Deathwatch vs Tyranids 2000pts | Warhammer 40,000 Battle Report

Avatar The Chef September 4, 202138  35 38 Likes

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It’s time for a bug hunt, but can Beard and Deathwatch strike a decisive enough blow against Jinx and the Tyranids?!

00:00 Intro

01:21 Tyranids List

05:31 Deathwatch List

08:55 Mission

09:58 Game Intro

11:17 Game

1:36:24 WHY PLEASE

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The Army Lists are:


++ Battalion Detachment ++

+ HQ +

Captain: Warlord- Optimised Priority, Relic- The Thief of Secrets, Combi-melta

Chaplain: Master of Sanctity, Hero of the Chapter- Wise Orator, Relic of the Chapter- Benediction of Fury, Jump Pack

+ Troops +

10x Fortis Kill Team
Intercessor Sergeant: Auto Bolt Rifle
4x Intercessor: Auto Bolt Rifles
5x Hellblaster: Assault plasma Incinerators

9x Fortis Kill Team
Intercessor Sergeant: Auto Bolt Rifle
5x Intercessor: Auto Bolt Rifles
3x Outrider

10x Proteus Kill Team
Watch Sergeant: Power Sword, Deathwatch Boltgun
Black Shield: Power Sword, Thunder Hammer
6x Deathwatch Veteran: Power Sword, Deathwatch Boltgun
Deathwatch Veteran: Infernus Heavy Bolter

+ Elites +

5x Deathwatch Terminator Squad
Deathwatch Terminator Sergeant: Power Fist, Storm Bolter
Deathwatch Terminator: Power Fist, Storm Bolter
3x Deathwatch Terminator: Power Fist, Storm Bolter, Cyclone Missile Launcher

Redemptor Dreadnought: Heavy Onslaught Gatling Cannon, Onslaught Gatling Cannon, 2x Storm Bolters

5x Reiver Squad: Grav Chutes
Reiver Sergeant: Combat Knife, Special Issue Bolt Pistol
4x Reiver: Combat Knife, Special Issue Bolt Pistol

5x Reiver Squad: Grav Chutes
Reiver Sergeant: Combat Knife, Special Issue Bolt Pistol
4x Reiver: Combat Knife, Special Issue Bolt Pistol

+ Heavy Support +

5x Eradicator Squad: Melta Rifles

+ Dedicated Transport +

Drop Pod: Deathwind Launcher


++ Battalion Detachment ++

Hive Fleet: Kronos

+ HQ +

Tyranid Prime: Warlord, Relic – The Norn Crown, Scything Talons, Deathspitter

Neurothrope: Bounty of the Hive Fleet- Resonance Barb

The Swarmlord

+ Troops +

3x Ripper Swarm

20x Termagant: Devourers

19x Termagant: Devourers

5x Tyranid Warriors: Adaptive Physiology- Enhanced Resistance
4x Tyranid Warrior: Boneswords, Deathspitter
Tyranid Warrior: Scything Talons, Venom Cannon

+ Elites +

6x Hive Guard: Impaler Cannons


6x Zoanthropes

+ Heavy Support +



Tyrannofex: Rupture Cannon

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Lodge Member
3 years ago

Caught this at the start. Symbiostorm on an exocrine which hasn’t moved would explode on 5’s. The wording on the power doesn’t say unmodified 6’s and exocrines receive a +1 to hit for being stationary

Lewis Elmes
3 years ago

Great game that, nice to see Katie get better and better!

USS Sylvester
Lodge Member
3 years ago

Good battle but I’ll feel Chef pain with CP when you do stratagem that you don’t have CP for basically change the game but really want to see deathwatch do better they got so much going for them as there codex and there so cool plus I’ll hate nids so I want to see them get a good beating lol 😂

Mike S.
Lodge Member
Mike S.
3 years ago

The postcredit scene should get you an oscar easily 😀
Awesome Game!

Jeremy Taylor
3 years ago

chef at 44:26. Would it make you feel any better if I told you that we take great pleasure in your misery?

James Newell
James Newell
3 years ago

You’ve got to use positive reinforcement techniques with Beard & Jynx everytime they get the CPs right give them some beer…a little bit of beer goes a long way

Mark Orosz
3 years ago

Fun game always love the nids and it is nice to see a bit of a mixup in hive fleets. Jinx you are bringing in some great banter and energy that plays off the rest of the cast well. I really enjoy the casting choice Lawrence.

Also that Neurothrope is pretty epic!

Francisco Michels
Lodge Member
Francisco Michels
3 years ago

Good game

August Aronsson
August Aronsson
3 years ago

My original belief was that Jinx had devoured Bone’s biomass and incorporated his genetic traits with her own. It seemed reasonable. Then he proceeded to post on Instagram, so i wrote that theory off. But now, seeing her making a near flawless imitation of Bone shouting ”This is all very stressful!”… I’m not so sure.

Nikola Milenic
Nikola Milenic
3 years ago

You are so funny and delightful! Yay! 😊

Nikola Milenic
Nikola Milenic
3 years ago

“They’re everywhere! They’re in my raccoon wounds!” Lmfao, classic

Last edited 3 years ago by Nikola Milenic
Matthew Biro
Lodge Member
Matthew Biro
3 years ago

Welcome to the minus CP club Katie 😁 The look of sadness on chef’s face when the allure of membership was too much is priceless.

It’s also nice to see the tradition of naming models in the Tyranid army continues, which for this match up is very relevant because of the hilarious ranty argument Mr Bone and spider had in lockdown before playing deathwatch and nids.

3 years ago

Awesome game! Also, please never stop doing the Chef cut always during mistakes and odd moments. They are comedy gold and make the world a brighter place.

Lodge Member
3 years ago

Great bat rep and love the banter and interactions but please, if only for Chef’s sanity, and gameplay, get the command points right lol. That 2pt stratagem that there wasn’t points for killed the warlord, pretty significant event. Whether it changed the outcome or not is up in the air but hate to see a swing like that.

Adam Adair
Adam Adair
3 years ago

That bit at the end was like the floating door scene from titanic.

Adam Adair
Adam Adair
3 years ago

I LOLed when chef popped up.

Aron Rowley
Lodge Member
Aron Rowley
3 years ago

How does a lictor have less attacks than a space marine? Roll on new codex!

Nick Kirkham
Lodge Member
Nick Kirkham
3 years ago

Beard, Black Shields are WS 2+. Looking forward to seeing your Deathwatch reinforcements

Miles Scholl
Miles Scholl
3 years ago

Been missing that classic Beard rolling lately, good to see it back 🤣

3 years ago

Loved the game and the editing! Small headsup for Katie: if you have 4 or more Zoanthropes you can manifest two powers, so psychic scream away!

3 years ago

Beard. Remember you can choose active doctrine per turn with DW.😀

The Casual
Lodge Member
3 years ago

44mins. Nice to see Jinx is learning from Beard in the correct way to crush Chef’s cold, metallic soul 😀

Dan Wood
3 years ago

Watching 40k’s true good guys eat some Space Marines makes working overtime more bearable! Nom nom for the Hivemind!

O Brother J
3 years ago

What a game. Simply fantastic! Very entertaining, great match up with Beard DW and Jinx Nids! The personalities really take this channel to the next level for me

Tobias Heuser
Tobias Heuser
3 years ago

Yes, tanky Swarmlords are the best Swarmlords. Great and fun video as always. 🙂 Although the bugs deserved to pay extra this game ^^, i think Katie did not need to pay the cp to reroll the perils. The Neurothrope has an aura to let friendly Zoes in 6 reroll 1s on psy tests, which should count also for the Neurothrope himself because he has the Keyword Zoanthrope.

Lodge Warrior Member
3 years ago

Ah, yes… Beard rolling like Beard, negative count on the CPs, editing room cuts, Chef crying… The world is working as it should today too, I can face the week end with peace of mind!

Last edited 3 years ago by Stefano
3 years ago

I’m right there with you beard, I love the blackshields and always give then two weapons just for them to die before doing anything every game
What they should do is let you take a squad of blackshields!

Kaibong deity
Lodge Warrior Member
Kaibong deity
3 years ago

Poor tyranids. Every meal seems to be in a tin can these days xD

David Beck
Lodge Member
David Beck
3 years ago

I love the “impressions from the editing room” :D. Always a joy to see the Tyranids. Keep up the good work!

Neil Newman
3 years ago

Love the Black Shield with PS/TH tec. If that ain’t rule of cool idk what is.

Joerg Kuehling
3 years ago


Simon Cooper
Lodge Member
Simon Cooper
3 years ago

Go on beard do it for the Deathwatch!!!

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