Chef and Bone have a melee showdown in this all new Highlight format!
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To view this post, you must have an active On Demand Membership or log in if you are a member.
Bone takes the Space Wolves out for a last hurrah against Spider and the Asuryani of the Ulthwe Ghosts!
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Mattias Soros returns to continue your education with one of the fell warbands of the Black Legion, The Blades of […]
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To view this post, you must have an active On Demand Membership or log in if you are a member.
To view this post, you must have an active On Demand Membership or log in if you are a member.
Tacticas return for 9th edition as Chef refines his new found love of Harlequins, but can Bone’s experience with the […]
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Bone and Chef discuss how the Death Guard have transitioned into 9th Edition!