The Blood Temple: Chapter 23 | Dungeons & Dragons Cast of Players

In the desert sands of Samsa, the group set out to begin Pollux’s Trial…
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In this episode the adventurers beat up a bunch of nerds!!
So good this stuff. Need to get Bone back for a continuation!
Wonderful as always my dudes, thank you. Sanga, I genuinely like the idea of Pollux exploring his diplomatic side and trying to establish the pipeweed tradelines across nations. I really do love the character, you’re doing great my guy.
Bone, tracking those cultists wounds looked like a nightmare. I saw this awesome product the other day, it may help in the coming chapters tracking all of those models wounds.
Another brilliant instalment. Was kind of disappointed that Beard didn’t knock out the merchant to get the college 😂
Really good again!
Starting off with me already cracking up about the food bit.
How no one started shouting “the blessed number!” When the merchant leader was talking about 7 surprised me lol
Ryn has a not so veiled disdain for pretty much everyone in the party – I do enjoy his interactions with people.