of the Ghost Helm save, the Ghost Helm is in place of the Ulthwe save.
Honestly, I hope Ulthwe’s Craftworld rule is completely swapped out for two new rules like Iyanden’s will be.
Great game, love how close it came. Always enjoy when the Eldar are out to play.
Love you guys, thaniks for another game.
Firestrike Turrets, Beard! I bought three of these in a moment of weakness, charmed by BS2+, sort of failing to realise just what an arsepain a 3″ move really is. They move… the width of their base. Anyway, I hope they do some things in this game. I’ve read elsewhere that autocannons are a good answer to Drukhari Raiders, so that’s a thought?
Quick vote on the terrain:
I really like that you guys are using the 1. US GT terrain.
2. I might humbly suggest also looking at the LGT terrain as well – for us UK folk – just if you feel like changing it up sometimes.
Beyond that, thanks for the fun game and a couple of really interesting lists. Have a good one. 🙂
Still confused about this but can a Phobos Librarian take any discipline other than the phobos specific powers?
Love the themed Ulthwe list!
It was nice to see a more tuned down Eldar list from Lawrence. Guardian blobs? Bikers? The Avatar?!
While the avatar went down like a chump, it was interesting to see how Lawrence squeezed the most out of these middling units, especially those guardian blobs (which i had largely written off). I find this kind of army is more representative of people’s actual model collections, which rarely have 9 war walkers or 18 shining spears or whatever. It also resulted in an entertaining and close game – one of my favourites in a while.
Back to back Spidervision + Beardoscope makes for a Super Weekender 💥
As usual, thanks for the entertainment guys. Have a good one
Firestrike Servo-Turrets?? Beard, you madman!
Maybe you already used them in the past and I just don’t remember (in that case I can be forgiven, though, I am sure that even GW forgot they ever made those things), but it was kind of great to see them in an actual game. Now you just have to use the Starcraft-like bunker and I will be satisfied.
Spider rolling an 11 to beat Beard’s 10 for a deny is VINTAGE TTT
I feel your pain Beard! Freaking hayfever!
Entertaining watch on a Saturday morning whilst building new toys (and self-isolating!)
Nice to see SM HQ choices that aren’t Captain of choice + Lieutenant of choice + Chaplain, some new ideas to work with!
Emperor damn it beard you messed up your line. It was meant to be, ‘you know what he’s cooking up…? Revenge! Best served cold!’ Haha
Just to let you know, currently a small issue with playing this video on your website. Got it on youtube perfectly fine. Not sure on those turrets, but very interested in seeing what they can do. That said i am a guy that has a hammerfall bunker…..
At last some Craftworld love!