Nighthaunt vs Seraphon | Age of Sigmar Battle Report

Avatar The Chef May 12, 2023121  24 121 Likes

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It’s the denizens of the underworld against the children of the Old Ones in this savage clash in the Mortal Realms!

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Cristian Castro
Cristian Castro
1 year ago

Hi, just a heads up, Chef mentioned his Saurus was contesting a terrain piece not an objective, which allowed him to contest an objective the next turn. A recent FAQ made it so models can contest terrain AND an objective. This means nothing for his +1 to save tho cause you can contest an objective you already own.

Lodge Warrior Member
1 year ago

I’ve heard tales of the Seraphon Starborn shenanigans but damn that’s scary!
Just getting my Sylvaneth together to give AoS another go and I’ve no idea what I’d do against such reckless snake!

Erik Ramvi
Erik Ramvi
1 year ago

You should get a mourngul!
(Or is that too cheese? ^^ )

Lodge Warrior Member
1 year ago

Shades are shivering seeing stars shining showing Chef’s celestial starborn Seraphon storming speedily so saurus start slaying spooks sooner! Summoning snakes by shaping soil? Spectacular!

Sorry Jinx/Katie there aren’t any “k” or “j” words for ghosts 🙁

James Moore
James Moore
1 year ago

I have been looking over the rules and I am not sure you are correct about the timing of the Saurus contesting ability (i.e. any time a Saurus Warrior is within 6″ of an objective, it counts as contesting that objective and gets the benefit of a +1 to armor save from the Ordered Cohorts ability). You mentioned that it does not count as contesting until the end of the turn, but I don’t think that is correct. The rules say that at the end of each turn you check to see if you have gained control of any objectives… Read more »

1 year ago

Good game you guys. I love how happy and enthusiastic both Jinx and Chef are with their respective armies, but I’m also gutted we didn’t get to see the dino suit again 😀

1 year ago

I love Chef’s joy at taking the Seraphon. Any batrep with him as dinos against Jinx playing…just about anything is always a great time.

That said, I will say some of the shenanigans seen in the new Seraphon book make me a little bit nervous for 40K 10th edition. I really hope they’re more on it with the codex creep, especially since nearly all my armies come out in the early codices

An Artful Duckling
An Artful Duckling
1 year ago

So, hear me out, noticed a certain Disney reference from Chef towards the start. (The cards certainly will tell) And as the game went on realised it was very pertinent.
With the spirit of Mercedes turning up and the Slann.
It was The Princess and the Frog.
(Also great game as always)

Lodge Member
1 year ago

Hope you are enjoying the Realm Shaper Engine 😁

Ben Davies
Ben Davies
1 year ago

I need an age of sigmar league 😫

1 year ago

Sally in the Wood has followed Bard to the new studio.

Owl The Molfar
Lodge Warrior Member
1 year ago

Thank you for the battle report!
So, you are telling me that the soul which Mercedes sold to the Dark Gods has escaped; then she (the soul) got bored just spooking around and joined Nagash?

Lodge Warrior Member
1 year ago

I feel a Skaven VS Seraphon matchup would be awesome, oh well ill take ANYTHING from the Big Bosses at TT(T) Studios at this point 😁

Brett Pettitt
Lodge Member
1 year ago

This should be a good match up given the newness of each battle tome. I’m glad to see you are not going overly gamey just yet, saving that for an AoS league 😉.
I know you have had a lot on your plate recently, but are you looking at expanding your AoS armies or getting different ones? (No time frame here.) And thank you – you guys are amazing at teaching through playing as well – got me into AoS, got me liking it and challenging my friends. And yes I play dwarves here too…. 😁

Lodge Warrior Member
1 year ago

I need a seraphon and idoneth batrep so I can make another dinosaur laser fight joke.

Jonathan Haynes
Lodge Member
Jonathan Haynes
1 year ago


1 year ago