Unboxing a MYSTERY Warhammer 40K Army!! | Tabletop Tactics Backstage

Lawrence is in for a surprise that’s been over a year in the making! A very special guest drops into the studio with a mystery box containing a custom made and professionally painted Warhammer 40,000 army!!
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Every part of this army is absolutely amazing. Fantastic job from seige and super nice of them to do this for Lawrence!!
That army is incredible guys, what a great surprise. No idea how James managed to find 3 sonic dreadnoughts!
The whiole army looks AMAZING!!!!! but Lucius is just the BOMB!!!!!! So jealous right now!
That was just nice, well done lads.
This video brought so much contagious joy.
Watched it twice. Such a wicked family of gamers. Lawrence with the hugs hit me in the feels. Well done team!
Fantastic looking army! Cant believe that they managed to keep it a secret for so long!?! =D
That is so awesome! They look amazing! Kudos to Siege Studios and Beard for this. I know you will enjoy this one for some time to come and I guess so will we 🙂
Kudos to everyone behind the scenes on making this moment so cool to watch! Thinking back I remember quite a few casual Emperor’s Children comments Spider’s made over the past few months. Would it be possible to thumb through the archives to catch close-ups of Spider’s cohost reactions of immediate panic that Spider might ruin this great surprise? 😀
Someone mentioned this on the youtube of this video, but I guess this makes Beard officially the Keeper of Secrets for the channel.
This is absolutely legendary! So so sooooo excited for your, Lawrence! And with those reinforcements as well!
So wicked!
Great job to everyone involved in this plot. A year in the making!
Oh man.. this is so so awesome! As an avid Emperor’s Children player as well, this is exciting to no end! So glad you guys have the army on the channel now and congrats to Lawrence for being able to return to the excess! Well done for the team and Siege Studios.. that army is absolutely gorgeous. Seeing Lawrence’s face light up over and over was a real treat. You guys are all such awesome people. Thanks for sharing this with us all, makes us feel like part of the group. <3
Lawrence entertaining the audience while Beard stepped out had strong Ian Malcolm vibes; “Now I’m here standing by myself, eh, talking to myself! Now that’s- *that’s* Chaos Theory”. What a gorgeous new force, I can’t wait to see how they perform with all the new Chaos goodies on their way in the next few months. Well done Beard and Siege on this amazing gift for our hard working (and hard playing) CEO.
Wow that looks amazing. I don’t know what was more enjoyable to see, the look on Lawrence’s face or those stunning models
Huzzah for great coworkers and even better friends.
That’s awesome guys!
Genuinely made my day seeing people being so good to each other. Well done Beard and James (and everyone else involved in making this) – everyone should have friends this good.
Congratulations, Spider! I can’t wait to see this beautiful army on the channel. I’ve been building a big EC army since the start of the pandemic but I rarely see anyone else running them.
A friendly “Speaker systems within, Speaker systems without” from my 4th Legion.
Thats an amazing EC army!
Now we just have to wait for what blessings the dark gods have for us with the CSM Codex.
OMG I’ve been fantasizing about making an EC army for a while now and this one is a standard to aspire to…
For the last week I’ve been sorting the CSM bits and kits I’ve collected, built, and stashed over the years, thinking, “I really need to get on that EC army project.” I spent a good few hours just yesterday looking through youtube ect for more conversion, painting, and general inspiration. Today, I fire up my favourite 40k website, and low and behold, I find the Dark Prince Himself has been whispering into my ear. Now is the time to GET LOUD!! So excited for this! Far and away the number one addition I’ve hoped to see show up on the… Read more »
I think the thing that surprised me the most is that Spider managed to keep the video PG-13. That’s an awesome surprise!
wow wow wow, this video says it all about Lawrence and the whole TT team, watched it with a huge smile on my face all the way through. Very well done Beard and Joe
This is lovely 😊 Congrats Lawrence, amazing gift indeed!
Great to see James too ) the quality of his work is ever impeccable 👍
<3 Awesome done!!
Stunning army the joy on the spiders face says it all. I’m gutted I sold mine now and that was only last month 21/03 😢
I do still have a set of the FW rhino doors somewhere if you fancied a 4th rhino 👍🏼
Just going to paint a little happy spider right here. Yes, that’s nice.
Awesome. Emotional. Well done Joe and Beard.
This was a joy to watch, not just because the EC are my favourite chaos marine faction but because Lawrence seemed sooo genuinely over the moon. Great job to beard and siege studios (models looked out of this world amazing)!!!!
This was an awesome video. Watching Lawrence’s reaction was entertaining. Love that the secret was kept for this reveal. Now to watch the battle report!
This was great!
That is a really cool gift and it was really fun to share the experience of the unboxing. Good job Joe and Siege Studios!
I had the biggest grin on my face just seeing the excitement that Lawrence had opening this! Congrats to Spider on a beautiful new army! Well deserved!
Fantastic! Such a great thing to do. I can’t wait to watch the EC’s in action.
Boomm crushed the Powerlevel….🤯💥💥💥 Made my day!!!🦾👊🏽💥…just flashed
This made my morning!
Well I know what I will be watching when I do some hobbying tonight
Ah bless him. He’s so happy.
Now that is the face of pure joy. Best video ever. 😊
That is epic guys! Well done!
Yesss, been waiting ages for a proper EC army
Awesome stuff! Great work by everyone involved!
Awesome! This is such a great idea to do. Kudos on being able to pull that off over a year !!
Yay for Lawrence
Aww! Look how happy he is!
I think I would cry!!! How awesome is that. Was that a Curse of Oak Island reference “that’s a top pocket find”?
We shall have to have a EC Vs EC battle Spider!!!!
This video is epic