How to Survive 9th Edition – Tyranids | Warhammer 40,000 Faction Focus

Join Chef and Jinx as they talk about how the Hive Fleets are faring in the current state of the game, in the first of a new series looking at some of the tips that can help the older books.
*ATTENTION* – This was filmed prior to the Rising Tide book, so rules in there will not be discussed in this video. Forge World is also not discussed, as this series is focusing on the base Codexes and Supplements
00:00 Intro
01:48 So what’s the issue?
08:10 But what can they do?
13:36 Top 3 Units
25:50 Top 3 Combos
40:59 Wrap Up
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Feel like maybe this could have been re-shot or waited until the book had dropped. And it seems wierd to call surviving 9th to a faction posting good results quite consistently with multiple builds, from jogmundr warriors to 4 armed emperor allies and dimacherons to kronos shooting. With the new book they have serious play into top armies.
I agree with a lot of what you guys are saying. I think the nids are not an ideal all around force and a lot comes down to gimmicks which will make them more of a gate keeper. That said most people aren’t playing in tournaments all the time so they can do well in a local meta. I run an extreme skew with good success in my local meta but I am doubtful as to how well they will perform when I take them to a GT with a bunch of competitive lists. I’ve found my brand of nidzilla… Read more »
Jinx: “Chitin”
me: *spittake* they did WHAT in their cup?!
I’m hoping to get a Craftworlds version! Especially if that means that new rules will come out right as y’all publish XD
Funny you bring this video now where some of the stuff you mention is changed by the octarius book ( for example the symbiostorm got fixed to only count on unmod. 6). But that is a delayed release thing. Still liked to listen to all your knowledge very much 😀👍
Much agreed to the laments about how anti-fluff one has to play with Kronos and Hive Guard – I’ve been insisently excluding them from my lists since 8th, and for those who feel the same, I’m a big advocate for Jormungandr – its a hive fleet that benefits hugely from enhanced resistance, or even adaptive camo, obv on Warriors but also (tho I’m sure many will scoff) on Genestealers w extended carapaces. Now that theyre at least 13 instead of 15 pts its worth a look I think. Throw in the Maleceptor w the -1S strat and it often pushes… Read more »
It’s Kronos specific and situational but there’s a 1cp strat – the deepest shadow – to force your opponent to only roll 1d6 for their psychic power if the psyker is within 24” of a Kronos unit. Fire some spore mines with your biovores (as they are classed as infantry move the biovore beforehand to give the -1 to hit and increase the chance to “miss” thus placing your spore mines between 3” and 6” from your target) your spore mines are keyword Kronos and boom you can potentially auto deny a key power. Pretty janky and also great as… Read more »
Curious to see what other factions you guys will be covering next 😜
CHEF!! completely unrelated to the video but any chance you’d try out Mike Porters list from the weekend that won the Goonhammer Open UK?? It’s 1300 pts of best of fusion harlequins and the rest expert crafters CWE with msu of shining spears and dark reapers. Obviously for the league, pleeeease..?
GREAT VIDEO GUYS…. hope they give Tyranids a total new gaming style with synapse synergy in the style of Power from Pain. Each synapse unit gives a different buff to all units in total synapse range and the synapse ranges reach between all Synapse bubble.(1. It will make it more fluffy with killing synapse will make your swarm weaker.. 2. You buy more unused minis.. 3. You play a wellround army..) .. Not this strange Leviathan Supplement stuff…. And by the love of god give me advance and Charge…… I don’t think zoans will keep their 3+ invul, will be… Read more »
GREAT VIDEO GUYS…. hope they give Tyranids a total new gaming style with synapse synergy in the style of Power from Pain. Each synapse unit gives a different buff to all units in total synapse range and the synapse ranges reach between all. Synapse bubble.(1. It will make it more fluffy with killing synapse will make your swarm weaker.. 2. You buy more unused minis.. 😁 😁 3. You play a wellround army..) .. Not this strange Leviathan Supplement stuff…. And by the love of god give me advance and Charge…… I don’t think zoans will keep there 3+ invul,… Read more »
Lictors are great for RoD but I wish they were more like the fluff. Terrifying infiltrators and murder machines.
Great video tho,loved the Beard edit!
Ky-tin 😉
Nice faction focus. The main issue is the rules are against the fluff… And the hive guard are not the best looking minis… A shame. Hope the new codex is out soon enough!
*Kitten ;p