*NEW CODEXES* Orks vs Adeptus Custodes | Warhammer 40k Battle Report

Two brand new Codexes enter into 10th edition with a bang, as Ghazghkull leads his grand WAAAGHHH! in defiance of the Emperor’s shiniest boys!
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Catching up on my Ad. Custodes backlog, enjoyed the Council far more than I should have 🤣
20:23 Bard’s “Shieldwall!” and the metal riff before gave me real Amon Amarth vibes
Bully Boyz: We’ve had one WAAAGH yes, what about second WAAAGH?
Wrecking Ball Rendition
Loved this so much keep it one of my favourite bat raps wooo
Quality time. Can’t wait for the next Ork report!
Custodes did really well, especially with chefs rolling of feel no pains. Looks like you can just have eight or nine characters as your whole army, and have them all buffed. That’s a cheap to buy army
The council of Waaaagh made my day.
Great, so now my 8year old son (who plays orks and rolls better than Spider) will be beating me even worse in games lol 😆
The adorktus Custodinobz!
That was hella fun, nicely done game working around the codex… differences 😁
Dean Seagl needs a model!!
I’d say 1985 is a good number, being the year of my appearance on this world.
Can I just say out for Justice is the best Steven Seagal film, the crazy Jamaicans just really make that movie for me. Good battle report btw
All i want is a ride of the valkeries inspired waaarrgghh when we see the Kult of Speed
As a custodian im not sure i even wanna watch this tbh. Orks players did well though
What an amazingly brutal and close game. Thoughts and prayers to our fallen hero, Steven Squigg-gal. Taken before his time.
@Chef : the french term you’re looking for is “Madeleine de Prout“, a pleasantly gassy memory that we can’t evade.
Look at how they massacred my golden boys
So excited !
“Gulp”…. said the custodes player