Empire of Man vs Night Goblins | Warhammer The Old World Battle Report

Today we return to THE OLD WORLD!! Using a scenario from the glorious White Dwarf days of yore the Empire of Man face off against the dreaded Night Goblins.
In the distant and dangerous lands of the Border Princes, Rutger the younger, son of Count Wilhelm of Wissenland, marches at the head of a mighty expedition. Accompanying him are veteran soldiers, settlers, masons and merchants, all eager for a share in the young nobleman’s righteous endeavour to carve out his own fiefdom. But this will be no easy task, for though the Orc and Goblin tribes are scattered and their fortress levelled by Margraf Frederic’s cannon, this land is more than a barren wasteland to the greenskins…it is hallowed ground.
As the shadows lengthen, skulking unseen amongst the stunted trees, hundreds of red eyes watch Rutgar and his retinue… biding their time…awaiting the coming of darkness. Will the Night Goblins find their treasure amongst the ruins of this dangerous land, or will the Empire halt the machinations of these green skins!
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🎵 Music is licensed from their respective Artists at Premium Beat
📝Army Lists:
Night Goblins:
Night Goblin Squig Hopper Mobs
Night Goblin Mobs
Night Goblin Boss
Night Goblin Shaman
Empire of Man:
State Missile Troops
Veteran State Troopers
State Troopers
Hell Blaster Volley Gun
Captain of the Empire
Absolutely loved this battle! These short narratives are brilliant, and you both brought the whole thing to life wonderfully. More of this sort of Old World content please 🙏☺️
Absolutely the reason I subscribed. The Old World content is absolutely top notch!! Keep it coming! Would love to see a whole narrative campaign!
Yes! Full campaign please! And all others like Grudge of Drong, Tears of Isla etc.
That was fantastic! I love this style of game and it reminds me of all the fun of yesteryear. I had great fun playing through this campaign when it first came out and this game has perfectly captured the ethos of the period
Whilst you may not get the online audience to watch old world, have you considered doing a narrative campaign weekend in your event space? I’ve run these sort of things before and they’re tiring but great fun
Really enjoy TOW give us more
Would be happy to see a full campaign. Pigeon bombs are just the best most rediculous wonderful thing in old world!
What do we want!?
When do we want it?
More old world content pleeease!!
Was super happy to see this on YT and finally have a reason to resubscribe 🙂 hope you guys keep up the amazing OW content – would be very cool to see the full campaign
For the love of God, the whole campaign, plz
Loved this! You can’t leave us hanging with only a single game of the campaign?! That would be a travesty.
Please keep the campaign going, that hellblaster needs to continue fanatic slaying
Yessss so glad the old world is back! Really fun game to watch, thanks chaps!
I hope im not too late to this but yes, obviously, please play the rest of the campaign
Fantastically chaotic game, lots of fun to watch. Very much here for the Old World content, the narrative intro, and the debrief at the end.
Thanks so much for old world! I am so happy, even though I own a metal war wagon, I ordered the new one.
That is so well done. Thank you! Please do more. I would love to see a campaign of Old World.
I would like more of the campaign, for something different, and yall seem so happy playing it.
Would be down to follow the full campaign. Good job lads
This was great. I would love to see the whole campaign (as long as Ed promises to do all the intros!).
More please!
Fantastic, love the little green skins!! More old world please! 👍
That was awesome! So much fun. I’d love to see the rest of the campaign!
Some old world now and then is a great breath of fresh air. Particularly loved the the end segment, would love to see it implemented in more games.
Incredible stuff! Capturing the fun, loose energy of classic warhammer fantasy while grappling with the massive rule set & everything that comes with filming at this level is a Herculean task, but this really knocked it out of the park! The style, tone, and scenario all really work together and I was grinning the whole watch!
Always enjoyed the flair of night goblins (and had nightmares of hidden fanatics) – however, after reading Gloomspite I fell in love with the lil sick freaks. Great game guys. And great camera; camera.
Great ep! Most captivating episode since the imperial fist hero mode. Love the lean into narrative narration and scenarios
If a batrep starts with “well.. there will be a lot of chanting in this video…” you know you’re up for a hell of a ride! Love to see the rest of the campaign, even if i am not a big fan of these “cut -down-videos (i liked the old style more with more content to watch and more “live”- interactions – the after chat was superb though) Awesome video and solid as a rock!
A definitely Shut-up and take my money moment this is why I subscribed!
Such a good game – love the narrative MORE PLEASE!!!!
Love the cuppa wrap up as well
More, please!
This was really fun to watch. Going to start playing Old World now!
That was a fun battle. I really enjoyed it
I would love to see the full 4 parts of this campaign!
We love Old World! Totally the right call to go more narrative. The game is designed for immersion, zaniness, fun and cool moments, not tournament play.
Perfect report. Perfect way to play the game. So much flair and madness. Thanks for this, an extremely welcomed change of pace to pulling random cards for secondaries and hundreds of re-rollable dice 🙂
I would love to see the whole Campaign! See what happens with the goblins. I love the Fanatics aswell, I played a game growing up from Games Workshop called Talisman and I always picked the Fanatic as my character, awesome to see them in an army!
Loved this, such Old World nostalgia!
What issue of WD was this in?
And another vote to see you play out the rest of it!
do the whole campaign!
The goblins got a boost in the campaign, because in those days at least, you weren’t being an all goblin army to win with, they were just crazy, random fun
I haven’t wanted to buy into Ow with all the other games I play, but I’d love to see long form campaigns and games in general here! Makes for great hobby time listening/watching.
Narrative games of Old World are nice… But these intro shots scream WHFRP to me and that would be Extremely Nice so that’s where I’m pinning my hopes ✨🙏
The Old World Hype Train continues (borrowed from the Chaos Dwarves I guess!?) Loving how much fun you guys are having with the best GW game <3
That was absolutely fantastic, so so good. And what an intro!
Great to see old world game! Particularly love the story approach and would love to see more campaign style games.
This was great, more narrative old world would be brilliant
Excellent , yes please , themed games big thumbs up
When the pigeon bomb hit, all I could think was the scene in Uncle Buck when he hits the kid with the golf ball
I have never played Old World, and probably never will but I’m really enjoying these videos and I hope to see the rest of the campaign! I also have to say, I really like the post-game chats, it’s a nice capper to the videos and I’d love to see that tried with more reports. Not that there isn’t usually a discussion at the end but something about taking the pause, sitting down, and talking it through is just really pleasant and appealing.
Love this old world episodes but would love to se Sigmar again.
really enjoy the randomness of old world like this battle, so good. Never played old world but it feels like it has the right balance of randomness, dice rolling and number of models although from what I’ve heard it’s a really heavy learning curve in terms of the rules. I like the balance of model numbers too as 40k at the moment seems like every army is a horde army.
More old world please 🥺🥺 both of these were great to see!