Death Guard vs Adeptus Mechanicus 2000pts | Warhammer 40,000 League Report

Beard tries out Armour of Contempt for the XIV Legion, but will Stig prevail with faith in the Machine God?
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Very good. Very niiice. Enjoyable watch
Be a pretty cool thing to see Beard!
Great Game as always!
I’ll enjoy the game and I’ll like both lists if I’m honest with you and beard was rolling great his dice agreed with death guard for some reason lol 😂 I’ll like beard list defo agreed with him like to see some more terminators for them 🙂 I’ll like stig list I’ll though his chickens did great in the three but probs for admech is the AoC as basically your gun just don’t punch though so I’ll suggest I’ll got for volume of fire and more body’s are need 🙂 bound to roll more ones 🙂
Running lots of robots? Wonder who might do that 👀😅🤣
Good game, really demonstrated AoC.
I think it might be time to bring back the Kataphron Destroyers with Heavy Grav 😁 And Maybe try them in Agriipiina for that sweet T6 Stratagem 😅
Yes! Yes! Yes! So glad to see Beard back
Hello there. What is happening with the DnD? Are you starting a new campaign/continuing the old one I’m not sure what is going on. Thanks.
Great to have beard and stig back! Always brings so much fun and banter to the games.
Brilliant game you two. Mr Beard, Plague Marines have a rule when if they have two melee weapons then they get 3 attacks. But when they have a flail or a cleaver they actually keep the plague knife. So when your attacking with the flail you would get 6 attack rather than 4. Just thought I would point it out for future games.
Nice game, I really enjoyed it!
Just an head up, I don’t know why but the link on the site doesn’t work for me, I had to watch the game on YouTube.
Hey guys… is there a reason why 720p is the highest resolution available? I’ve got the settings on the highest available… I’ve watched the last couple on YouTube because 1080 is available.
Was that the dark angels watcher in the dark hiding in the ruins at the 32 minute mark. Hanging with his chaos friends?
link no worky
Go Stig. Crush he who has forgotten the true way of Khorne (love ya Beard but hate DG so you must lose!).