Louise Sugden | The Tabletop Tactics Podcast Ep 20

We’re joined in there studio today by our very special guest – Louise Sudden AKA Rogue Hobbies! We talk about Warhammer, Games Workshop, the hobby at large and of course all the exciting stuff going on with Louise and Rogue Hobbies.
Part two is available to our On Demand members right now as Lousie, Lawrence and James talk about how and why Tabletop Tactics and Rogue Hobbies produce Warhammer content, and discuss everything involved with making videos about our favourite past-time. Sign up using the link below and get access to HUNDREDS of extra shows including our entire Podcast library available right now.
We’re joined in there studio today by our very special guest – Louise Sudden AKA Rogue Hobbies! We talk about Warhammer, Games Workshop, the hobby at large and of course all the exciting stuff going on with Louise and Rogue Hobbies.
Part two is available to our On Demand members right now as Lousie, Lawrence and James talk about how and why Tabletop Tactics and Rogue Hobbies does Warhammer content creation and discuss everything involved with making videos about our favourite past-time. Sign up using the link below and get access to HUNDREDS of extra shows including our entire Podcast library available right now.
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This was really great! I was laughing so hard during the trivia round!! Louis is a really great guest!
A little behind but boy do I want more trivia! That was so much fun!
Oh my God I probably haven’t thought about Bionicle in something like 25 years. Love the podcast as always, I didn’t know Luis had her own channel now! Another show to add to my watch list!
RTB01 Rogue Trader Box 01, yes I really am that old. Love this podcasr, great work.
My favourite episode of the podcast so far! Please have Louise back on again.
In defense of the trivia-ship-answers: as ridiculous as the ‘in the heat of the moment’ answers were – 20km is still a stupidly oversized idea that someone on the lore team wrote down after having some time to think XD
I’m absolutely wheezing at the size of the ship they said LMAO
You guys absolutely nailed it on the nostalgia.
I remember going to my friends house. Putting aquarium decor on the floor and playing fantasy all night long. I cherish these memories and that’s why I’m so excited about Old World.
It is bringing me back to my 13 years old self lol
Great ep, loved the trivia even though i only knew one thing haha 😅 Would absolutely love to see that documentary some day more accessible too so heres hoping!
More of the quiz i was shouting RTB01 at my pc my wife now thinks im mad! mind you I was alive when it was released so im not surprised i remember.
If someone shooting paint out their pooper qualifies for art (and getting a Nice sum from the Norwegian goverment for it) i would defintly classify Miniature painting as art 😅
Also 10/10 for the Trivia round 😇
Rascaltown ftw
“Captain, the Primarch wishes to see you on the bridge.”
“Very well Brother, if I leave now I should be there in approximately four and a half weeks.”
This is great
Fantastic creator and a great guest! Love Louise’s work on Rogue Hobbies.
Also, as far as if painting miniatures is art: I challenge anyone who says it isn’t to look at the hand painted murals on my friends’ titans and Lynxes, Louises’s Mindstealer, or Fletcher’s Lion, and tell me those aren’t art
Always love trivia.
Oh wow I can’t wait to get on and watch this podcast with some of my favourite content creators. I’m sure nothing upsetting will happen around the 30 minute mark.
The trivia round is everything, I need it, forget battle reports.
I want a tabletop tactics gameshow, with beard as a cursed richard osmond. Chef of course running dictionary corner, Lawrence giving Bradley Walsh energy,
Make it!
I have spoken
“The mushrooms are fun” yes they are 😉
Yay! More great Guests in the Podcasts!
Great guest, great chat, my highlight of the week and so glad these are something that makes Monday bearable!!
Yay!! Louise!!! Omg I love her so much! 😍❤️