Grey Knights vs Orks 2000pts | Warhammer 40,000 League Report

Can Chef steer the Orks to victory, or will Spider and the Hammers of Titan crush the Xenos in this brutal League clash!
00:00 Intro
2:00 Grey Knights List
4:53 Orks List
7:32 Mission
8:46 Game Intro
10:50 Game
1:56:05 Do you need the reroll?
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The Army Lists are:
Grey Knights
++ Patrol Detachment ++
+ HQ +
Grand Master Voldus: Powers- Armoured Resilience, Edict Imperator, Warp Shaping
Lord Kaldor Draigo: Powers- Hammerhand, Sanctuary
+ Troops +
Terminator Squad: Power- Gate of Infinity
Justicar: Nemesis Daemon Hammer, Storm Bolter
2x Terminator: Nemesis Warding Stave, Psycannon
7x Terminator: Nemesis Warding Stave, Storm Bolter
+ Elites +
Paladin Ancient: Warlord- First to the Fray, Relic- Augurium Scrolls, Psycannon, Power- Empyrean Domination
10x Paladin Squad: Power- Astral Aim
Paragon: Nemesis Daemon Hammer, Storm Bolter
4x Paladin Nemesis Warding Stave, Psycannon
5x Paladin: Nemesis Warding Stave, Storm Bolter
+ Fast Attack +
10x Interceptor Squad: Power- Vortex of Doom
Justicar: Nemesis Force Halberd, Storm Bolter
9x Interceptor: Nemesis Force Halberd, Storm Bolter
10x Interceptor Squad: Power- Astral Aim
Justicar: Nemesis Force Halberd, Storm Bolter
9x Interceptor: Nemesis Force Halberd, Storm Bolter
+ Heavy Support +
5x Purgation Squad: Astral Aim
Justicar: Nemesis Warding Stave, Storm Bolter
4x Purgator: 4x Psycannon
++ Total: 2,000pts ++
+ Battalion Detachment ++
Clan Kultur: Deathskulls
+ HQ +
Warboss on Warbike: Da Biggest Boss, Warlord- Brutal but Kunnin, Relic- Da Killa Klaw, 2x Dakkagun
Warboss: Extra Gubbins- Super Cyborg Body, Power Claw, Attack Squig, Kombi-Rokkit, Sx Slugga
+ Troops +
10x Gretchin
10x Gretchin
10x Gretchin
+ Elites +
5x Kommandos
Boss Nob: Power Klaw, Slugga
4x Kommando: Choppa, Slugga
10x Nobz
Boss Nob: Power Klaw, Slugga
9x Nob: Big Choppa, Slugga
5x Tankbustas
Boss Nob: Rokkit Launcha
4x Tankbusta: Rokkit Launcha
5x Tankbustas
Boss Nob: Rokkit Launcha
4x Tankbusta: Rokkit Launcha
5x Tankbustas
Boss Nob: Rokkit Launcha
4x Tankbusta: Rokkit Launcha
+ Fast Attack +
3x Kustom Boosta Blastas: Kustom Job- Sizzly Rivets
3x Megatrakk Scrapjets: Kustom Job- Korkscrew
3x Shokkjump Dragstas: Kustom Job- Gyroscopic Whirligig
+ Heavy Support +
Bonebreaka: Kustom Job- Forktress
++ Total: 2,000pts ++
Are there any close ups of that warboss on bike? I wanna try and make that conversion it’s beautiful.
I liked that it was interesting. 2 armies in not the greatest of places unfortunately.
great game really enjoyed it
Fantastic battle guys!! Very close shame about the paladins!
I have a technical question, when your filming your models in the intro what equipment are you using? I can see that you are using a slider and a gimbal. How are you getting the rotating pan of some of the clips?
Great game guys, as always!
Great game guys! This was such an interesting matchup and I look forward to the rematch down the road.
Great game as always. Congrats Chef for giving Spider his first League loss. With that said, that was some pretty bad luck there Spider at a crucial time. So it goes. I’m looking forward to the rematch after the new books drop. Keep it up gentlemen, and keep it savage!! Love the League battles.
Really enjoyable. Would love to see the exact same lists once new dex drops to see who gets more wesome stuff
Love the competitive reports, keep it up!
Great game guys. Attending Chefs question during the game, as being an Ork fan I’ve studied the “‘Ere We Go charge reroll dilemma”. My conclusions are: 1st the correct decision on what to reroll depend on the target we are aiming for the charge; 2nd considering that the target is 9 and that the roll fail, we should: keep any roll of 4+ and reroll the other (rational: if you have a 4 the probability of 5+ on 1d6 is 33,3% while the probability of 9+ on 2d6 is 27,8%); naturally failing without any 4+ roll reroll both die (27,8%… Read more »
Any chance of Orks vs Tyranids please!?!?
Nice to see the Grey Knights! that new Crowe model…. wow!
That was an awesome game, right down to the wire. Can’t wait to see the rematch once you get the new codex for each faction
I hope Lawrence continues to use drukhari in league reports as well as grey knights with their new codex!!!
It proves that as the Archvillain, Spider can’t win if he plays good guys.
Good one, keep it up !
Solid game, I want the run back when both codecies come out. GIVE CHEF DA SQUIGZ
I always hate Spider-Chef BR, especially competitive one, I never know who to root for. Go, Spidef?
Grandmaster Voldus… he likes to rap 🙁
What a great game, a total nailbiter all the way to the end! I feel like these games with the low/mid-tier armies make for the most interesting games.
Sticky bomb for the win!!!
Is an Orks vs Flesh Tearers battle in the near future?
I really loved the game !
And also it was refreshing to see Lawrence can actually lose xD
I really enjoy the league games! Keep em coming!
Victory for the boyz! Waaaaagghhh!!! Behold, after the new dex release orks will krump all da umiez!
great close game. Spiders first loss in a league game!
two small rules points:
Great game guys! Great to see two lower tier armies face off in a League Report. Agreed that Spider was a little unlucky on those Paladin saves, but that’s the way these units can go. 2+/4++ with -1D and only wounded on 4s is great… but if you roll under average those models still die. That being said, Chef played well and the Ork list definitely had the mobility to kind of counter the GKs own mobility tricks. I don’t presume to be in a position to give Spider any lessons in the GK (or 40K) department – went 1-2… Read more »
23 minutes in and memories of ork players taking forever in tournaments due to the stupidly awkward rules come flooding back.. Deathskulls re rolls on top of ork volumes of dice and dakka for me is the worst game design feature in the whole of 40k. At least chef wasn’t running 9 smasha guns..
In the ongoing spirit of actually leaving positive feedback – what a cracker! Nail biter to the end.
Spider – I have to say – if you want to demonstrate your tactical acumen this is it! With very few obvious choices left toward the end of the game, I saw so much I just wouldn’t have thought of! Wonderful.
Chef – My word, your presentation has come on so much recently – absolutely bossing it, way to go.
Good day to you Sirs.
Nice one Chef, I zoggin love the Orks. Your prayers to Gork and Mork were answered and your belief that spiders dice would fail his paladins was a reality.
Looking forward to seeing the orks again. Will the channel be getting a beast snaggas army?
great game guys.
Lawrence – I’ve had those rolls happen to me so many times it puts me off taking paladins. Hopefully on your next game they’ll go off!
That may have been the single worst rolling I’ve ever seen from Lawrence.. did you grab Beard’s dice?!
I died inside watching the mighty Whiff of over 500pts of badassery…. so gut wrenching when that happens. Thanks for this one @Spider and @Chef as a GK Main i really enjoyed this one
Great game and a regular match up I play using my Orks. My opponent uses MSU with about 24 psi weapons and a couple of melee units. I take a burner bomber or two against those 1 wound troops as it’s the most effective at getting through their invuns. IMO Should have interrupted with the boss on bike, having him alive and roaming free with 14” move and advance and charge more important for scoring than the nobs. Close games are the best. Great job chef and spider.
Did Beard’s soul take over Spider’s body for a bit there??
The rolls did not help Lawrence in this game however I don’t think the list was very strong. The last list he ran against Bone and Orks with the terminators and dreads may have work a little better. I find that the power armor marines just don’t have the staying power to survive a counter. I find running terminators is a bit better. At 200+ points for the interceptors is just not worth it if you can’t protect them. Now I did watch Richard Seigler run them with a rhino and using idict imperator seems to work very well. I… Read more »
Excellent games guys and gratz to Chef on breaking that winning streak! Always a pleasure to see the Orks coming out to play.
Great game all. Just chiming in to point out what might be a slight cheaty cheat on Lawrence’s part… Interceptors’ Personal Teleport rule states they can teleport shunt “instead of moving this unit normally” so Turn 1 those Interceptors could not have moved out of the way to make room for Purgations to move up. The Purgations would have needed to move around them, as the Interceptors disappear only at the end of the movement phase. Still great game & thank you for the GK Battle report!
Who is going to take over the Death Guard, now Bone is gone?
Lovely game guys.
Tough luck on the paladins and that’s how I feel with mine ATM. It’s like you have to have a perfect turn just to have a chance.
Just a quick question for 🕷️: why not shoot and charge voldus into the grots last turn so at worst you contest the objective with the buggie? Would it have made a difference?
With all those 1’s for 2+ armour saves your training for Custodes is now complete
Eight 1s is insane! But that was a great game guys, do love Orks.
Ah YES! Ive been waiting for the Death skulls to come back! New codexes for these 2 armies and thousand sons soon it would be cool to see the skulls rematch against TSons and Grey Knights when everyone is powered up!
Nice game, I’m looking forward to the rematch once both new codices drop!
I’ve always been intrigued by the Grey Knights, if they ever get the primaris treatment I think I’ll start collecting them.
On another note, I don’t what changed or if it’s just me but I find the video quality much more defined and the transitions smoother… It looks so much better now!
Cheers but the playback is not working in the mobile app. The Download button doesn’t appear for this video either Gotta love tech eh
Great game! cant wait for the rematch. 😀
Still watching at present, just saw the low roll spree and I am certain that someone has been cursed. #RevengeOfThePlants
I think this was one of the most enjoyable games I’ve seen in a while. Despite both armies’ flaws, it seemed a lot more balanced than the lunacy that the Drukhari/Ad Mech (and to a slightly lesser extent sisters) books have brought.
Can’t wait to see what the GK book brings though. Hoping they’ll be able to hang with the best. Extra wound/attack will make a big difference irrespective of other rules.
Rolling the single 3 for a 4+ is more likely than re-rolling two dice for an 8+. 7’s on 2D6 happens 58% of the time, so 8 or more on the same 2D6 is 42%, vs 50% on a single 4+ 🙂
Love me some dice math <3
Yay. My GK! Has been a tough couple of tournaments for me with them lately – the codex is feeling really old right now! Boy if you’re not at the top of your game mentally it’s a rough day lol. Having some playback issue with this vid for some reason.. anyone else?
How can you put transhuman onto Terminators? isn’t Prinaris only?