*NEW CODEXES!* Thousand Sons vs Grey Knights 2000pts | Warhammer 40,000 Battle Report

A storm of magic descends on the Studio as Chef and Spider bring out these two psychic forces for their new Codex debuts!
00:00 Intro
01:52 Grey Knights List
06:51 Thousand Sons List
11:01 Mission
12:06 Game Start
15:08 Game
2:17:22 We will what now?
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The Army Lists are:
Thousand Sons
++ Battalion Detachment ++
Cults of the Legion: Cult of Duplicity
+ HQ +
Daemon Prince of Tzeentch: Warlord- Undying Form, Relic- The Conniving Plate, Hellforged Sword, Wings, Powers- Twist of Fate, Desecration of Worlds
Exalted Sorcerer on Disc of Tzeentch: Legion Command- Rehati, Sorcerous Arcana- Thyrdderghyre, Force Stave, Warpflame Pistol, Powers- Tzeentch’s Firestorm, Doombolt
Sorcerer: Legion Command- Loyal Thrall, High Acolyte- Seeker After Shadows, Force Stave, Inferno Bolt Pistol, Powers- Temporal Surge, Weaver of Fates
Infernal Master: Sorcerous Arcana- Umbralefic Crystal, Force Stave, Inferno Bolt Pistol, Pacts- Bladed Maelstrom, Glimpse of Eternity, Power- Glamour of Tzeentch
+ Troops +
10x Rubric Marines: Icon of Flame
Aspiring Sorcerer: Force Stave, Inferno Bolt Pistol, Power- Presage
8x Rubric Marine: 8x Inferno Boltgun
Rubric Marine: Soulreaper Cannon
10x Rubric Marines: Icon of Flame
Aspiring Sorcerer: Force Stave, Inferno Bolt Pistol, Power- Gaze of Hate
8x Rubric Marine: 8x Inferno Boltgun
Rubric Marine: Soulreaper Cannon
5x Rubric Marines: Icon of Flame
Aspiring Sorcerer: Force Stave, Warpflame Pistol, Power- Pyric Flux
8x Rubric Marine: 3x Inferno Boltgun
Rubric Marine: Inferno Boltgun
20x Tzaangors: Brayhorn, Herd Banner
+ Elites +
Helbrute: Helbrute Fist, Twin Lascannon
Helbrute: Helbrute Fist, Twin Lascannon
5x Scarab Occult Terminators
Scarab Occult Sorcerer: Force stave, Inferno Combi-bolter, Power- Cacadaemonic Curse
2x Terminator: Prosperine Khopesh, Inferno Combi-bolter
Terminator: Prosperine Khopesh, Soulreaper Cannon
Terminator: Prosperine Khopesh, Inferno Combi-bolter, Hellfyre Missile Rack
5x Scarab Occult Terminators
Scarab Occult Sorcerer: Force stave, Inferno Combi-bolter, Power- Dark Blessing
2x Terminator: Prosperine Khopesh, Inferno Combi-bolter
Terminator: Prosperine Khopesh, Soulreaper Cannon
Terminator: Prosperine Khopesh, Inferno Combi-bolter, Hellfyre Missile Rack
++ Total: 2,000pts ++
Grey Knights
++ Battalion Detachment ++
Brotherhood: Wardmakers
+ HQ +
Grand Master in Nemesis Dreadknight: Warlord- Loremaster, Exemplar of the Silvered Host- First to the Fray, Relic- Sigil of Exigence, Gifts of the Prescient- Servant of the Throne, Nemesis Greatsword, Gatling Psilencer, Heavy Psycannon, Powers- Empyric Amplification, Vortex of Doom
Brother-Captain: Visions of the Augurium- Omen of Incursion, Nemesis Force Sword, Master-crafted Storm Bolter, Power- Sanctuary
Librarian: Gifts of the Prescient- Gem of Inoktu, Armoury of Titan- Sanctic Shard, Nemesis Warding Stave, Storm Bolter, Powers- Warp Shaping, Gate of Infinity
+ Troops +
5x Strike Squad: Power- Hammerhand
Justicar: Nemesis Force Sword, Storm Bolter
4x Grey Knight: Nemesis Force Sword, Storm Bolter
5x Strike Squad: Power- Hammerhand
Justicar: Nemesis Force Sword, Storm Bolter
4x Grey Knight: Nemesis Force Sword, Storm Bolter
5x Terminator Squad: Power- Hammerhand
Grey Knight Terminator Justicar: Nemesis Warding Stave, Storm Bolter
3x Terminator: Nemesis Force Sword, Storm Bolter
Terminator: Nemesis Force Sword, Psycannon
5x Terminator Squad: Power- Hammerhand
Grey Knight Terminator Justicar: Nemesis Warding Stave, Storm Bolter
3x Terminator: Nemesis Force Sword, Storm Bolter
Terminator: Nemesis Force Sword, Psycannon
+ Elites +
5x Purifier Squad: Power- Purifying Flame
Knight of the Flame: Nemesis Force Sword, Storm Bolter
4x Purifier: Nemesis Force Sword, Storm Bolter
Venerable Dreadnought: Dreadnought Combat Weapon, Multi-melta, Storm Bolter, Power- Armoured Resilience
+ Fast Attack +
Interceptor Squad: Power- Ethereal Castigation
Justicar: Nemesis Force Sword, Storm Bolter
4x Interceptor: Nemesis Force Sword, Storm Bolter
Interceptor Squad: Power- Ethereal Castigation
Justicar: Nemesis Force Sword, Storm Bolter
4x Interceptor: Nemesis Force Sword, Storm Bolter
+ Flyer +
Stormraven Gunship: Twin Heavy Plasma Cannon, Twin Multi-melta, 2x Hurricane bolter
++ Total: 2,000pts ++
Surprise – Grey Knights are still better. Thousand Sons are bar none the most powerful losers in the 40k universe. Both in the game and in the lore.
The “Flame of Udun” quote in the deployment had me cackling hahaha!! Good one, Chef!
Love how balanced these two books seem to be, both against one another and against books like Space Marines, Orks, Necrons and suchlike. Looks like a step down from the Drukhari/Ad Mech power level, which is only a good thing.
Lawrence as much as I love you – I did enjoy seeing that whiffer in your T2 psychic phase. Don’t think I’ve ever seen you roll like that!
Wonderful report as usual, gents! I am quite excited to get my hands on the new Thousand Sons codex for my own army and it looks like a lot of fun!
Boss game. Any chance for a good, bad and the ugly for these two codices?
Is Mr. Chef wearing white pants? If so, why?
I’m a Grey Knight main player, and the new codex feels like a huge miss for me, all the finesse from previous codex and supplement is gone in favor of powerful state lines. Terminators are abit too over costed, you basically get 2 strikes per Terminator, giving you equal or more shots, more attacks, more wounds, and 2x5strikes vs 1x5terminators is more smites. Draigo is a badman, and gmdk’s and ndk’s seem great, but so much of the power is in strike squads and tide of convergence. Losing the bonus to cast really hurt too, and the only army bonus… Read more »
Loved it! I must confess i enjoy Lawrence using more fun lists in no league games! Looking forward to see the sons in crusade!
Chef + Spider: Let us show you all the cool things these armies can do in the new codexes.
Grey Knights + Thousand Sons: DENIED
Love the demon prince conversion. What parts were used? Wanted to show my friend in case he wanted to do for his TSons
A great match, just love ’em when they go the distance. Did you guys not get the new Ork codex or did a miss a game down the line seeing as the Ork dex came out before these two. Keep on keeping on with the great content!
Gah, all that mortal wound potentially. It kicks me right in the Necrons
Awesome batrep guys, as always
Is it me or is the cam quality improved? Loving the vids guys!
Looks like a return to form from GW with these codices. Balanced and fluffy.
Amazing!! Fantastic game guys!
Haven’t watched yet but hoping for a Chef Victory. Chef vs. Spider is one of my favorite match up’s. After watching this channel for awhile, I now have a better understanding of how my friends felt when playing games against me. I’m the Spider in my group, and I love it. Not sure if you all are familiar with the children’s story of, “The Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly,” but just saying, if I was in your circle I’d be the bird that she swallowed to eat the spider. Speaking of which, possible nickname for the newbie, of “Old… Read more »
Any idea when those teal dice you fellas are using for cabal points will be back on stock?
(You guys need a stock notification email thing for your shop)
i think i’ll have to wait a while on the Grey knights codex, as i play both these armies i’ve had to be a good boy and pick one to start with and wait on the other. (I am the warp. Sue me.) Still, i was excited for it to arrive, and you guys have only made me more so. Thanks for such a great showcase.
Ooohhh great! New rules… but still no orks??? Waaaaaggghhhhhhh
A flyer in 9th edition… I think the Spider might be going soft..
Cabal rituals are so cool.
I loved the synergy between you two today, great battle report! 😀
Interesting game as a Grey Knight fan, feel like i might stand a better chance against my pals Death Guard now.
Quick question, I noticed Spider was using tides from the new book. Is the Ritual of the Damned book obsolete now?
What an awesome game! With the 2 daemon primarchs being updated now, we need a Mortarion VS Magnus battle rep 😀
Just wanted to mention the great paint job on the Grey knights. Cudos to whoever did these!
Grey Knights bossing the warp and yet Mephiston is basically an average psyker… Blood Angels need a new codex 😂
Subtly dropping the new father comment Lawrence?? Unless I’ve missed something this is news!
Congrats mate!!
Great game! As a son of Magnus been looking forward to this game all week 🙂
Always nice to see Prince Phillip in action. I hope the new codex will be kind to him.
Both codices seem to hit the mark of creating a feel for super psychic kung fu masters incredibly well. The Daemonic Pacts in particular looks like a neat mechanic.
All in all, very exciting !
Wouldn’t you get all is dust for that last bit of shooting against the bolters?
At 45:50 did the Interceptors not get +1 attack for the charge?….never mind must have missed it earlier but heard it later, no Shock Assault…sad face but ok
Why must I have to wait so long to watch this. Darn you work!!
This is awesome! Can’t wait to see more psychic armies on the board. Do you guys know when the ork codex debut video is coming?
HYPE! I’m excited for this game.
Really enjoyable game, both factions seems interesting! I cannot judge if the competitive scene will turn them in the new terror (let’s hope not) but for the little I saw I’d say that this time around the rules favour the TSons since their bonus will always be effective (the +1 to cast) while in many game the +1 to deny and maybe even the 5+ against MW will not come up for the Grey Knights.
I’m really looking forward to see how Lawrence will manage to shock everyone with a new nightmarish Grey Knights list!
Just making a start on the rep now, but as a bit of feedback though that I’ve mentioned before, please can you avoid using the premiere feature in future on YT? If you miss the start, you generally have to either wait for it to finish to get full video feed/closed caption options or have to somehow find a way of tracking to beginning and hide the chat/commentary spoiling later in the video, not to mention it tends to boot me off the video regardless where I am when it finishes, which isn’t ideal. EDIT – As a potential resolution,… Read more »
Very excited to see future competitive lists of these bad boys!
Great game guys, lots of fun.
As I just started a Grey Knight army I can’t wait to hear your thoughts on them when you do a faction focus for them.
Chef starts with 9 command points, rolls a total of 9 to see who goes first. Surely he must win the game…. (paused after the roll off). As an aside chef, you seem a lot more positive and chipper these days. Pre-covid, I remember you seemed rather glum. Happy to see it! Keep up the great reports team!
Where is the Ork codex review?
I don’t think I have seen that tremendous Tzeentch Daemon Prince conversion before, is it new?
Also I find it suspicious that both sides invoke the Flame of Udûn… are they all just agents of Morgoth?
Great news that you got the codices early this time. Havent watched the battle report yet but looking forward to it. But I have to say that GW:s release schedule for 40K boggles my mind. Ork players who havent got hold of the Beast snagga box have to wait for the codex which we dont know when it will be released. Its just weird.
Glad to see you got your preview copies of the codices. I am really looking forward to this. Going to preorder my thousand sons codex, so I am routing for them today. Sorry Spider – we just are not aligned this time.
My question though, in this Codex, do you feel Magnus worth the investment of points?
Awesome loving the look of these books so far.
Little off topic but since from what you said it sounds like Magnus is returning even better than before is there any chance of seeing a studio space wolves force in the near future? Would love to see Magnus vs Grimnar or Ragnar !
Loving the content at the moment guys but you know I’m always going to be asking about the wolves.
Does Grey Knights and Tsons get the ability that the Smite spell doesnt go up in dice rolls to get it off?
What’s with the two minute timer at the beginning?
These books seem much more reasonable at a first glance! Kind of sucks my GK get the +1 deny as it’s only useful some of the time. Could be clutch when CWE/tyranids/daemons get their book
Great game and codex preview gents! Look like some nice updates and not OP like other recent releases. Pity they didn’t upscale the GK minis. Look comical by today’s standards! Speaking of this did they mention anything in the updated Lore about Primaris and GK?
Why have you set the video set to premiering? Please don’t do this. I now can’t watch until it’s finished even via the app? Hugely disappointing as I have some time now to watch and I can’t? This isn’t what I pay for I’m paying for on demand entertainment.