Tyranids vs Deathwatch | Warhammer 40,000 Battle Report

Hive Fleet Myrmidon has been reborn anew for 10th Edition, as Jinx takes to the battlefield at the head of the Tyranid menace! The Deathwatch however will stop at nothing to halt the tide of the Xenos, as Beard leads these noble Astartes unto the field of battle!
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Fletcher did an incredible job on these Tyranides. It feels like seeing the ils artwork from Adrian Smith and Kopinsky, terrifying world eaters bugs… Well done Sir !
Great game team. The Tyranids are in a good place at the moment. They feel HUNGRY!
Watch Masters are awesome. My WM once withstood a charge and then killed a Knight Valiant. Love the DW.
BEARD! As a fellow enjoyer of Reivers I thought I might offer you this little combo I picked up recently. Have a Phobos Lieutenant lead your Reivers (and Deep Strike in with them, which he can do). Have them shoot their pistols at a desired target and then use the Lieutenant’s Fire and Fade ability to move them D6″ towards the enemy, reducing a 9″ charge to an 8″ to 3″ charge instead. Great for clearing light infantry off of objectives behind enemy lines 😉
Jinx, it’s okay if your “sustained” and “Seven” needs work and you may never get it, that’s okay. As long as you say rerolling, in an obvious nasily voice cause, are you even filming a tabletop tactics battles report if you’re not making fun of your boss?
awesome match up, the both of you! entertaining (in that Gladiator Russell Crowe sort of way) and Fletcher? wow! thigh slappingly good work on the new and the reworks! He’s let out of the painting dungeon for an extra 10 minutes for that, right?
Fletcher, you are simply too talented. Did you strip and repaint or manage to get that level of finish painting over the old scheme. If it’s the latter I’m calling witchcraft!
The second batrep of the week with Beard, Jinx and Bard, you do spoil us TT!
What an awesome color scheme for the tyranids and a good fun game to go along with it.
Gorm and the Terminators sounds like a band gatekeepers would use to determine if you listen to ‘real’ metal 🤣
Good game, thank you
Huge props to fletcher for the amazing paint job, I much prefer the new scheme to the old one. Correct me if I’m wrong but Shadows is a command ability and done before battleshock step of the command phase so Insane bravery can’t be used. The flyrant can’t use bonesword attacks as well as tyrant claws, one or t’other unless you use the scything talons for the [extra attacks] which are all the same strength, ap and damage for ease. Or use the walkrant which is just better in every way. Lastly when you consolidated your warriors onto the objective… Read more »
Epic game, loads of fun to watch! Lovely new colour scheme on those Nidz! I hope fletcher can do a full painting tutorial for them in the future!:)
DEATHWATCH!!! Time to squash some xeno bugs!
Finally we get to see some Tyranids. About time. When are we going to see Spider field his Drukhari?
Hey guys, for some reason every few Battle Reports you post, 1 of them doesn’t have an option to cast to a TV which is my main way of watching. Do you know why and would it be possible for you guys to resolve this?
Nice fun game. A minor one, I’m sure you can’t use insane bravery against shadow in the warp due to the timing of the shadow in the warp ability.
Long beard and long hair 🙂
Very fun game! And a fantastic paintjob there on the new Nids!
Few small things to keep in mind in future for the Nids, tho probably not gamebreaking this time: Neurotyrant gets +1 to wound against those rarely battleshocked units! Also unfortunately the Winged Hive Tyrant doesn’t get the Tyrant Claws and the Lashwhip and Bonesword, you gotta pick one when fighting, which makes him really underwhelming in melee..
Beard, as a fellow Deathwatch player, I have to let you know you can’t take both the long Vigil ranged and melee weapon together. The warhammer app taught me that.
For Gorg Odmunson (hope I’m spelling it right) does anyone know where TTT got the head for him? Did the make it themselves or was it part of a sprue? Can’t find anything like that head anywhere on the site, whether DW or SW
Idk if Beard realizes this later, but the Vindicare is D3+3, not D6 damage.
Poor parasite, one day he will get into combat. With lone operative, do you think it might be better to just fly him up the board than deep strike?
LoV haven’t been done in 10th, unless I missed that one
Sad that Brother Grendel the Thrice Exploded didn’t come along, but still very much looking forward to this batrep! Both armies look fantastic, and especially liking the new Tyranid paint job!
I love making movie-like scenes in my head when playing 40k games, makes it more fun. Imagine that squad of Reivers, seeing the wounded Hive Tyrant, and silently nodding to each other before drawing their combat knives and charging in! Crawling all over it, trying to find a chink in the armour to deliver the finishing blow – but even a badly wounded Hive Tyrant is still a fierce opponent, who will not go quietly into the dark 😀
Beard my recommendation for a vehicle to add would be a Corvus Blackstar just cos they’re so cool 😎
Love the new paint on the Nids. Looks great
New Hobby-Goal: Finishing up my Hive Fleet so I can do a 2v2 with Hive-Queen Jinx for the full Starship Troopers-experience😂
Go deathwatch
So excited to watch this game
Can not wait to watch this battle report. I know I am probably the only person asking for this but when are we going to see the leagues of votan? Want to see if they have been balanced enough or balanced too far. Great work guys, love the content 👍
Where is the video?
DEATHWATCH!!!! YES!!!! 🤘🤘🤘🤘🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥