40k 10th Edition Interview with Games Workshop!

In today’s show, Lawrence talks to Games Workshop’s Stu Black – The Warhammer 40,000 Studio Manager, to discuss 10th Edition, and the questions we have!
🎤 To check out the other interviews with Stu Black, search for our friends PlayOn Tabletop, Vanguard Tactics, Miniwargaming and Tabletop Titans on YouTube
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Loved this! I normally watch the video’s over a couple of sessions but for some reason, this format demanded I binge it in a sitting. Looking forward to the teased podcasts…
Feel no pain (?)
Very awesome, kowabanga dudes!
I’m so glad that GW is doing this extra bit of PR, its so nice to hear these things directly from the heart and fountain of information.
And it also makes me real glad that you guys, Vanguard Tactics and PlayOn are all in this, very wholesome!
Have to say the book throwing thing was really smoothly done 😮 Props to the editor on that one!
Anyone seen the upcoming faction focus Titans this morning?🤓
Used to work with Stu at GW, genuinely nice bloke and very clued up too. Looking forward to 10th and the 10th content and finally being able to build the armies that we want! Bring it on!
I think I wasn’t really sure what Detachments really meant until he said that before to do a Windrunner thing you needed to do a Saim-Hann army, but now you can do it for any Craftworld, it’s just that Saim-Hann are the most famous for it. That sounds pretty cool. I guess my only real fear is the flipside of it though; if all Craftworld’s can do it, why is it or what is it about Saim-Hann that makes it the *most* famous? LIke, what are the traits that Saim-Hann has, in 10th, that differentiates it from Ulthwe? Will those… Read more »
When Stu said Tyranid monster mash detachment I was sold👊😎👌
Very professional video. I think they answered most of the questions very well. The questions were also excellent. I think losing named subfactions is a mistake personally but it does help to open different playstyles to people who would otherwise be locked out by the colour scheme of their army. The thing that worried me most was battleshock though. I dont know why anyone would be “excited” about battleshock. Failing a morale test is not particularly fun but at least we’re not losing models now and I like the fact that they lose objective control. Very thematic. Unfortunately there seem… Read more »
What I would have loved to hear Spyder ask is, how will new codexes affect the power shift towards armies who have to wait a much longer time. Will new dexes make armies waiting for a Dex struggle significantly
Appreciate your candidness in a previous response to someone else Lawrence that the questions were pre screened by GW and you had 15 mins total. I would have liked some more hard questioning eg “have you learned from the codex creep issue which has appeared in the last few editions and can you guarantee it won’t happen in 10th?” But I understand you have to protect your business and also GW want to promote 10th without any negative hangovers from any previous editions. Some other questions I would have asked were done so by the other content creators. I like… Read more »
Thanks for posting the interview! Sadly I won’t be able to tune in for the stream, but it’s interesting to hear a bit about the design choices. I do think the HH changes are a mistake though. I get the argument from a balance standpoint, but still. Until today I was planning to add at least four HH vehicles to my Dark Krakens, and now that is money GW won’t get. And we won’t talk about the slap in the mouth it is to Chaos players. I feel terrible for Beard ☹ Nevertheless, I’m excited for the new edition. I… Read more »
Awesome update on things to come!! Very excited to see what the new edition brings but what the ‘Mega Bosses’ on this channel consume us all with more fantastic content!!! 😬😬😬
I don’t see a video here at the moment. It works fine on Youtube though.
Basically we heard that Iron Hands will be really no different than White Scars at bike combat because the Detachment in the White Scars book for that “archetype” of warfare isn’t locked to that chapter, err I mean paint scheme.🤨 17 years of Horus Heresy novels digging into the various Primarchs and how different they are, and now Imperial Fists make just as good stealth fighters as Raven Guard. As always, GW overcorrects massively. The only possible bright light I see is that new units (and models for us to buy) will start filling in the fluff. I want Firedrakes,… Read more »
This was great. Can’t wait for 10th edition. Feels like Battleshock is gonna play a big part in the game.
I’m very interested on how you guys are feeling after the announcement of the removal of Horus Heresy model support in 40k. Especially Beard since he often uses these models in your games. I know you guys probably don’t shy away from using them since you largely don’t play competitively, but the precedent set that they won’t receive further support with balance changes.
The codex insight is both a relief and exciting (assuming it pans out like this). I was worried about lack of flavour and it being too complicated. The mixing of tempest and secondaries sounds strange… would like to see how this goes.
So was it me or did Lawrence’s answers/and or questions feel real scripted?
I can understand not wanting to have the same info on the differnt content channels. As well as GW not wanting any questions they may not be prepared for. I guess it just felt more like GW was like “Here read this, and this is what we are doing.”
Either way in here for the long haul. Keep it up TT team.
I’m guessing the vids been taken down. Just watched a whole interview with playon though 🤷🏼♂️
This has made me a little hopeful that codex power creep will be limited if it is just about lore and some flavourful /alternative play styles. After 9th I’m still concerned, but this has given me a glimmer of hope!
(Edit: I’m still worried that power creep comes in other forms, e.g. balance dataslate that makes the factions with newest codexes stronger, but will just have to wait and see!)
Gotta give it up to the Warboss. Tenth is going to ruffle a lot of feathers with all of the consolidation taking place but I feel like it’s needed to get the streamlined game we keep saying we want. Not the hero we deserve, but the one we needed.
Glad I’m not the only one, it started as Lawrence and then changed to play on.
Wow this is really cool, just goes to show how big table top tactics have got.