The Magic of The Old World | The Tabletop Tactics Podcast Ep 32

Avatar Jinx February 19, 202480  60 80 Likes

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We are thoroughly enjoying the Old World – it feels fresh even though it is essentially an older game. It has a certain magic to it that is more than just nostalgia but what is it that makes it so? Sit down with Bard, Beard and Spider as they chat old world and why it just hits different!

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7 days ago

I’m really enjoying Old World, loving working on / playing with my Bretonnians. Keep up the great content, really love what you do. Looking forward to seeing more of your Old World Bars…

Adrien Moynet
Adrien Moynet
5 months ago

Joining mu follow comrades here: I love all your content but the Old World content is the one that I’m most excited about !

Lodge Member
6 months ago

When I was first getting into Warhammer back at the tail end of 7th edition. I was planning on getting Tomb Kings and then they stopped selling them JUST before I could buy them and came out with AoS. SO HAPPY to see them BACK. Now we just need Arkhan the Black on his ye olde chariot.

Bob Bennett
Bob Bennett
6 months ago

I loved this podcast so much it made me subscribe. I have been doing GW stuff since end of Rogue Trader days/2nd Edition 40k. However I always had the most fun with WHFB. We used to play at the local GW store at Bluewater and I was known as Bob the Bretonnian. What I loved about the game was that was always a chance to win and list building was fun and it was down to your skill as a player. So many great games against Dark Elves/High Elves/Vampire counts to name but a few so I was gutted when… Read more »

Bearer of the Word
Bearer of the Word
6 months ago

Great episode and I agree with much of what you said. However, I don’t think that the older sculpts are preferable to newer GW models. The Old World aesthetic, which is more dark and gritty than AoS, is much more to the taste of a lot of wargamers. It is nevertheless difficult to argue that the new Bretonnian Lord on Pegasus is not light years ahead of the Pegasus Knights. Given the amount of crossover between Old World and AoS, I wish that GW was more comfortable with cross compatability between the two systems. For instance, the new Chaos Warriors… Read more »

Last edited 6 months ago by Bearer of the Word
6 months ago

It’s interesting how things go in cycles. When AoS launched it tried to not take itself too seriously, focused on the “fun” side and not the streamlined competitive, and wanted to be super accessible and character driven. Everyone hated it. 40k tried to add flavour by giving sub factions specific rules (like chapter specific stuff) and get rid of universal special rules by giving each army narrative descriptions for things like deepstrike. People complained. Now Old World is here and “everyone” loves how imersive it is and that it focuses on having “fun” and not the competitive side. Guess it’s… Read more »

Fates Grip
Fates Grip
6 months ago

Great discussion. Bring on more Old World battles and discussions. The theme opens up the imagination. Looking forward to what’s ahead. Thanks so much for giving it a chance!

6 months ago

By the way its interesting to see the result of Auspex Tactics poll with 31k votes (keep in mind his content is primarily competitive WH40k) as I think it also shows why a game with narrative appeal like ‘The Old World’ is taking the spotlight: Only 2% of them say they play only competitive 40k, 10% say they usually play competitive and another 28% at least play competitively sometimes – that’s generously speaking 40% show at least some minimal interest for what GW is using as their main drive for the rules development (but only 12% actually see it as… Read more »

Nick Mathewson
Lodge Member
6 months ago

This podcast will have massive repercussions on my bank account.

6 months ago

Hi Guys, excellent chat.

I completely agree with the hand made angle.

I am a fine furniture maker, and we make everything by hand but also have a CNC machine (imagine a reverse 3D printer where a robotic arm moves a router)

There is a huge difference between the CNC items that are made to look hand made, and when we actually hand make it.

It’s something about how our eyes recognise symmetry so well, and when the lines are almost perfect, it creates this lovely characterful feel.

6 months ago

Another awesome podcast. With 2nd Ed joining the crew, and your combined knowledge, perhaps you could do a 2nd/10th edition game or rules pack. Bring that granularity and narrative back to 10th. Lock Chef and his encyclopaedic brain in a room with a table full of pastries until he brings forth the 40k a lot of us originally fell in love with.

Thea Hatton
Thea Hatton
6 months ago

In my second old world game, my friend’s goblin shaman cast a big template spell (mork/gork’s stomp or something) that killed a bunch of my marauders and almost killed my dragon….. Before scattering back onto the shaman and crushing him. That sold me on the game again, it’s just so fun and silly vs. 40k where i feel like i have to chase the meta to some extent to have a fun game

Darren Greatrex
Darren Greatrex
6 months ago

I thoroughly agree with the 10th edition feels. It’s been the longest period of time I’ve not played or had any inspiration for 40k, we’ve currently went to playing AoS (I play skaven so old world sadness) and am also looking to maybe start old world and maybe even just get some movement trays that fit circle bases. 10th right now feels entirely meh

Lord Caustos
Lord Caustos
6 months ago

Wait a year or two and everything will become “official” 😀

Tom Griffiths
Tom Griffiths
6 months ago

Legacy shmegacy – we’re playing with those armies. Glad to hear TTT on the right side of this.

6 months ago

Your Old World content is my favourite to watch at the moment. I’m sure part of it is novelty and nostalgia, but it also presents itself as a more unpredictable game with a greater degree of enjoyable chaos and as a result greater narrative potential.

6 months ago

22 minutes in,
pause show,
opens Instagram
‘gathers ones emotions together’
re-joins watching show

6 months ago

I find myself agreeing with most of your opinions in the podcast, but this time I could endorse every single statement. From Spider’s appreciation of hand sculpted imperfections, Bard’s hope for a new trend in game design for future editions to Joe’s statement about the additional effort one has to put into 40k to add flavor and narrative into the game. You pretty much hit the nail on the head why I like The old World (and HH for that matter) and I have the same hope as Bard mentioned that it may lead to a change in direction for… Read more »

Ben Philpott
Lodge Member
6 months ago

I too have been caught by the magic of the old world and am looking to get an army and play. Never played fantasy in the whole time I been in the hobby , which is getting on for 30 years now. I think there is an element of taking something away and people want it but for me personally the sway comes from the current state of 10th 40K being a little sterile, I wouldn’t go as far to say soulless but I think it’s not a million miles off the mark.

Talos Miniatures
Lodge Member
6 months ago

I’m a sourdough!

6 months ago

Lawrence talking about the success and continuation of the weekly Old Reports (for a year!) has made my day. The quality of the old world content you produce is unmatched, excited to see more, and to hear of the narrative-campaign plans

wayne keeley
wayne keeley
6 months ago

Here is a question, does Games Workshop have the manufacturing capacity to release everything you guys want? especially in the numbers required to not sell out in 30 seconds.

Lennon Simpson
Lennon Simpson
6 months ago

This reminds me a lot of the release of World of Warcraft: Classic and while they arent a 1 to 1 comparison, I think its still apt (I promise I will stop talking about WoW eventually) I played WoW from just about release to, well, a year or so ago. But when Classic released… man. It’s a real shock just how *different* it feels from the modern iteration of the game and I think a lot of that, and maybe the appeal of Old World, is that it was made before there was any real concern about optimizing it or… Read more »

Philippe Boulanger
Lodge Member
6 months ago

Great episode, nice positive vibe ☮️

Alex Hoffman
Alex Hoffman
6 months ago

This was tons of fun. I’ve been skipping the Old World batreps but you’ve convinced me to give them another go.

Also, Spider’s absolutely right about the difference between digital and analogue craftsmanship. As someone into spooncarving, I can say that you’ll never find a hand-carved wooden spoon that fits in your hand or your mouth as well as a mass-produced metal one. But that doesn’t matter. You simply enjoy your meal more when you eat with a carved spoon.

Riley Fitzgerald
6 months ago

I know you’re all very excited about old world, but I’m so sad that age of sigmar battle reports are over…🥺

Token Bastard
Lodge Warrior Member
6 months ago

TT’s Old World content has pretty much sold me on eventually getting to a point where I can get an OW army together. I’d collected a bunch of the Empire “Cities of Sigmar” models for use in an eventual AoS army, but hadn’t gotten around to anything with them. Old World looks far more fascinating and fun to play for fantasy gaming than AoS ever was, so I’m glad I’ve got them around to eventually get something together. There’s something about rank-and-file wargaming that, even if the model count isn’t as huge as a lot of my 40k games, just… Read more »

6 months ago

Old world campaigns would be absolutely wonderful to watch 🙂 I was just scouring YouTube for narrative campaigns but there isn’t anything close to the Tabletop Tactics production value/ enthusiasm!

John Kozempel
John Kozempel
6 months ago

The old world is not for me but I love the TT crew’s enthusiasm for it.

And if James wants old school analogue sound recording shenanigans, go check out the documentary on the recording of Darkness on the Edge of Town and watch Springsteen lose his mind over drumstick noise on the track.

big bun
big bun
6 months ago

Hi my name is Ben and I’m New to warhammer 40k

Anders Mårdell
6 months ago

Once I saw it, I couldn’t unsee it. Chaos Lord Beards placement in the podcast. Perfect. Those horns growing straight out of his head.

Gerben Tichelaar
Gerben Tichelaar
6 months ago

The Old World as an artisan GW game. Spot on comparison.

Christopher Franklin
Christopher Franklin
6 months ago

For me its something that I dont see mentioned a lot. Its the pageantry of the game that makes it so much more epic in my eyes. When you look at a 2k point 40k or AOS army they undeniably look cool but when you compare them to a fully painted Old World army you feel this is an actual army that has a history and though it might sound silly seems grounded in a more relatable world. You just cant compare the look of an Old World army to anything else in my opinion.

Mark Merfield
6 months ago

Loving the old world content (and cast of players), so much I’ve almost stopped watching 40k content!
You are 100% right that it’s primarily narrative, there are some glaring holes in the ruleset that can be abused but us TO’s will sort most of them out ready for the tournaments.

Robert Harrison
6 months ago

my old lead model empire army still sits on my shelf, back in the day when empire had Reiksgaurd footsoldiers etc and Knights of the white wolf and knights of the blazing sun
Knight of the white wolf looks a bit dirty but that’s because he is about 25 years old lol

Adam Gould
Adam Gould
6 months ago

I’m finding that the Old World content is definitely my favourite from what you are currently doing (tied with Cast if Players as that is just so much fun). Long may it continue! Also we need a podcast episode centred around bread.

Brandon Tolputt
Brandon Tolputt
6 months ago

Childhood nostalgia makes things so much more exciting! I’m not ashamed to say I’ve started rewatching some of the power rangers series I used to watch as a child, and yes it looks a bit silly now and yes the dialogue is not amazing BUT I love it just as much as I did as a child!!!

Daniel ‚Amon’ S
6 months ago

In my opinion the comeback of Warhammer Fantasy is just wonderful. And I have a question for you, do you think there is a possibility that GW will relaunch Mortheim as well? Because I have a warband of Averland Adventurers ready to go! 🤩 And that RPG influence was a hugh thing. It was so much fun to play and never knew if a hero will be crippled or die or be sacrificed by some cursed Possessed. 😄 It is a dream but after the Old World came out maybe there is a chance. 🙏🏼

Marius Sauter
6 months ago

Guys & Girl, thanks for being sich enthusiastic, positive people! I love your energy. On bread: THE AUDACITY! There’s only one kind of good bread GERMAN BREAD! (Summon the elector counts, they don’t value our bread!) On the Game: I was highly sceptical (was playing WHF since I was 9, now I am 33) – But the game is amazingly fun. I am 5 games in and it simply feels good. I can customize my heroes, champions sometimes pull off impossible deeds, I love it! I would have loved to get more new models for my old Bretonnians though! My… Read more »

Lifetime Member
6 months ago

When you are talking about FCS in the Old World units(standard bearer, musician, etc) what about very nice fillers you can add into this units, this will put “True soul” to these units. Next thing, all new models are not only made digitally, but also for skirmish style, new Chaos Warriors looks absolutely fantastic for example, but old warriors in rank and file style, shields stand tall and in same position, this feeling of “strong unit” marching in lines like one man, these feeling no new models nowadays are not able to demonstrate as the are not made for tjhis… Read more »

6 months ago

Why no list analysies for the leauge this time btw, anyone know?

Lodge Member
6 months ago

I am all into Old World right now, painting my Bretonnians and assembling high elves using Lumineth that I’ve been sitting on for years. Looking forward to first game.

Big Juicy
6 months ago

When Chaos Lord Bread fully ascends does he become a DOUGH-mon prince?
There’s probably more you could say about C.L. Bread RISING to prince-hood, but i’ll leave that for y’all.

Toni Viskari
Toni Viskari
6 months ago

In addition to what is discussed here, I do wonder if another aspect of the Old World’s success is how thematically simple it feels. There are the forces of “good”, look at those knights ride, going against those evil things wanting to tear everything down. I mean, I personally vastly prefer Sigmar over the Old World just a fun world, but even its armies are a headache to explain to others from a story point of view. Here no such thing is needed as it is just a bunch knights on horses or mutated beastmen. You just instinctively get a… Read more »

Philip Henderson
6 months ago

Just finished my reimagining of the classic glade lord

6 months ago

MESBG has a similar magic to Old World. Would love to see some content based on MESBG in the distant future from TT.

Lee Fawl
Lodge Member
6 months ago

Brad should also look at what day is a monday in April… #squats

Lee Fawl
Lodge Member
6 months ago

All those ones on the ground…

Kyle Roach-Smith
6 months ago

is anyone else having an embed issue with the youtube link?

Lee Fawl
Lodge Member
6 months ago

Chiasmus Lord Bread.