Tabletop Tactics vs The Gaming Beaver! 40K Battle Report | Flesh Tearers vs Necrons

Avatar Jinx August 5, 202348  28 48 Likes

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Special Guest The Gaming Beaver has made his way to TT HQ to challenge the Spider with his Necrons. Will the brave Space Marines of the Flesh Tearers stand firm against the Silver Tide? Make sure to watch and find out!

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🎵 All music is licensed with artists credited at the end of the video

📝 Be sure to watch the video for the player’s Army Lists

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Jonathan Durham
Jonathan Durham
11 months ago

Does anyone know what kit the “wings” on the death company are from? Thank you!

Lifetime Member
11 months ago

OMG the crossover i never knew i wanted! Amazing!

Christopher Krueger
Lodge Member
Christopher Krueger
11 months ago

You guys are going to be using a Custom DG rule in Narrative to make them…well worth something.

How about flushing Heirloom Weapons, give VV and TWC their real weapons back and figure out how many PPM that should add?

When GW makes that boneheaded a move (probably something to do with pushing everyone to new models), then people have the right to just ignore them publicly and do what GW should have done.

11 months ago

Spider says he cannot attactch a sanguinary priest with jumpack to sanguinary guard, however Sanguinary Priest with pack can attatch to assault squad with jump pack and in the sang guard leader rules if it can attatch to an assault squad with jump pack it can attach to them. Just a heads up that you actually can in case you or anyone else here runs this army 😉

Dennis Meier
Dennis Meier
11 months ago

Heavy Destroyer are so Overpowered, Imagine if the Lord was in there giving them +1 to hit and Lethal 5 Ridicoulus

Lodge Member
11 months ago

I’d forgotten just how awesome the Flesh Tearers Army was! Great Bat Rep!!!

Lennon Simpson
Lennon Simpson
11 months ago

what a fun game! Shoutout to James for taking that absolute gut punch of a list and being so chill and fun about it.

Kyle Alexander
Lodge Member
11 months ago

I don’t get why the Suppressors aren’t hitting on 3’s. HEAVY is only +1 to hit if they’ve remained stationary, not -1 to hit if they’ve moved. Or am I missing something?

11 months ago

What a great game!

11 months ago

I really wish oath of moment was anything other than reroll everything all the time. I appreciate Spider is working with the army and it’s a great list, but going from I miss 7-9 to I miss nothing is my biggest peeve with 10th. Aldari and Marines being the absolute worst offenders for the “fewer re-rolls” edition. It just isn’t fun to play against.

Lifetime Member
11 months ago

Great report, great guest, fun battle.

Who knew, Spider has some operatic chops. Truly a renaissance man.

Jamie Ailano
Jamie Ailano
11 months ago

Flesh teasers on the charge with OOM is absolutely lethal!

Christopher Thiel
Christopher Thiel
11 months ago

Been waiting to see The Flesh Tearers again!
Definitely need more, Seth & some Assault Marines with a Sang Priest could do some work!

Julian Stark
Julian Stark
11 months ago

Great guest, and always great to see Lawrence play, more of both please!

Kyle Roach-Smith
11 months ago

It was nice to see vanguard veterans are still reasonably good. The sanguinary priest and captain really power them up

Lee Fawl
Lodge Member
11 months ago

Assault Marines on foot are great. Even better with Corbulo and a way to move them quick (transport/librarian dread) but the question i have is: are GW going to drop them out of the codex, since they hinted at playing them as veterans?
Not gonna lie, after the hit on power fists sanguinary guard for 6 months only, the dual ligntning claws, etc, it would really feel scammy at best for us who spent time and money converting all those units…

Last edited 11 months ago by Lee Fawl
Jordan Penwell
11 months ago

I have a lot of respect for Lawrence’s list building skill, so it was very nice to see a list incredibly similar to the ones I’ve been coming up with! Also great guest!

Lee Fawl
Lodge Member
11 months ago

The “Oh i’m playing Spider. At least Chef is cooking? No? Ah, it’s Beard…” face.

Capture d’écran 2023-08-05 à 14.59.08.png
Lee Fawl
Lodge Member
11 months ago

The “I didn’t roll any ones, i’m sorry” face

Capture d’écran 2023-08-05 à 14.58.48.png
Last edited 11 months ago by Lee Fawl
11 months ago

What a beautifully painted Necron army, and great to see the Flesh Tearers back too! Great batrep to kick off the weekend

Erik Ramvi
Erik Ramvi
11 months ago

Cool guest, cool batrep. Good goin` TT 🙂

Jonathan Haynes
Lodge Member
Jonathan Haynes
11 months ago

Purge the xenos, Lawrence