Thousand Sons vs World Eaters | Warhammer 40k Battle Report

Avatar Jinx October 7, 202340  33 40 Likes

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DAEMON PRIMARCH FIGHT!! Angron takes on Magnus in this epic battle to determine the victor between Brain and Brawn, and Jinx and Chef!

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9 months ago

Frick i hate youtube. Is there anyway to still allow us to cast the available on youtube videos from the app to tv? Currently if its available on free view (youtube) we can only cast the video from youtube. Great game guys!!!

Richard Ayre
Richard Ayre
9 months ago

How did the Thousand Sons terminators deepstrike in T1? That a strat?

Kyle Johnson
Kyle Johnson
9 months ago

Angron: My favorite Disney Princess.

Isaac Bishop
9 months ago

When he hid behind a wall so Magnus couldnt see him rather than die, does that make him Angron Cena?

Lodge Member
9 months ago

It is so much fun to watch two play against each other… I have an idea for TT-explosion: on the 1d6 explosion role you get a +1 modifier for each point of damage that exceeds the vehicles’ starting wounds… food for thought 🙂

King In Yellow
9 months ago

You know whats crazy and really cool at the same time? The terrain is painted to excellent quality! Its amazing the terrain matches all the models in quality. I am amazed at this. Most everyone just slaps a gray base coat and dry brushes some light gray or white, and basic ruins…but TT…fully painted with nice blends and shading, lighting effects..its sooo nice, and why i pay the premium to watch ALL the content.

Brandon Tolputt
Brandon Tolputt
9 months ago

Oh wise Chef, I beseech thee for aid. What is the correct way to play the Frenzy rule that the Hellbrute has? Can he shoot back every single time he is targeted or are there any caps to it? I’ve been told by other people I know that you can only use it once per phase because the intention is for units to shoot only once per phase, but I don’t know if that’s correct. As a devout interpreter of the web of rules, please can you clarify the rule for me 🙏.

9 months ago

Kharn rolls more 1s than any other recurring character by a country mile 😂😂

Terry Thorley
Lodge Member
9 months ago

Terminators can Deepstrike first turn :0 … i did not know this!..

Thanks guys 😀 great game good to see the chaos gods waring amongst themselfs.

9 months ago

Great game! Very fun.
But yeah, if you don’t have Magnus (or don’t want to play him, as I don’t), Thousand Sons REALLY struggle right now. You don’t have the Cabal Points, the output or the shenanigans you need to keep up with even casual Space Marines, it’s quite frustrating. I don’t like playing Epic Heroes myself, so making the army 100% dependant on one to function is a real bummer.

9 months ago

Great report 🙂

The option of Angron returning is always such a gutter punch 😀

Phil Scott
9 months ago

Always love the Chef and Jinx batreps – serious sibling energy (pure chaotic scenes)

Kieran Barnes
Kieran Barnes
9 months ago

Good to see you back Chef! Feels like an age since I’ve seen you in a B Rep

John Barber
Lifetime Member
9 months ago

What a great game. Always nice to see some chaos-on-chaos action. I can’t believe how many sixes you roll Chef for the 6+ fnp, because I have almost written it off as a blood point or whatever it’s called now. And it isn’t just this game either but another one as well I think you rolled so many (against Eldar?)

I almost feel like Jinx was… jinxed, robbed in this game. But at the same time, it’s always nice getting dust everywhere!

Sven Hegenbart
Lifetime Member
9 months ago

repeating myself but props for Jinx playing TS and faring pretty well so far with them.
Also liked the inclusion of Predators 🙂
Really nice battlerep and it never gets tired to see Jinx frustrated over Chef making FnP or invul safes xD

Benoit Cappez
Lifetime Member
9 months ago

Tremendous game ! Angron is still a beast to deal with, again and again… I’ll have to deep dive in the TS because I was quite dubitative in 9th after loosing AoC. But it seems that yes, they still have a place in the meta.

John Barber
Lifetime Member
9 months ago

You guys forgot to put the embedded video link into the page! (how is that possible? lol)

Timothy Staten
Timothy Staten
9 months ago

The video isn’t there! Has it been corrupted by the Warp? Tzeentch why are you so fickle?

John Matson
John Matson
9 months ago

I really hope we get to see a four way chaos massacre one day, Death Guard, Thousand Sons, World Eaters and Emperor’s Children in a true slug fest haha

Lee Fawl
Lodge Member
9 months ago

“Fletcher’s Angron pauldron” would be my chaos warband colour scheme.

Liam Kofi Bright
Liam Kofi Bright
9 months ago

Khorne player using aquamarine dice against a Thousand Sons player using orange dice got me f*cked up here ngl

Thomas Azula
Lodge Member
9 months ago

All is Dust!

Jonathan Haynes
Lodge Member
Jonathan Haynes
9 months ago

Blood for the Blood God, Skulls for the Skull Throne!