MASSIVE DESERT AMBUSH! Astra Militarum vs T’au | Warhammer 40k Battle Report

Avatar Jinx October 16, 202370  63 70 Likes

YouTube video

Bard and Beard recreate the battle of Mu’gulath Bay in today’s 6,000 point game of Tallarn and Imperial Knights against the might of the T’au Empire!

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Lodge Member
5 months ago

Dont knights get a 6 fnp?

Lodge Member
8 months ago

That was an absolute blast to watch! More Beard & Bard Batreps, please! Love the narrative content as well. You guys are fantastic, keep up the great work!

8 months ago

just started watching and dayyyymm that board looks so good with the models all deployed, so cool

Isaac Bishop
8 months ago

Just a quick one, hit rolls modifiers are still capped at +/-1, so a hammerhead can only hit on 3’s, no matter how many buffs it has! Love your stuff guys, but with such a big gun that one really sticks out.

9 months ago

This battle had me laughing so much. Such a fun game with so many epic moments!

Lodge Member
9 months ago

Loving the bigger battles and smart move to restrict the points on the table at a time. But you really need a larger table for your bigger games to give them the justice they deserve. Love it though

9 months ago

“None of this new, fandangled technology. Here’s a big cannon!”

9 months ago

Great battle report, really thought Shadowsun would come out on top there.. great fun was had by all!

Aieden Hunter
Aieden Hunter
9 months ago

These two always find a way to bottle lighting, incredible battle report as always thereā€™s simply nothing like this kinda fun anywhere else outside of TT

Craig Russell
Craig Russell
9 months ago

Probably my favourite single Battle Report so far! Amazing, guys!! šŸ˜€

Daniel Mennell
Daniel Mennell
9 months ago

Incredible game.

Tyler Goslin
Tyler Goslin
9 months ago

Completely epic

9 months ago

Amazing scenario. Amazing battle. Fun squared.

Lodge Member
9 months ago

What a game ā€¦ please do more of this 6K fun stuff!

Philippe Boulanger
Lodge Member
9 months ago

Amazing entertainment. I love those spectacle games : you seem to have so much fun playing them, and thereā€™s always something wacky happening!

benjamin reed
benjamin reed
9 months ago

I love all your batreps, but this one was something special. Hilarious, crazy and I love the production of the videos. I was tired after watching and laughing through this whole video.

Philip Kendall
Philip Kendall
9 months ago

I want whatever Joe and James had in their coffee before filming this one.

9 months ago

love taking liberties with the missions and adding a bit of story to the confrontations

Jon Donoghue
Lodge Member
Jon Donoghue
9 months ago

Oh also. Can we take a moment to appreciate that green knight paint job?! BY THE EMPEROR is that one of the most beautiful things Iā€™ve seen in a while!

Jon Donoghue
Lodge Member
Jon Donoghue
9 months ago

Iā€™m loving this style of battle report. Please do more of these semi narratives. šŸ–¤

Also apologies for the weird live stream message yesterday. The nerve block went to my head a bit šŸ˜‚

Last Son of Nostramo
9 months ago

Nice report, liking the large scale battles. BTW post the reveal stream, fixed the AdMech

Admech fixed.png
9 months ago

Looks like Shadowsun is (Darth Vader voice): As clumsy as she is stupid.

Wil Sterling
Lodge Member
Wil Sterling
9 months ago

Okay so it’s not Taros, but in this instance I can make an exception.

Last edited 9 months ago by Wil Sterling
Lodge Member
9 months ago

this was amazing, what a fantastic idea to fight the battles in the narrative parts of the codexs!! good thinking batbard šŸ™‚ these “out of the box” batreps are what warhammer is all about… please sir may we have some more?

Aussie Warrior
9 months ago

Thank you for this, guys. Heaps of fun, plus the rarely seen 40k crimp. Priceless!

9 months ago

Tank battles are the best!

Chuck Bailey
9 months ago

This is bloody brilliant

Colin Clarke
Colin Clarke
9 months ago

Beard ā€œ the bane blade cannon doesnā€™t hit on threes does it? No it doesnā€™t ā€œ proceeds to pick up threes as hits immediately afterā€¦

Sven Hegenbart
Lifetime Member
9 months ago

another super funny custom mission battrep.
Really love your creativity.

Also that game had the best Beard rolls I ever saw since following them starting 8th edition xD

9 months ago

Is this replacing podcasts on Mondays? If so, when will they be?

Cory Baird
Cory Baird
9 months ago

Poor Sultan lol. A great game, massively entertaining! Always love these cool narrative giant games. Hoping for giant point games like this for AOS!

9 months ago

That was an absolutely hilarious game! Easily one of the best you’ve had in ages.

In general, I’m loving the bigger battle reports! The 3K games are huge and tons of fun! You’re making me want to play an Onslaught game with friends sometime soon!

Ian Corrigan
Ian Corrigan
9 months ago

This had me on the floor some parts laughing, thanks for a great show.

William Huynh
William Huynh
9 months ago

My face hurt from smiling and laughing too much. Just fantastic fun

Kyle Roach-Smith
9 months ago

That was utter chaos, I love it! Some of the most wacky rolling I’ve seen in a long time XD

Shas'O Myenshi
Shas'O Myenshi
9 months ago

Always here to see the tau. Was a fun game and nice to see kauyon actually work. Stormsurge was a nice surpise but WOW that was a perfect example of how utterly worthless Riptides are. You would have been better of ditching them for some commanders and a couple of crisis teams or some broadsides Bard. Aside from that was fun enough. Not convinced the battlesuits have enough punch to their weapons honestly to deal with tanks and considering thats the main go to this edition thats not encouraging.

Bulldog Ugly
9 months ago

Loved it! Narrative games make for a fantastic watch.

Joseph Gardner
Joseph Gardner
9 months ago

I don’t think the stormsurge should have done so much damage in turn 3, you’re +1 bs for the guided target and -1 bs for unguided targets with the split fire. Other than that this is the most fun game I think I’ve ever seen!!

Ivan Dejanovic
9 months ago

Since this is on YouTube as well was this supposed to be a “free” Saturday batrep but it just got delayed? Or are there no more Saturday batreps?

Peter Bing Simmons
Peter Bing Simmons
9 months ago

Have you dropped making AOS BR altogether? :-). Love your chemistry, but miss the AOS angle.

Jens Folsberg
Lifetime Member
Jens Folsberg
9 months ago

Absolute mayhem! Seemed like every turn was trying to outdo the previous one in sheer carnage. Although it really is sad that tank-tossing was removed from Knights. That was the only thing that could have made this better.

Jeff Pritchard
9 months ago

Love the larger scale! your collections are so vast and fletcher has done such a great job, brilliant to see so many on the table at once!

Ryan Goodwin
Ryan Goodwin
9 months ago

Hilarious game, looking forward for the teased part 2!

Lodge Member
9 months ago

What a brilliant game! šŸ˜†

I literally just said on the live feed how great your BatReps have been recently! This game exactly encapsulates what I was referring to: an epic spectacle, engaging narrative flavour, and above all, a huge amount of fun!

Awesome stuff. šŸ™šŸ¼

Timmy Tables
Lodge Member
9 months ago

Fantastic bat rep. Thanks for the laughs!

alan rayner
Lifetime Member
alan rayner
9 months ago

Stop it!!! My sides are in pieces from that! Belly laughs and such a fantastic fun scenario!! I hope you both went for a lay down after that!!

Sloppity Biletyper
9 months ago

Can’t wait to watch tonight!

Thomas Azula
Lodge Member
9 months ago

Tally Ho!

Konnor collins
9 months ago

Love this I’m.a big tau player only one thing u used your nova serge on the riptide 11.40 in u game it dev wounds on 6s its actually lethal hits I belive please tell me if I’m wrong love u bard ignore this just checked I was wrong I’m an ioooodiot as beard would say šŸ˜‰ šŸ˜€ also no guardian drones on the breechers

9 months ago

Iā€™m a simple man. I see a baneblade, I like.