5000pts & NEW DETACHMENTS! Orks vs T’au Empire | Warhammer 40K Battle Report

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5000 points either side in today’s Warhammer 40,000 Battle Report as Beard takes the new Dakka Dakka Dakka detachment to face off against Bard and the new Experimental Prototype Cadre of the T’au Empire!
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This seemed like there was almost as many explosions as in the Imperium vs Chaos explodey fest episode.
What mad man play tested this ork detachment!
Spider: Battles between Beard and the Bard are already pretty silly, how can we amp that up?
Fletcher: We could give them 5,000 points apiece of insane shooting.
Spider: Back in the basement, Fletcher!
Chef: Not a bad idea, though.
Spider: Oh we’re definitely doing that.
Such a hilarious battle, well done guys!
Hilarious madness. Scraplord is worthy of love!
By the will of the Emperor, the Tau will forever now be known as “tadpoles”. 🐸
I love that T’au paint scheme, can anyone shed any light on what colours are used?
Great game guys, 5000 points is mental at 28mm, that deployment zone at the start was so dumb looking lol
Does kinda prove 40k should remain a skirmish game but Joe and James are great to watch regardless of what they are playing
‘I am the Lord of Scrap!!!! hear my Klaws go Snap, Snap Snap!!!’
The organizers played very well.
would love to see these bigger form games have a longer run time, always left wanting more.
More like this please it’s bloody amazing!! I also think for shits and giggles you should do a winner stays on so all the team get a 5000 PT run!! Haha
Loved the game as a show, but it does portray really well how terribly unbalanced the game becomes at high point levels. Just having that much fire power to kill your opponent makes going first way too important, even with apocalypse rules for the first turn. Nevertheless, it was great entertainment! That Orks detachment is really brutal.
This was the stupidest battle report in a long time.
But seriously great game, love these massive battles, it must have taken ages. But definitely keep em coming.
Maybe a monthly thing? The monthly massacre?
Loves the game and the new detachments! Thank you!
Scrap Lord is Love, Scrap Lord is Life!
Brilliant game! Love seeing people just laughing and having fun with this great game… and… SCRAP LORD LIVES!!!!!!!
“Scrap Lord is worthy of love” is my next tattoo.
Now that was epic! Well done boys!
Bard. 5000 point and no Taunar? Come on man. Its and experimental cadre bring out the experimental gun platform XD
Also as an aside i like to think that the red riptide was O’Vesa and when the first experimental weaponry was used they did the whole team fortress ‘Are you sure this will work’ ‘I HAVE NO IDEA!’.
Great game!!!
I cant remember a time when your stompas have NOT exploded! Its absolutely hilarious and awesome!
5k… is dat it… Needs more Dakka!
5000 bitz of Dakka! Oh yeah, itz Krump’n time! Waaagh!!!
5k points! Coolio!
Finally a potential answer to the question ‘how much dakka is enough dakka?’!