*OLD WORLD* Vampire Counts vs Bretonnia | Warhammer The Old World Battle Report

Avatar Jinx January 27, 2024146  71 146 Likes

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New armies hit the battlefield, as the noble Knights of Bretonnia ride out to meet the foul necromantic undead of the Vampire Counts! Will it be Duke Beard or Count Spider that takes victory in The Old World?

00:00 Intro
01:00 Army Lists
05:52 Sponsored Content
07:28 Game
54:59 Sponsored Content

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📝 Be sure to watch the video for the players’ Army Lists

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Justin Rossiter
Justin Rossiter
6 months ago

The green knight is such a cool model but I always thought special characters have no place in WFB/the old world. They were never balanced and its alot of the fun building and kitting out your characters and having good duels with your opponents kitted out lord

James Wiggins
Lodge Member
James Wiggins
7 months ago

Surely the Duke of Welly Welly Wellington?
Great battle report!

Ben H
Lifetime Member
Ben H
7 months ago

Did you find the slight extra width on the Black Knights made a difference? If i recall, the ovals they’re on are 60x32mm, and they need 30x60mm cavalry bases? Those, blood knights, and characters, are the thing stopping me using my soulblight in TOW.

Peter Mannion
Peter Mannion
7 months ago

Love the base adaptors for the undead. Really useful way to get double bang for your buck with those models that are similar enough between Sigmar and Oldhammer.

7 months ago

I knew I would prefer ToW to AoS, but I didn’t expect even regular games of it becoming as interesting as Narrative. It’s such a more engaging system than the big 2 modern GW games.

Lifetime Member
7 months ago

I’m really liking the Old World content. And Beard winning vs Lawrence, that has been a while since that happened! Epic moment with slaying that vampire on his silly dragon. A well deserved win that was.

Richard Macpherson
Richard Macpherson
7 months ago

Would love to see Bretonnia Vs Empire

7 months ago

These armies look amazing, any chance Fletcher is going to do a ‘how to paint’ for the bretonnians?! How did he do the gold ? Just stunning! Great job all around. Love the battle reports, keep killing it friends !

7 months ago

Really enjoying the Old World battle reports – and those armies look stunning, especially the knights and zombie dragon. Look forward to more great content like this.

Gerben Tichelaar
Gerben Tichelaar
7 months ago

Really enjoying The Old World stuff. Cant wait for more. It’s keeping me motivated to dig through my own old Chaos Warriors stuff and assemble a proper army again. I’ve even managed to find an Egrimm von Horstmann (+ Chaos Dragon) to add to my collection, so I’m to patching that up while I watch your next TOW video.

Also, dat Green Knight!!!

Alex Thurston
Alex Thurston
7 months ago

Is there any way to get Beards full Bret list from this game? Just got into the Old World with the Bret Army box and I’m just struggling to piece together a list. The list looks so fun!

Spencer Andrews
Spencer Andrews
7 months ago

Absolute bosses the team has outdone themselves. Really looking forward to this one and more to come.

Bearer of the Word
Bearer of the Word
7 months ago

Also, just a heads up, but Cubicle 7 have announced an Old World RPG. Could synergise very nicely with your Old World battle reports.

Bearer of the Word
Bearer of the Word
7 months ago

Another fantastic battle report. I feel that Old World is a perfect fit for Tabletop Tactics. The rules and army composition restrictions bring the setting to life and you are able to tell memorable stories through your games. I signed up for 40K, but your Old World and Cast of Players shows are the ones I am prioritising right now. Please keep both of them going!

Nathan Southwood
7 months ago

Very cool, been waiting for a TT coverage of Bretonnians ⚜️ excellent work by Fletcher and the gang they look amazing

7 months ago

Awesome work on the models well done

Louis Mcallan
Louis Mcallan
7 months ago

oscar lvl entertainment. 5 stars. Keep them coming please.

Colin Clarke
Colin Clarke
7 months ago

Just so you know Lawrence , you can’t give your vampire armour and cast spells, unless you take specific magic ones. Helps balance the power of spellcasters

Lucas Ingram
Lodge Member
Lucas Ingram
7 months ago

Great battle report as always! Loving the Old World, and looking forward to seeing some Dwarfs and Dark Elves sometime in the future!

Scott Langdon
Scott Langdon
7 months ago

Will ToW be seasonal like AoS? Or are you guys planning on it being a consistent series? Loving it so far despite trying to wrap my head around it with all the rules as I’m new to it!

7 months ago

Top notch! Loved the table, Fletcher’s paint work, and the to and fro of Old World – already looking forward to next week’s video

Philip Henderson
7 months ago

Fletcher seems OP, please nerf.
I’m enjoying the tables, even though they have fewer terrain features, they still feel immersive.

Lodge Warrior Member
7 months ago

Great armies, especially the Brets of course. Loving the Old World content. Vamps seem more of a finesse army than they first appear., definitely looking forward to more especially as I appear to have fallen for the Lady.

Lee Fawl
Lodge Member
7 months ago

Love the battles, but i am a bit bothered by the music all along.

I feel that it doesn’t really let me immerse (if that’s a word) in the fun you’re having. Noticed that a while ago but in this report, maybe the volume is higher than usual, better headphone it really stung me. Maybe others feel that too. Thought i’d let you know :]

Last edited 7 months ago by Lee Fawl
The Phantom
Lodge Warrior Member
The Phantom
7 months ago

Cracking game love the counts and those brets look amazing! classic crumble for the undead but I can tell you are maybe just toning the lists down a bit while learning (pretty sure none of my lists leave home without the ogre blade on the general) keep the old world coming as I love this game!

Lodge Warrior Member
7 months ago

I can’t quite belive how much I am loving these Old World reports… my younger self that spent endless hours playing Fantasy Battle is really having the time of his life.
It’s a pity that the business model GW chose and the fact that they did not streamlined the rules enough turned away all my friends, now I will have to paint my bretonnians and wait to see if a tournament pop up to have a chance to play. The greediness of the suits at GW is really making things difficult.

Kal Spriggs
7 months ago

Great batrep! Awesome to see both armies on the table. My son and I watched and he thinks the Green Knight is awesome

Steve Day
Steve Day
7 months ago

Guys I haven’t looked at the other comments yet as I don’t want any spoilers for this but where did you get the square bases that fit the round bases inside. This would save me so much work re basing everything. Cheers

Tommaso Silvestrin
Lodge Member
7 months ago

I love seeing my favorite faction played (Vampire Counts)!!!
Top content as per usual 👏👏👏

John McTavish
John McTavish
7 months ago

Absolutely loving all the Old World content – and the duel between generals had me cackling. Hope to see some Warriors of Chaos in action soon!

Jon Steen
Jon Steen
7 months ago

Brilliant game. Absolutely beautiful Bretonian army and the vampires are probably my favourite evil army. Very cinematic report, absolutely love the old world matches!

George Stainforth
7 months ago

Loving the converter bases for the sigmar models loving the old-world content so much.

Matt Hall
Matt Hall
7 months ago

I do love the grey beards among us(with less grey then me Beard playing) that we can still play with are toys decades later and still be up to date unlike my knees🤓

Fates Grip
Fates Grip
7 months ago

Yes MOARE Old World!!

Lodge Member
7 months ago

omg Fletcher!!! Amazing paint job…

Iain Russell
Iain Russell
7 months ago

As always, loving the Old World! Legacy armies are the best, my Dark Elves will never be sidelined.

With the vampire, I don’t remember reading it, but can a Vampire cast while wearing armour?

Vincent Grant
Vincent Grant
7 months ago

I’m really finding it hard to balance my desire to play fantasy again and the fact that I don’t want to pay modern GW prices for the old kits which in some cases really do stand out next to the new models. Like after 4 years they basically released a couple characters but otherwise most of the units are the same almost 20 something year old models. But I’d love to play fantasy again. I just don’t know.

Paul Ancill
7 months ago

Is there a reason I cant download the freevew videos?

7 months ago

Currently painting some Vampires for The Old World, whilst continuing to be tempted by Bretonnians! Woohoo!!

Christian Pedersen
Christian Pedersen
7 months ago

I need this. Hope it’s a good scrap!