Codex Tyranids Top 5 Changes | Warhammer 40,000 Faction Focus

From beyond the fringes of the galaxy the Great Devourer comes with an all new Codex, so let Jinx and Chef talk you through the new bio-adaptions the Hive Fleets have undergone!
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00:00 oh dear
01:04 Intro
03:20 Army Rules
03:52 Army Rules- Synapse & Shadow in the Warp
06:59 Army Rules- Synaptic Link
07:49 Army Rules- Synaptic Imperatives
12:14 Detachment Rules- Hyper Adaptations and Infinite Biomorphologies
14:50 Detachment Rules- Hive Fleets
23:35 Battle Forged Rules- Stratagems
29:10 Battle Forged Rules- Adaptive Physiologies
30:54 Battle Forged Rules- Warlord Traits
32:19 Battle Forged Rules- Hive Mind Discipline
33:41 Battle Forged Rules- Relics
35:39 -CHEF RANT All these Stratagems and Relics: Why Tho?
36:57 Datasheet Changes
54:07 Points Changes
59:11 Final Thoughts
1:03:35 Wrap Up
1:05:11 The Hive Mind is overtaking me!
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Its rly n1 designed. And its balanceable with points so i am super happy after points going in the right direction.
This makes me even more wary to see the knights codex… I don’t think Knights will become a competitive army, especially after seeing the changes GW showed off… Anyone else?
New drinking game, take a shot every time Jinx says “glow up” 😉
Great review as always, does feel like some FAQ/Dataslate tweaking will be necessary but looking forward to building some lists in the near future.
I’m pretty much with Chefs opinion.
Getting all the buffs here and there but not paying for it sounds a little bit hilarious.
Beside of that … yeah… sounds very thematic in general.
In the end: i think it can be balanced out very easily
Only question: i cant understand why this doesnt happen pre-release.
Synaptic Sneeze – that was a good one. I imagine it being a Gorgon psychic power which goes off on 5 and deafens the opponent, being unable to attack or shoot with the usual precision and thus gaining -1 to hit AND wound
Fun and interesting video guys, I always look forward to hearing your take on a new book. Now… *9th ed rant warning* … this feels like more fuel on the bonfire that 9th edition is becoming. The game is now borderline unplayable under so many different circumstances, that I’m actually having less fun with it than I was in the darkest days of 7th. Perhaps I’m just dispirited after losing to Harlequins in just 3 player turns last week, but honestly some of the jank in this book feels just as bad. Super smite on 5? Fun, that is not.… Read more »
Great overall review! I started playing 40k with Tyranids back in 3rd edition, and after the (IMO at least) rather boring 4th and 5th edition Tyranid codexes I dropped the army and moved on to new factions – but the bugs will always hold a special place in my heart. So it’s great to see the Tyranids getting such thematic and interesting rules. That being said, I have to agree that many options in the book just seem undercosted for what they bring to the table and Warriors are probably the best example of this. It might make Tyranids rather… Read more »
This book seems like another example of really fluffy rules, that are WAAAY too overtuned. We’ve seen it with Custodes, We’ve seen it with T’au, We’ve seen it with Aeldari And now it’s here with Tyranids. Why cant GW release codecies that are just good? GSC and Drukhari are IMO, the powerlevel that GW should aim for.
Excellent analysis as always ❤ As a loooooong time nid player I am absolutely stoked with this codex! Also, slightly guilt ridden 😅 It is just so refreshing for the Tyranids to be *frightening* (as they should be). I will say that I think that the flesh fleshborer upgrade is quite ridiculous. They could have just increased the range to 18″ and I would have been happy. S5 AP-1 is just ridiculous for a hyperactive murder flea IMHO. Also, with the points increase the fluff of the overwhelming tide of gaunts is lost a bit. I know the Endless Swarm… Read more »
I really dont like Transhuman and that alot are getting it, even non ‘transhumans’ ei. something like a bug >.<
Super happy for Tyranid players but this book is severely overtuned and may end up not being very fun to play against at any level. I was a big fan of 9th edition but holy smokes have the last few releases really made me rethink that
*insert tired and dispirited rant about the state of the game, made just for the sake of blow off some steam*
Ok, now that that is out of the way, I loved your review and the antics! the intro was especially tasty. (I know, lame joke). Now on to watch everything else you released today!
That intro! C H O M P!
Preordered today. VERY MUCH looking forward to it. I love that Warriors are now great. I’ve always loved the models and was a little bummed that they were never really that useful. At the same time I hate that GW overdid it (as usual…) and they are now so good that everybody will hate me for bringing them. The same potentially goes for Carnifexes. Coolest model in the roster, so far never really that great, now they look VERY interesting. Also glad that Hive Guard spam should now be a thing of the past. The Maleceptor is looking very interesting.… Read more »
Yay for Jinx.
My best friend plays Nids so this is the first time I will have to deal with the wrath of a late 9th edition codex, looking forward to it I think 😂
Love that intro 🤣
Thats a very happy Jinx
Best intro ever!