War Zone Nachmund Grand Tournament Review | Warhammer 40,000 State of Play

Avatar The Chef January 22, 202282  83 82 Likes

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Beard and Chef sit down to talk about the latest Chapter Approved…and this is a big one. Hold on for in-depth breakdowns and plenty of rants!

00:00 oh no
00:28 Intro
02:21 Matched Play Changes
13:48 Nachmund Secondaries Intro
14:17 Nachmund Secondaries- Purge the Enemy
16:16 Nachmund Secondaries- No Mercy, No Respite
23:14 Nachmund Secondaries- Warpcraft
24:25 Nachmund Secondaries- Shadow Operations
28:45 Nachmund Secondaries- Battlefield Supremacy
32:01 Incursion Missions (exist)
32:55 Strike Force Mission Intros
33:10 Strike Force Mission- Tear Down Their Icons
36:06 Strike Force Mission- Data Scry-salvage
37:11 Beard Gripes – Fatbaddon
38:25 Strike Force Mission- Abandoned Sanctuaries
39:38 Strike Force Mission- Conversion
41:18 Strike Force Mission- The Scouring
42:13 Strike Force Mission- Tide of Conviction
43:52 Strike Force Mission- Death and Zeal
44:58 Strike Force Missions Summary
46:24 Chef Rant – Where’s the Core Rules
46:41 Points Changes
47:01 Space Marines
49:15 Grey Knights
49:50 Adepta Sororitas
51:48 Adeptus Custodes
54:50 Assassins and Astra Militarum
55:46 Adeptus Mechanicus, Imperial Knights and Inquisition 55:56 Chaos Space Marines 57:02 Death Guard 59:11 Thousand Sons and Chaos Daemons
59:55 Chaos Knights and Craftworlds
1:00:48 Drukhari, Harlequins and Ynnari
1:01:07 Necrons
1:02:50 Orks
1:04:39 T’au Empire
1:04:36 Tyranids
1:05:43 Genestealer Cults
1:05:52 Forge World
1:08:28 RANT TIME – Cost, Digital Rules, and Content
1:18:00 Be nice to people who have no control over this book (yes, I’m talking to you)
1:19:59 Conclusion (finally)

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Daniel Sandsjö
Lifetime Member
Daniel Sandsjö
3 years ago

Great video! I love it when you rant Chef! You always make valid points that I agree upon, so keep them coming! 🙂

Linden Burnstein
Linden Burnstein
3 years ago

I’m torn on this as is I think a portion of my gaming group. We like to support the company and also our local store. If we don’t buy stuff they won’t carry it. But the product itself is kinda bullshit. This could have absolutely been a white dwarf article and a free pdf. I couldn’t tell you where my previous field manuals are because once all the apps are updated I have no use for it. I can’t be alone in that. On the note of not spamming the line folks at GW, yeah that’s fair. But without telling… Read more »

The Mouldy Crow
The Mouldy Crow
3 years ago

Good to see og cast together again

John Barber
Lifetime Member
3 years ago

I am not surprised that Belakor went up, but I am surprised by how much though. 20 points is excessive imo, Slaanesh would be proud. Speaking of Slaanesh, I think it was amusing g that LoCs went up when keepers didn’t. I can’t think of any list that spams lords of change, and daemon lists in general seem to be falling off anyway.

Lifetime Member
3 years ago

I was planning to purchase this one, as it has new missions. I skipped the previous one already for its minimal changes. But seeing the total lack of effort in other areas, it’s simply not worth my money. I’m planning to get the white dwarf for the secondaries and the missions just from online reviews such as these. Hopefully GW will get the message that this was not a good product. Had it included the updated rules, including FAQs, I would’ve bought it, but apparently that’s too much effort for them.

Thomas Higgs
Thomas Higgs
3 years ago

Is it funny or sad that this isn’t £10 but instead £25 🧐

André Orthmann
3 years ago

big thx for the really good overview guys!

P.S.: fingers crossed here as well regarding the “rant” 200% agree!

Last edited 3 years ago by André Orthmann
Corey Warner
Corey Warner
3 years ago

My thoughts on why GW says if ONE player concedes a game they get Zero Points…disclaimer…I have only played 40k for fun and yet to play in a highly completive tournament so this is simply a theory as to why GW did this. Perhaps they want to stop the idea of bartering for points between players Example…two players are playing a close game but 1 side does have the slight advantage. The player with the disadvantage says “I will concede on the condition you say I scored “X” number of victory points and thus giving me a better chance to… Read more »

Logan Hollenback
Lifetime Member
Logan Hollenback
3 years ago

I’d be happy to see better and free digital content, but still have purchasable physical media.

Edit: and definitely should have included core rules at the price point.

Lifetime Member
3 years ago

The Custodes change is just nuts. I’m a Custodes player myself and think it’s a pretty awful choice. The misericordia change I _do_ like just for the fluff side of things but it’d make sense to have it as a weapon of last resort – only usable for an attack if the unit does not have a weapon with a close combat profile. Is an Allarus really going to shoulder their castellan axe with one hand to draw a dagger for another swipe? Agree with the rant (spot on Chef). We live in a digital era. Paywalling rules is backward… Read more »

Peter Dunlea
Lodge Member
Peter Dunlea
3 years ago

Credit to you guys calling out GW’s ergrious misplays on this. you underestimated the impact to sisters quite a bit though – my fairly balanced list – 1 units of sacs and 2 dominios went up 100 points. With the changes to not being able to mix orders sisters loose a lot of their flexibility and are hemmed into less balanced list. All the sisters needed points increases – last year. Sisters into any of the meta armies is now pretty much a joke

Lodge Member
3 years ago

Really good rant, the book is pointless (no pun intended) to buy. I get my points updates from the app updating already or use other sources like battlescribe, the missions being free would be a really good incentive to play more which would only lead me to want to try new units and/or army’s!!

Really good review and very well said, thanks again everyone at TTT.

Jakob Carlander
Jakob Carlander
3 years ago

Keep up the rant guys! charging £25 for this sort of update every six months is far from ok. Come on GW, join the digital age and release this for free in pdf format. At the very least it should be included in the Warhammer+ subscription. As always great content from you guys! 🙂

Daniel King
Daniel King
3 years ago

sadly it’s a broken system where they charge us to fix the rules or units they failed to see were unbalanced last time around. So the rant is 100% justified

Last edited 3 years ago by Daniel King
3 years ago

In Australia there has been a delay apparently so its not up for pre-order but the first Chapter Approved was $80AUD or 42GBP which is insane.

3 years ago

An excellent and fair review gents. I liked your point about not spamming or rage mailing the intern, but if these social media interactions are how GW want to communicate with their player base, how else can people communicate their displeasure at being forced to pay for another paywall and errata? I personally will walk into my local Warhammer store and buy the new Tau codex on release day, and will tell the staff member why I’m not paying a penny for the new mission pack. It would be interesting if you guys and other content producers stayed with the… Read more »

Simon Gedge
Lodge Member
Simon Gedge
3 years ago

Justified Rant! Good points well made. Thanks for the great content guys. Keep it up.

Adrián Perez Martínez
Lodge Member
Adrián Perez Martínez
3 years ago

32.5 euros hahahahaha. Thanks but no thanks.
Thanks for the video you awesome People!

Paul Butcher
Paul Butcher
3 years ago

I think the unfortunate situation is that people are going to require this to play in tournaments, as chief said, so it’s going to sell well regardless of its value. Honestly there’s a fair bit im not liking about the way 9th edition is going, and I’m looking a lot closer at playing kill team as my main game. Unfortunately finding players is proving to be difficult. Hoping the inevitable 10th edition gives us a bit of a reset. And I’m hopeful from the tone of the community survey a little while back GW realise they need to change some… Read more »

3 years ago

You can’t satisfy the competitive community nor are they going anywhere. It doesn’t really matter what GW does the competitive players will always play and find exploitations, and that’s fine. However normal monofaction casual players who can only part time competitive play are now exiled. They’ve killed the middle class in this game.

Dean Brereton
Dean Brereton
3 years ago

The Custard point drops is very odd 🤔

3 years ago

GW, like many of the big players in the entertainment industry don’t seem to appreciate that pretty much everything is going to end up digitized and shared. The only choice left to them is do they want to get paid for some of those shares, or none?

Michael Corr
Michael Corr
3 years ago

£25 for this is just ridiculous, especially as it doesn’t contain the core rules any more. As you recommend, I think I will buy a single copy for my games club and am encouraging all of our more casual players to not buy it.

Matt Hall
Matt Hall
3 years ago

Three seconds in sore your faces got my therapist on stand by lol😮😥🙄

Dean Brereton
Dean Brereton
3 years ago

Thanks gents, great insight and rant 👍 😉

3 years ago

Chef, I’m pausing you mid(near the end?) rant to mention my own personal vandetta against the war zone/supplement books. I play Necrons. I dabble in other armies but Crons are my first and most prolific army. They have not been in a war zone book or supplement barring the 2 pages in Psychic Awakening since one of the Shield of Baal releases in 2014. GW needs to get their rules team and narrative teams on the same page and rotate these supplements because as it stands, someone who plays just Necrons has bought 3 codexes, an index, and one of… Read more »

Lodge Member
3 years ago

Feeling marginally exposed as an Australian but glad to see it mentioned on a big channel. Social channels are rife with it but you just don’t see it called out on a platform much.

Joshua Campion
Joshua Campion
3 years ago

This is the reason I don’t collect any armies. The pricing structure boggles my mind. Ok I’m a new player I get one of the boxes for a faction like most people starting out. You get the paints the brushes etc. This are all things you can get excited about. My biggest frustration is the sheer amount you have to spend on the bloody literature. If I wanted to buy war and peace I would get it digitally. For goes sake GW, look at your target audience ffs. Your milking money out of either children which ethically is beyond me… Read more »

Thijs Schrijnemakers
3 years ago

Including local retailer discount of 15%: € 27.60. yayyyyyyy

Mark Merfield
3 years ago

Where’s my Land Raider points drop? It’s not like they’re highly prevalent on the battlefield!

3 years ago

Ultimately disappointing. Or more accurately it’s GW demanding $40 to just keep playing the same game as it’s already played. Think what this new six month bs could have been if they took it seriously – point, profile and mission updates released at once. Points changes that were not a binary how much is it played, but a rebalancing of armies internally to promote new choices. How excited people would be right now to try something new. And instead we get minimal viable effort for maximum cost. Meh, I’ll see GW in another six months.

Andrew Pearce
Andrew Pearce
3 years ago

Chef’s rant to totally justified. Do you remember last year GW released the point changes in WD? So they can do it. Thus just want to rack the money in by charging £25 for these. Total rip off. If they were charging £10 for them, then that would a much better price. I know they are business with shareholders who they have to answer to, but this a complete rip off.

Chris Dreher
Chris Dreher
3 years ago

So it’s $40 US. That’s more than the space marine supplements. That’s highway robbery for this book. Unbelievable!

Kyle Price
Lodge Member
3 years ago

The one thing I’ve disliked about all of 9th edition is the approach to their books & updates. The lack of digital editions, rules in additional supplements and the poor app development just feels more cash-grabby than ever. I have no problem buying stuff from GW if it adds value but lately the cash to value ratio feels very off.

I know we “have” to buy this to play the game but realistically with the 3rd party apps out there, you really don’t have to buy this.

Lodge Warrior Member
3 years ago

@Chef, my friend… those GW decision makers robbed me of 32,5 euros for these out of date, baffling and sometimes totally stupid point changes. I already preordered it from my FLS, so I will buy it cause I don’t want to give my friends problems. And this is the last time GW will get these kind of money from me. At best I will buy a copy together with all the other guys in my gaming group and we’ll make do… hope many other players will do the same, maybe this will teach them a long overdue lesson. The lesson… Read more »

daniel schmitt
daniel schmitt
3 years ago

So much wrong with 40k is because GW is stuck in the 80s.

D6, no one uses that crap anymore because it’s not granular enough. This is why ap and armor saves no longer matter and you have to have an invuln on everything. The game would be so much better with D10 or D12s.

Non-alternating activations, no one uses that anymore because it makes lopsided games with far less player action.

Physical books that are 6+ months out of date and take years to update, no one does that anymore.

sam cousins
sam cousins
3 years ago

When’s the meet and greet? I’d even pay Lawrence for the pleasure of meeting you bosses. 🙂

Kaibong deity
Lodge Warrior Member
Kaibong deity
3 years ago

Pretty much agree with what you both said Don’t shoot the messenger is a fair message to put out,I just think the frustration is so high that sadly,some do. The first CA was great. The second I had to pay to get ringbinded. This one? I already told my FLGS I will have one and won’t cancel that as its not fair. However, as you say its just bad. A printable pdf would have worked,even as £1 dlc via the app if they *had* to charge you. Paying £25 twice a year and then several WDs for the cards.. it… Read more »

sam cousins
sam cousins
3 years ago

Love you guys so much 🥰. Never change

3 years ago

I dont know why they can’t make every unit good. I don’ see how that sells less models that the current FOMO and shortages and crazy prices by resellers.

It doesn’t seem like they are honing the game to perfection, they are throwing stopgaps in to get to the next edition.

Dave M
Lodge Member
Dave M
3 years ago

Good lord all that for €33?! No thanks. If it was 10 I would be okay with it but that price is just too much. Thanks for the honest review. Hopefully GW start listening about needing digital rules…..

john roberts
Lifetime Member
john roberts
3 years ago

Mixed feelings because whenever GW screws up we have an awesome Chef rant. But GW screwed up….

Robert Dudley
Robert Dudley
3 years ago

At what point do Leman Russ Battle Tanks become good just because you can spam T8 2+ save models at 12.5pt/wound (assuming battle or demolisher cannon)? Sure, they’re BS4+, but at least the guns they’re shooting are good.

Last edited 3 years ago by Robert Dudley
Lodge Member
3 years ago

So you CAN talk about it!!! You lied to me Chef!! Playing hard to get eh? It just makes me love you more 😍

Simon Rees
Simon Rees
3 years ago

It seems strange to charge for the points increases as it’s like a software company admitting there is a bug and then charging for the fix. However are the new costs not going to be in the App?

Also agree that adding the secondary’s and missions to the App would be a great value add and move it to become a must have for most players. Much better then spending money on some iffy animation.

Tormund the Brute
3 years ago

That thumbnail is great, really capturing that “2 women yelling at cat” meme feel.

Also shocked the Marines didnt get -1 points to all their troops, but as it turns out things could have gone a WHOLE lot worse (RIP Death Guard)

Jesse Wells
Jesse Wells
3 years ago

Love this. Chef voices a lot of warranted concerns that GW has stubbornly refused to change all the way back to 2nd edition. This is a healthy way to express the changes GW need to make. I agree with not pestering then on Facebook, 40kfaq, etc. But besides nor voting with my wallet, I don’t know what else to do as a fan to get very good ideas like this across.

3 years ago

I think I agree with the rant. I have the new Secondaries cards and only play Incursion, so I guess I came to the wrong party.

But this current GW pricing and release model doesnt work and needs to be fixed as it is driving away players.

Robert Sildatke
3 years ago

My poor AdMech faction was punished again with a point increase! Why??? Tier 3 isn´t enough? Do we have to sink lower? @tt_stig

Jonathan Haynes
Lodge Member
Jonathan Haynes
3 years ago
