Tallarn vs Necrons 2000pts | Warhammer 40,000 Battle Report

Matt Jarvis marches down to the studio with his legion of Necrons to challenge Beard and the Tallarn!
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The Army Lists are:
++ Battalion Detachment 0CP (Imperium – Astra Militarum) ++
Regimental Doctrine: Regiment: Tallarn
+ Stratagems +
Tank Ace
+ HQ +
Company Commander: Laspistol, Power sword, Relic: Kurov’s Aquila
Primaris Psyker: Nightshroud
Tank Commander: Heavy Bolter, Steel Commander, Track guards, Turret-mounted Demolisher Siege Cannon, Warlord
2 Heavy Bolters
+ Troops +
Infantry Squad
9x Guardsman: 9x Lasgun
Sergeant: Laspistol
Infantry Squad
9x Guardsman: 9x Lasgun
Sergeant: Laspistol
Infantry Squad
9x Guardsman: 9x Lasgun
Sergeant: Laspistol
Infantry Squad
9x Guardsman: 9x Lasgun
Sergeant: Laspistol
+ Elites +
Bullgryn: Grenadier Gauntlet, Slabshield
Bullgryn: Grenadier Gauntlet, Slabshield
Bullgryn: Grenadier Gauntlet, Slabshield
Bullgryn: Grenadier Gauntlet, Slabshield
Bullgryn: Grenadier Gauntlet, Slabshield
Bullgryn: Grenadier Gauntlet, Slabshield
Bullgryn: Grenadier Gauntlet, Slabshield
Bullgryn Bone ‘ead: Bullgryn Maul, Slabshield
Command Squad
Veteran w/ Special Weapon: Meltagun
Veteran w/ Special Weapon: Meltagun
Veteran w/ Special Weapon: Meltagun
Veteran w/ Special Weapon: Meltagun
Command Squad
Veteran w/ Special Weapon: Meltagun
Veteran w/ Special Weapon: Meltagun
Veteran w/ Special Weapon: Meltagun
Veteran w/ Special Weapon: Meltagun
Master of Ordnance
Platoon Commander: Boltgun
Platoon Commander: Boltgun
+ Fast Attack +
Hellhound: Heavy Bolter, Inferno Cannon
Hellhound: Heavy Bolter, Inferno Cannon
+ Heavy Support +
Heavy Weapons Squad
Heavy Weapon Team: Autocannon
Heavy Weapon Team: Autocannon
Heavy Weapon Team: Autocannon
Heavy Weapons Squad
Heavy Weapon Team: Missile launcher
Heavy Weapon Team: Missile launcher
Heavy Weapon Team: Missile launcher
Leman Russ Battle Tanks
Leman Russ Battle Tank: Battle Cannon, Heavy Bolter, Track guards
2 Heavy Bolters
Leman Russ Executioner: Lascannon, Slow and Purposeful, Track guards
2 Plasma Cannons
+ Dedicated Transport +
Chimera: Heavy Bolter, Multi-laser
Chimera: Heavy Bolter, Multi-laser
Chimera: Heavy Bolter, Multi-laser
Battalion detachment – novokh
Lord-warlord trait immortal pride relic orb of eternity
Chronomancer relic veil of darkness
Entropic Lance
Chronomancer – aeon stave
Troops –
20x Necron warrior gauss reaper
10x Necron warrior – gauss reaper
10x Necron warrior – gauss reaper
Elites –
Canoptek spyder – gloom prison
5x lychguard with hyper phase sword and dispersion shield
5x lychguard with war scythe
2x cryptothrall
2 x cryptothrall
Canoptek plasmacyte
Fast attack –
6x Ophidian destroyer
3x scarab swarm
4x scarab swarm
Supreme command detachment
The silent king – 2x triachal menhir warlord trait The Triarchs Will
A small point, may have been picked up already.
Lasgun arrays are Rapid3. And the chimera is equipped with 2. So that’s 12 shots in rapid fire range Beard.
Come for the games, stay for the sultry jazz during technical difficulties.
I would love to see Tank Commanders reduce damage by 1 similar to the new version of Ramshackle that the Orks got, would help them stick around a lot longer whilst not being as obnoxious as SM dreads 😂
Good showing of the Necrons. But beard gave it a good go with the IG who is woefully needing an update…
ps, de Tank Commander had a demolisher cannon, not a battlecannon acording to the list. (beard used it at least once a such)
Guest show + Necrons ? Oh baby 👌
Great show up Jarvis and congrats on the win.
It was nice seeing rarely played units on the board, like the Ophydians. It would have been nicer to see them do something: damn you Beard ! Szarek was a beast though.
Any reason the “Cast” option isnt available through the app here? I dont like watching through YT cuz they pepper me with ads 🤬
Ps. no anger is aimed towards the great team over at Team Spooder
Poor Bullgryns didnt get their tincan refund 😥
Nice game!
The Silent King it’s always quite a pain, and I often find that the menhirs are the most troublesome part. When I play against him I usually try to make them blow as soon as I can, then ignore the big guy till he’s really close to my line and then I charge him. But then again, lately I’m almost always playing with my Death Guard, so in melee there are not many things that trouble me… maybe with my marines or sisters I would face him differently.
Brilliant match! Glad to have someone who can finally pronounce Szarekh right 😂
Yes there are some ideas about that 🙂
Awesome!!!! what a great way to spend a Saturday morning b4 being dragged into Work , thank u 🙂
Also what if the name ‘Silent King’ is just an ironic nickname, and he keeps keeps chatting on and on and on with verbal diarrhoea. And his 2 mates are there just to help wind him in a bit
Amazing!! Thanks for having me guys!!!
A new feature? A good idea 🙂 One of the strengths of TT is the engaging people we tune in to see play. Seeing our virtual WH40k buddies go up against guests players will be interesting!
Just about to watch 🙂…