The Blood Temple: Chapter 29 | Dungeons & Dragons Cast of Players

Avatar The Chef August 25, 202122  30 22 Likes

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Finding themselves in Hakotay’s homeland, his Trial seemingly begins as they set foot in his village…

⚔️ Joining the adventure late? Start your journey from the beginning! Chapter 1 here!

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27 days ago

Watching this between episodes of Chef’s current (2024) campaign, I think something has to be said about Bone’s sound effects. I’m not sure he really nails all the different voices – his noble Middle-Eastern voice sounds very similar to his generic ‘Asian’ accent – but he really nailed the various cries and noises of the monsters, as well as the other thumps and crashes that give this campaign so much of its unsettling atmosphere. He was also prepared to go to some very dark places, often inspired by great movie horror moments. I think Chef’s campaign is a bit less… Read more »

Gavin Crane
Lodge Member
Gavin Crane
2 years ago

I wish this was a movie, if it was id be at the door just shouting, Take My Money!!!

2 years ago

Holy poop, this is some tension buildup! Love the roleplay and especially the creativity when it comes to casting spells and attacking! This is the stuff that makes a dnd session even more cinematic and immersive!

Philippe Boulanger
Lodge Member
2 years ago

Hell of a cliffhanger!

I imagined the end scene as the Armageddon slow motion walk, but with the somber humming instead of an epic fanfare. Powerful !

Lodge Member
2 years ago

Second last episode? Will the series continue with a new campain or is this it?

joseph woodland
joseph woodland
2 years ago

oooh this build up has been so good i don’t know if i can wait till next week. Get ready for the boss fight of all boss fights now i suppose.

Lodge Member
2 years ago

Is it just one of the mics has a dodgy connection as it seems to always be one of you.

Also sad times, only two episodes of Bone left…

Marco Gomes
Lodge Member
2 years ago

I’m simultaneously looking forward to next week and also dreading it. I’m going to miss this.

Gerald Cloud
2 years ago

It does work on YouTube though.

Gerald Cloud
2 years ago

Getting the same unavailable message. Restarted phone and app.

Crew Member
2 years ago

Weird… how about signing out and back in again? If that doesn’t work please email with your device details 🙂

Lodge Member
2 years ago

It says”video not available”