Death Guard vs Grey Knights | 2000pts Warhammer 40,000 Battle Report

Avatar The Chef November 20, 202139  54 39 Likes

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Its stink vs shine as Chef and James battle it out, but will it be toughness or psychic might that takes victory?

00:00 Now available in store!

00:31 Intro

02:17 Death Guard Army List

05:37 Grey Knight Army List

08:38 Mission – Battle Lines

09:44 Game Intro

10:36 Game

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The Army Lists are:

Death Guard

++ Battalion Detachment ++

Plague Company: The Ferrymen

+ HQ +

Death Guard Daemon Prince: Warlord- Hulking Physique, Relic- Plague Skull of Glothila, Helforged Sword, Foetid Wings, Power- Miasma of Pestilence

Lord of Contagion: Plaguechosen- The Droning, Manreaper, Orb of Desiccation

+ Troops +

5x Plague Marines
Plague Champion: Power Fist, Boltgun
Plague Marine: Flail of Corruption
Plague Marine: Blight Launcher
2x Plague Marine: Plague Knife, Boltgun

5x Plague Marines
Plague Champion: Power Fist, Boltgun
Plague Marine: Flail of Corruption
Plague Marine: Blight Launcher
2x Plague Marine: Plague Knife, Boltgun

5x Plague Marines
Plague Champion: Power Fist, Boltgun
Plague Marine: Flail of Corruption
Plague Marine: Blight Launcher
2x Plague Marine: Plague Knife, Boltgun

5x Plague Marines
Plague Champion: Plague Knife, Boltgun
Plague Marine: Flail of Corruption
Plague Marine: Blight Launcher
2x Plague Marine: Plague Knife, Boltgun

+ Elites +

Biologus Putrifier

5x Blightlord Terminators
Blightlord Champion: Bubotic Axe, Combi-plasma
Blightlord Terminator: Flail of Corruption
Blightlord Terminator: Bubotic Axe, Blight Launcher
Blightlord Terminator: Balesword, Combi-bolter
Blightlord Terminator: Bubotic Axe, Combi-bolter

5x Blightlord Terminators
Blightlord Champion: Bubotic Axe, Combi-plasma
Blightlord Terminator: Flail of Corruption
Blightlord Terminator: Bubotic Axe, Blight Launcher
Blightlord Terminator: Balesword, Combi-bolter
Blightlord Terminator: Bubotic Axe, Combi-bolter

Foul Blightspawn: Gifts of Decay- Revolting Stench-vats


+ Fast Attack +

Myphitic Blight-hauler

Myphitic Blight-hauler

+ Dedicated Transport +

Chaos Rhino

Chaos Rhino

Chaos Rhino

++ Total: 2,000pts ++

Grey Knights

++ Battalion Detachment ++

Brotherhood: Wardmakers

+ HQ +

Grand Master Voldus: Warlord- Loremaster

Brother-Captain: Nemesis Daemon Hammer, Master-crafted Storm Bolter

Castellan Crowe: Shield of Humanity- Hammer of Righteousness

+ Troops +

6x Brotherhood Terminator Squad
Grey Knight Terminator Justicar: Nemesis Force Halberd, Storm Bolter
5x Terminator: Nemesis Force Halberd, Storm Bolter

5x Strike Squad
Grey Knight Justicar: Nemesis Force Sword, Storm Bolter
4x Grey Knight: Nemesis Force Sword, Storm Bolter

5x Strike Squad
Grey Knight Justicar: Nemesis Force Sword, Storm Bolter
4x Grey Knight: Nemesis Force Sword, Storm Bolter

5x Strike Squad
Grey Knight Justicar: Nemesis Force Sword, Storm Bolter
4x Grey Knight: Nemesis Force Sword, Storm Bolter

+ Elites +

Brotherhood Ancient: Relic- Banner of Refining Flame

Brotherhood Apothecary: Nemesis Force Halberd

5x Paladin Squad
Paragon: Nemesis Daemon Hammer, Storm Bolter
4x Paladin: Nemesis Daemon Hammer, Storm Bolter

5x Purifier Squad
Knight of the Flame: Nemesis Force Sword, Storm Bolter
2x Purifier: Nemesis Force Sword, Storm Bolter
2x Purifier: Incinerator

5x Purifier Squad
Knight of the Flame: Nemesis Force Sword, Storm Bolter
2x Purifier: Nemesis Force Sword, Storm Bolter
2x Purifier: Incinerator

+ Flyer +

Stormraven Gunship: Twin Heavy Plasma Cannon, Twin Multi-melta, 2x Hurricane Bolters

++ Total: 1,997pts ++

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Thijs Schrijnemakers
3 years ago

Thought the GK had it, well fought back Chef =) thanks for the batrep

Joshua Mcewen
Lodge Member
Joshua Mcewen
3 years ago

I don’t have much interest in either of these factions. Still highly entertaining and engaging. Another example of what makes the table top tactics team so extraordinary.

Lu Watkinson
Lu Watkinson
3 years ago

I really wish we could get an MP3 of chef going ” oh you have a character? DEAD!” because it will make a beautiful text tone

Lodge Member
3 years ago

Almost every time James makes a joke i think “aww, bless”.

Jinx and Bless for nicknames?

Scott Dominey
Scott Dominey
3 years ago

Well played gents. Liked the camera work Jinx. Always a joy.

Philippe Boulanger
Lodge Member
3 years ago

Thanks for taking the time to respond. The quality of the show is just bonkers. You must be doing something right ☺️

Maj. Boredom
Lodge Member
3 years ago

Loving the new format of showing the moves for each army at the start of your turn.

Richard Dodd
Richard Dodd
3 years ago

how come i can’t download this one?

Lodge Member
3 years ago

Great game, love the new format. James is a great addition. I know GK list wasn’t optimized but still hate DG, too resilient and tough, reducing damage and toughness of opponent (?). Plague Marine taking out Voldus easily…

Francisco Michels
Lodge Member
Francisco Michels
3 years ago

Good game, really enjoyed the death gaurd list.

Lodge Member
3 years ago

Should Crowe have fought first in the fight phase due to Martial superiority? I dont think it would have made a difference though. Great game, I always feel for Chef with his rolls though… DG vs GK is a match i play quite a bit (from the GK side), dont know what you guys think but i feel i have to make maximum use of MWs in my psychic phase (making taking a libby bomb almost insta pick)? With the lack of range and the DG’s making most GK stuff 1D and then reducing toughness in combat, really seems to… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Mozno1
Matt Hall
Matt Hall
3 years ago

If you dropped two blight Terminators and put them in one unit you could get a unit 18 of pox walkers,have to drop a combi plasma and a blight launcher though.. ,just love the pox Walker’s think there the best unit for there points in the game.

Last edited 3 years ago by Matt Hall
Benoit Cappez
Lifetime Member
3 years ago

Great game !! So many up and downs along the turns… Awesome.
The new format is getting better each time. I was painting when listening so I lost some details, like Voldus’s demise because sountrack only doesn’t help. My bad.

Clive Carrington
Clive Carrington
3 years ago

I think a good nickname for James would be “the Bard” he reminds me of the bard from the witcher and also annunciates like his on stage when he gets excited. Very entertaining!

Philippe Boulanger
Lodge Member
3 years ago

Great show guys ! Out of curiosity, why did you guys make the change to the format ? Is it a response to a technical issue or a popular request or ? I like it, I’m just genuinely interested. I like that the players are describing the plays now (as opposed to a neutral camera person) but for me, the entertainment value would go up if the third person would chime in a bit more. Jinx did it a little more in this batrep and it was good. Not a complaint : I know you like constructive feedbacks so there… Read more »

Jack Kypreos
Lodge Member
3 years ago

Loved the non meta lists. I love infantry heavy GK. Only thing i wouldve done differently woulda been spamming the Purifying ritual for a quick maxxed secondary. Its too good and i may be incorrect here but shouldnt Crowe have fought first because of his rule? Regardless Ive been keen to see James battle Chef and was even better to see him use my Favorite army. The crew is on point with the editting! Epic

Lodge Member
3 years ago

I really like “The Moose” for James’ nickname.

Last edited 3 years ago by Cassteel
Jared Bonter
3 years ago

As a Canadian, I am extremely offended by this episode. The Moose is a majestic creature whose eggs provide much needed nourishment in the winter months

Lodge Member
3 years ago

I love the commercial at the beginning! It was awesome 🙂 Can I expect videos at the end of upcoming videos to have the gang singing Christmas carols? That would be awesome! 🙂

Wayne Englouen
Wayne Englouen
3 years ago

“Video unavailable” now I’m sad.

Leon Wait
Lodge Member
Leon Wait
3 years ago

When I got up this morning I had plan to order a Christmas jumper so I guess it was meant to be 👍

Miles Scholl
Miles Scholl
3 years ago

Whole team is on point rn, James and Katy are fitting in so well

Lodge Member
3 years ago

Really like this format. Works well. Seeing the movements is much better imo.

3 years ago

Chef, the “bad luck” quick edit made me choke on my coffee, great job everyone! Such a fun batrep, James is such a great addition to the team!

Richard Dodd
Richard Dodd
3 years ago

james is like the sound effects dude from police academy lol

Lodge Member
3 years ago

@42:35, there unfortunately seems to be an audio issue. Warp tainted scrapcode in the vox maybe?

Lodge Member
3 years ago

Currently crying with laughter at Chef’s comment that James is actually a goldfish piloting a human robot suit. xD
James’s nickname suggestions: Goldfish (“fish” for short) or some variant thereof.

Jon Wilson
3 years ago

Smashing game folks, thank you! Cool to see a few different things come out to play, the paladins, stormraven, etc. I’d forgotten how smol the Myphitic Blighthaulers are. Adorable.

Kim Møller
3 years ago

good fun batrep for sure ! wp all 🙂
1 note : since you only have 1 dicetray, the 2 of you have to change places all the time. that gives me as a viewer a chaotic/clunky feeling and i sometimes had to double check wich players turn we were in the middle of. i would give the only-1-shared-dice-tray concept a second thought.

Lodge Warrior Member
3 years ago

Thank you, Chef! You brought a list that it’s very different from the one I usually play, and it was really interesting to see how it worked. I thought to try again to use things like the Plague Marines, but since I don’t have that much time I tend to use my main list to have it ready when I go to tournaments. It’s great to see different things in action thanks to your batreps.
Nice to see James again, I’d say that he is feeling right at home with the team already!

Last edited 3 years ago by Stefano
Lodge Member
3 years ago

I keep getting a Video Unavailable error. If I go straight to YouTube I can watch it tho, just not on the app.

Erik Ramvi
Erik Ramvi
3 years ago

Owned, James Owned

Todd Nelson
Todd Nelson
3 years ago

Great game. Chef losing his shit priceless😂 that jumper came off real quick with those dice rolls…

Jack Kypreos
Lodge Member
3 years ago

For titan!!!!

Vi Archer
Vi Archer
3 years ago

The editing in this is SUBLIME! There’s so many subtle jumps in the timeline with effective cuts that you don’t notice at all (unless you know editing ofc). It makes it so easy to watch.

Chef, your skills do so much for this show, I must commend your work.
Edit: and jinx and beard, apologies for missing you out!

I’ll stop fanboying now.

Erik Ramvi
Erik Ramvi
3 years ago

Nick-name? “Sound effect guy” (haha) 🙂

Joerg Kuehling
3 years ago

Grime Time Baby!!!!

Or Slime Time?🤔

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