Nighthaunt vs Stormcast Eternals | Age of Sigmar Battle Report

It’s a new army debut for the Nighthaunt, as Beard takes out this spookiest of forces to the Mortal Realms, to do battle with the noble Stormcast Eternals, headed up by Bard!
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2nd edition baybeeee
Such a fun batrep! Great chemistry between the two, a thrilling match, and ghosts are cool!
Fletcher, you’re too good. Too good. Beautiful job. Can’t wait to see more of the nighthaunt.
Think I need to get me some sigmar!
It genuinely pains me to watch battle reports with James playing at this point. I’ve audibly groaned out loud about his rolls on more occasions than I care to count. But either way, top notch game lads! Bootiful Nighthaunt.
Excellent game!!! Beard’s luck is just 🤪 and Bard could stop rolling 1s and 2s 🙌🏻
Cross boos 😂
Are new mics on the shopping list when you move into the new studio? 😂
Fletcher has done amazing work with the Nighthaunt! Possibly the best models ever cast as a full line. Beautifully done, justice fully given.
So fighting ghosts you have a guy and a dog (Shaggy and Scoob) a boss lady with a book (Velma) and a mighty hero on a dragon (Fred) but no Daphnie…SO CLOSE
Myremorn banshees care not of the casting ROLL but the casting VALUE. If a wizard casts spirit storm (like from the Knight-Incantor) and they cast it on a ROLL of 12, the banshees only need to roll a 7 (because they get +1 when at full strength) to eat the spell because the VALUE is 7. They are my favorite unit in my Nighthaunt army and they are an autoinclude for this reason. You can even attempt to dispell and then eat after if you didn’t dispell them. Truly nasty stuff.
Why do I feel like Bard has a terrifying Sally in the Wood story…
Awesome report and great looking armies! May we please get a How To Paint on the nighthaunt from Fletcher.
Bard, we need to figure out how exactly we purify you of your bad dice luck. The sheer extent to which you roll ones is mindblowing!
Also, out of idle curiosity: since some of you are Oldhammer players, any chance you might have the minis around to put together a Cities of Sigmar army from previous collections? It’d be fun to see Phoenix Guard or Ironbreakers represented in AoS.
Regardless, keep being awesome and keep making great, fun content!
To the end !! Amazing !!
Thanks for this one, so cool
Any plans for skaven any time soon feel like they would be right up jinxs ally being a nid player and all 😀
My bits a peices feel thoroughly haunted. That’s probably more due to age and lack of use at this point…
These armies look gorgeous. Well done Fletch!
The saturation in those reds is really nice. Kudos to the big F.
2nd edition grudge match baybeee.
YES! Will 100% be watching this later today. Thank you TT team!