Why Tyranids are the Best 40k Faction | Warhammer 40,000 Faction Focus

Avatar The Chef July 22, 202135  56 35 Likes

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In this first of a new series, Beard and Katie talk Tyranids, and why the think they’re the best 40k Faction!

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Adam Imeson
Adam Imeson
3 years ago

The best faction?!?! Too Destroy! Call the Inquisition this video is filled with heresy!.

3 years ago

Carnifexes and genestealers would definitely make it into my top 3. My last spot would go to hormagaunts, since I love the idea of a carpet of bladed gribblies ont he table (actual effectiveness aside 🙂 )

3 years ago

Good interview yall! I do look forward to this series going forward, and am wondering if there will be any guest appearances for some of the factions 🤔

Ben Pooley
Ben Pooley
3 years ago

I totally agree with your top 3 there, the world needs more carnifexes!

Lodge Member
3 years ago

KATIE!!! The love for Tyranids that you bring validates everything I yell at my screen when I watch batreps… MORE hive guard! Warriors! And warriors! And MORE warriors! I run 2 9-man warriors blobs fully kitted out and with enhanced resistance as Leviathan to make them even harder to kill (that and 18 zoanthropes 🤣). All of that being said, I can only hope that the new Tyranid codex gets the Necron treatment… It needs a full overhaul. Shadow in the Warp needs to be scarier, and affect more than just psykers (it affects everyone, just psykers more)… they need… Read more »

3 years ago

They’re coming out of the Goddamn walls!

Crew Member
3 years ago

Thanks for the advice!

Crew Member
3 years ago


The Greater Goose
The Greater Goose
3 years ago

Feels weird to see the swarmlord being called a classic. I still think of it as one of those shiny newfangled things that have only just appeared. In an unrelated note, my main tactic against tyranids is shouting at them to get off my lawn.

Vi Archer
Vi Archer
3 years ago

I remember playing against my mate’s tyranids in 4th ed. His carnifexes were genuinely scary. I would lose to them every time. Shame to see them such a minor unit now.

Lodge Member
3 years ago

Really great to hear why players love their factions! Thank you Katifex.
I look forward to Katie’s video on what her second favourite faction is, and why it’s the Raven Guard!

Laughing Forest
Laughing Forest
3 years ago

GSC player here. But what I do love most about the Tyranids is they are the most innocent species in the game. No pride, no lust, no greed, no betrayal, no evil, no good…just hunger, evolution, and survival.

Terrifying, but actually innocent relative even to humanity (and Tau are secretly evil, right?)

Tropic Thunder
Lifetime Member
Tropic Thunder
3 years ago

Good to see some Tyranid love on the website. They were the first army I bought (though not the first I ever had), so Tyranids will always hold a special place in my heart. 🙂 Katie, if you want to try a good close combat set of rules for the army, try a custom army that uses the Synaptic Augmentation and Hypermetabolic Acceleration hive fleet traits. The second is straightforward (you can reroll Advance rolls), but the first is nifty and seldom used. It requires a decent spread of Synapse and/or Psyker units on the board so you can have… Read more »

christopher medalis
christopher medalis
3 years ago

I love my ‘Nid army! I am a GSC fan first and foremost, but you need the rest of the Hive come to rescue them!
I’ve been working on speeding up my painting and finally got down to the bare-bones so I can crank out small bugs en-masse in about 15 minutes each on average. 😀

The Casual
Lodge Member
3 years ago

TT: starts doing ‘Nid related content.
Me: <insert Gandalf ‘Don’t tempt me Bilbo Baggins!’ meme here>

Christopher Moyzio
Christopher Moyzio
3 years ago

Guys. Wait. A new Presenter?
A Tyranid game followed by a Faction Focus Tyranids?


Love you guys!
Keep it up!

Mark Orosz
3 years ago

Katie you know what nid is good in combat? The toxicrene with the prey sight prey sight custom hive fleet trait!

Also Beard I think you did a good job on the interview.

Lodge Warrior Member
3 years ago

*Cough* Necrons *cough*

Stuart Dickson
Lodge Member
Stuart Dickson
3 years ago

If you have a predominantly white army you neeeeed an airbrush. Will save you so much time and your sanity

Lodge Member
3 years ago

That explains why the carnifexes are suddenly being brought out! I am still routinely tempted to buy the old 2nd edition screamer killer carnifex. All tentacles and yelling 🙂

Lodge Member
3 years ago

I don’t play nids admittedly. But am currently painting 30 (maybe 60) hormagaunts as a batch for a birthday present. And it’s so therapeutic just doing them to his colours. Terrifying too, thinking they’ll be coming my way.

Lifetime Member
3 years ago

Love this series already, very easy to watch and relatable.
This version of Katie presenting is AWESOME – real and genuine. Feels a lot more natural than the forced “no, I win” type of banter in the recent BatRep.
Well done Katie!

Nathan Whitchurch
Lifetime Member
3 years ago

Nidzilla is the best. We all love big bugs and we cannot lie. Its not competitive, but I do enjoy a 15 carnifex list led by Old One Eye. Its just good fun.

Steven Baker
Steven Baker
3 years ago

With new blast rules I can’t imagine how horde can be buffed enough. Going to be interesting

Lodge Member
3 years ago

I think Tyranids can stay squishy, at least the little bugs, but need to be given more deep strike or reserve options. I always imagine them swarming from all quarters, underground, and dropping from the sky. That and maybe some free model regeneration options for the small weak hoarde units for that endless tide feel.

Mikhail Davis
Lodge Member
Mikhail Davis
3 years ago

So Katie, if there was a second faction you’d want to play, which one would it be?

Jake Toner
Jake Toner
3 years ago

I really hope our new codex makes horde spam really viable and special for us. We should be the faction with way more models than anything else!

Ryan Muza
Lodge Member
Ryan Muza
3 years ago

This is totally not going to be biased 😉