Necrons vs Flesh Tearers | Season 1 EP 1 | Warhammer 40,000 League Report

The League has returned with an all new format!! Game 1 is here pitting Spider and the Flesh Tearers against Chef and the Necrons. Expect powerful lists, cunning tactics and a nail biter of a battle to kick off the return of the League, and for an in depth look into each players list, tactics and army composition, check out our dedicated List Analysis videos right here for our On Demand bosses!
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+++ THE LISTS +++
+ HQ +
Gabriel Seth: Warlord
Sanguinary Priest: Chapter Command- Chief Apothecary, Hero of the Chapter- Selfless Healer, Relic- Teeth of Terra, Bolt Pistol, Jump Pack
+ Troops +
5x Incursor Squad
5x Incursor Squad
5x Incursor Squad
+ Elites +
6x Centurion Assault Squad: 2x Flamers, Centurion Assault Launchers
5x Death Company Marines: Thunder Hammers,Jump Packs
Sanguinary Ancient: Hero of the Chapter- Rites of War, Honoured by the Art Angelicum- Wrath of Baal, Encarmine Sword, Angelus Boltgun
5x Sanguinary Guard: 1x Power Fist, Angelus Boltgun, 4x Encarmine Sword, Angelus Boltgun
5x Sanguinary Guard: 1x Power Fist, Angelus Boltgun, 4x Encarmine Sword, Angelus Boltgun
5x Sanguinary Guard: 1x Power Fist, Angelus Boltgun, 4x Encarmine Sword, Angelus Boltgun
+ Fast Attack +
5x Inceptor Squad: Plasma Exterminators
++ Total: 2,000pts ++
The Silent King: Warlord- The Triarch’s Will
++ Battalion Detachment ++
Dynasty Choice: Relentlessly Expansionist & Eternal Conquerors
+ HQ +
Chronomancer: Cryptek Arkana- Cortical Subjugator Scarabs, Dynastic Heirloom- Veil of Darkness, Entropic Lance
Technomancer: Rarefied Nobility- Implacable Conqueror, Relic- Voltaic Staff, Canoptek Cloak
+ Troops +
5x Immortals: Gauss Blaster
5x Immortals: Gauss Blaster
5x Immortals: Gauss Blaster
+ Elites +
10x Lychguard: Hyperphase Sword & Dispersion Shield
6x Skorpekh Destroyers
Canoptek Plasmacyte
+ Fast Attack +
5x Canoptek Scarab Swarms
5x Canoptek Scarab Swarms
6x Canoptek Wraiths: 6x Vicious Claws
+ Heavy Support +
6x Lokhust Destroyers: 6x Gauss Cannons
3x Lokhust Heavy Destroyers: 3x Gauss Destructors
++ Total: 2,000pts ++
Chef reminds me so much of my cousin! Such a tactical player with all the knowledge. Uses every fine detail to his advantage. The pen is mightier than the sword as they say! Great game as usual
Ps.. I would love the paint recipe for the necrons. That matt metal effect on the armour looks so good 👌
Love the new format – very engaging and looking forward to seeing more.
Great new format. Much more enganging for the audience
Great game.
Great game ! Nice to see the King in action 🤘🏻
“We will be back…” on the second game
Did Chef forget the obsec dynasty makes his Immortals count as 2 models for obsec in turn 4?
Good Game and really fun to watch. I love the new leauge!!!
Great game I’ll super enjoy it seeing competitive dude of it and love the way your going to run it I’ll feel it going to be much better and glad we going on the journey with you guys with you list I’ll can’t wait for more of them 🙂 super enjoyable and can’t believe the spider put it out the bag in the last turn of the game as I’ll also though the necrons had it in the bag but I’ll agreed with chef point defo moving back hurt more in that game trust the silent king and he give… Read more »
What a cracking new format and I’m not even a big fan on competitive 40k! The little commentary breaks intra-turn are top shelf rather than start/end of turn summaries. Must make editing a chore though chopping between tabletop footage and commentary. Great work team TT (TTT lolz)
Bit late to this, but that was absolutely superb chaps, huge well done to you both. I just shows how important it is to play the mission. A salutary reminder that 40k isn’t really about killing things, it’s about scoring points – in whatever sneaky, janky, guttersnipe, cunning, clever way you possibly can. Weirdly, I always find it psychologically easier to do when I feel like the underdog? It’s very tempting when one has the firepower / combat punch to fall into the trap of just using it and trying to smash everything, and forgetting to wring everything you can… Read more »
Fantastic Game. Honestly thought Chef was going to take the win, but the sheer bloodthirsty nature of the Flesh Tearers proved too much!
Why are you paying for honoured by the arc angelic UK as flesh tearers? P44 of BA supplement says “relics of the angels cannot be given to a character model from a successor chapter (OTHER THAN FLESHTEARERS) unless you use the honoured by the art angelicum stratagem” emphasis mine.
Awesome game, loved the short tactic updates and allowing each other for a few corrections when needed. I use centurions a lot especially in a flyer just love how they just delete units of the battlefield.
This was a great game, well played. Kuddo’s for the review at the end.
Secretly Lawrence loves those lil’ scarabs I just know it
Is there a exam you can take to play Necrons lol🤔
What a nail biter! Excellent on both sides. I honestly thought Chef was going to win…. Until Lawrence pulled the Uber-Jank at the end. Excellent use of the banner though.
Lawrence is eating cp dice as well. Well done Kate, your influence is ever spreading
Super great game. Its good to see spider back playing some games!!
WOOO! Return of the League Reports! Here we gooo!! ^,..,^
Incredible match, well played on both ends and really could’ve gone either way. The new league format is better than ever and what a great match to prove it’s worth. Terrific cutaways that didnt take away momentum and the match flew by. Didnt feel drawn out at all, while still keeping the fun you lot bring to tabletop play. Well done!
Chef I’d find a way to ditch the immortals and scarabs for more destroyers IMO. I just feel like scarabs and immortals don’t really pull their weight.
Amazing format. Has a fantastic flow to it. Love it. Great game.
Love this new direction for the league games. The cut aways for each players thoughts are great. Would love to hear more about what the player is going to try to do and then to see if it works out or not
Such a great game, couldn’t have asked for a closer match! Really enjoyed the little cutaway explanations and post-game wrap up too, think you’re onto a winner with this format. Looking forward to the next round!
Amazing and well played Lawrence. Chef take Code Combat against aggressive armies. Will always get you more points there and also killing Seth would have gained you a CP. I still have faith in the Necrons taking the league title!!! Amazing work as ever team!
Love the post mortem at the end in this format guys. Its what me and my mates do over a beer when we play (*engage deep voice) “competitively.” Keep up the good work tt. 👏
Very entertaining game! I’m looking forward to seeing how this all unfolds.
The transhuman physciology Will never be not funny. Cracks med Up every time..
And DAMN Lawrence looked like the mega Chad. 🤣🤣🤣
Great game, real nail biter!
Thats a neat belt!!! <3
Really like the new format, and enjoying the discussion around the secondaries. Excited to see the league progress and list evolution!
Great show guys, that consolidation steal by Lawrence at the end was heartbreaking! What a game!
Likes for the like god!
Love this format with the early turn comments
May not be a fan of the current Matched Play landscape and setup, but a superb watch as always and really enjoying the reintroduction of the player feedback after each turn which can be learned from regardless of game style. Shame the Necrons couldn’t get the win but long way to go yet.
Brilliant game guys, it great to get the asides and thinking behind your actions.
Hey guys, I am an on demand subscriber. Is it better for you exposure wise if I watch your Freeview videos on the app or on YouTube?
Epic game! Loved the format!
Great game you guys and gal! So much fun to watch Spider back in his competative element and wow Chef love the list! Such a close game. I am really looking forward to more league games!
awesome match, cant wait to see who will win the belt 🙂
Loved the format.
Glad to see matched play back. I wonder if you find it more fun with the Nephelim changes Chef.
Also Lawrence your decission of not going for oath in the particular game payed off. Congrats! Loved the batrep.
Chef, any chance you might try a c’tan? Every list runs the silent king, obviously because he’s so damn good and necrons need the help. But I don’t think I’ve seen anyone run a c’tan since the book came out and I’m really curious about how they’d do.
Really enjoy the new format for league.
Also enjoyed Spider’s anti-Necron tantrum.
This is it. You’ve cracked the formula for creating entertaining and informative league matches. Love it.
Amazing format. Well played both 👍 Really like the interviews and the sections on what you’re planning at the start of each round too. Looking forward to the next one!
For better or worse, It’s been a lot since an incredible match like this
I think Chef had the better workout plan, was clearly unlucky at some key moments otherwise the game was his, top level playing.
But man, you got to love how Spider adapts and reacts to situations even if he seems to be loosing control or made mistakes. It is so top level! You leave a tiny bit of space and be takes it all.
Conclusion: i love this game and the format is so promising. Can’t wait for next!! Can you tell us the match-up as an avant bouche? 🙂
Great game guys! I love the format.
Great game, really entertaining and nice to see two competitive and fluffy armies going toe-to-toe. The ending did leave a bit of a sour taste though – that final bit of jank just smacks of poorly-written game mechanics to me. To be clear, I have absolutely no problem with what Spider did, taking advantage of opportunities presented to you is what winning competitive games is all about. However, the fact that this edgiest of edge cases can be used to swing a game seems to me to be huge oversight in terms of game balance and must have felt like… Read more »