The Blood Temple: Chapter 25 | Dungeons & Dragons Cast of Players

Back in the Temple, the group must face the ramifications of Pollux’s Trial…
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Thank you for the video!
No one want to be Hieronimous’ friend. Good he is the necromancer, so he can make some with ease!
Epic as always gents!!! Has been great catching up on this. 👍🏼
Epic character development 🔥
Mumbabe is an absalute boss!
Aww Hikotai telling Ryn he’s the fastest to save his pride….. when he actually got an additional 10ft of movement at level 2.
Funniest thing here is that is how they all talk to Sanga normally, that wasn’t role play. No seriously though that was phenomenal and can’t wait to see Ryn going forward and how the chemistry of the group has evolved. This one was a Banger my dudes.
Wow, amazing job guys. Great writing / DM-ing from B-Bone, amazing performance from Sanga, and wonderful reactions and support from the rest of the team. As I’ve said before, I came for 40K but I stay for D&D.
My word the bar just keeps rising!!!!!
Pollux!!! 😭😭😭😭
The story just keeps getting better and better! Unlike Beards dice rolls😄 Great episode guys.
I was getting ‘Stranger Things’ vibes from the hungry tree portal thing.
That was awesome roleplaying guys! Super interested to see what Ryn’s trial has in store!
GNNNNNAAAArgh! H’Sagan Drol feels for Heironymous.. he just wants FRIEEEENDS! Frothing for more boys! Ben you are a master weaver, a titan of tapestry! Rob you are smashing the roleplay, buddy, love ya work! Beard and Chef you keep impressing me more and more. And Geezer.. your characters are always spot on my friend. You all realise that Makkaz cut that big-arse world-tree down, dont you!?!?! Truly epic, im gunna steal a jet and parachute down on your heads for some of your sweet, sweet roleplay candy:) RA!
i love the little change of intro after and during last weeks recap. As a bit of a music nerd, whoever selected that, I tip my hat to you, Sir!
Been chomping at the bit for this since last week’s cliffhanger!
Yooooo chef straight up going off. 🔥🔥🔥my dudes