BIG FAQ 3 Review | Warhammer 40,000 State of Play

Spider and Bone sit down to review the recent Warhammer 40,000 BIG FAQ 3!
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what if, bear with me… for 2 CP you could convert a unit of grey knights into some sort of elite unit (a la skarboyz) and for the rest of the game that unit gets the psychically enhanced ammunition, instead of ever having to pay for it, and you could do that as many times as you want before game so long as you had CP? I am tempted to say even make that 1 CP, since the units’ resilience tends to be their issue, given the cost of a standard infantry unit of GK, and it could still be… Read more »
For me I cant see the nerf of castellan working. So increasing cost on reapers and spears didn’t stop Ynnari players using them in every list. Yeah the 100pt increase and RIS nerf will have an effect but mostly to solo knight players who arent the problem. Loyal32,castellan and 3x slam or custard biker caps is. With the removal of ynnari as they were and the changes to eldar soup that will see them actually stop being used that’s already a boost to the imp soup list. I’d have kept the RIS change and then just said no IK unit… Read more »
I too think that on the whole very good. My soup solution would be not to punish them but reward the single codex users. So if you take a single faction army you get 5 CPs. This will help elite armies like custodes and ravenwing. Thoughts
Good to see that broken Grey Knights army has been fixed… They really needed that sanctuary+ heed the prognosticars nerf.
All in all, I think the FAQ did an excellent job!
As for the mono codex builds, I kinda think that if you’re mono Codex and Battle Forged, you ought to maybe gain 6 CP instead of 3. Maybe that would help? I dunno, but something needs done.
I personally don’t think is going to change much outside of Aeldari soup. Castellans will still exist, even at +100 points and only a 4++. Go 2nd against one and it’s still going to rip you to shreds :/ The Aircraft thing, it helps some units, but doesn’t do much overall unless you want to give up shooting on the infantry units as you have to advance to clear the base (at its widest point) with 1 model, let alone 5 or 10. Helps tanks, bikes and sort of Knights depending on their orientation. But, those playing flyers will just… Read more »
Loved the episode, really echo your comments I think it’s a fantastic FAQ and the game will be much better for it.
Great Vox Cast. I have enjoyed all of your content thus far.
Erik winning Briscon is entirely down to the player and has pretty much nothing to do with the army. He is an incredible player and has been winning tournaments with lists and armies that many would consider impossible for a very long time, this is just another in a long list. I think you probably should have covered the FAQs and erratas updated for the core rulebook in this Vox Cast. There are some significant changes and updates that weren’t covered in the “big FAQ” document. Namely how “as if it were X phase” is handled for abilities that work… Read more »
Will we see a return of the HurriClad now that vehicles aren’t affected by Bolter Disc?
As to setting a unit back up after it’s been ‘redeployed’, I wonder how that works in conjunction with models that do that after actually being destroyed. For example; Roboute or Celestine. Do they come back while still being affected by any -To Hits? for example?
With the wobbly model syndrome thing, I think the argument can swing both sides though. I don’t think you should be able to place models in such a way that makes those units basically immune to an entire phase of the game (for example; combat). How are Space Marines going to stop the bulk of a charging Daemon Prince as it smashes into them when not even rockrete masonry can? That sort of thing. On the plus side though; at least that Daemon Prince could be positioned to go over those space marines if it has fly… but only if… Read more »
I think the Battle-forged +3CP bonus should be reserved for mono armies. It will refine players lists, so instead of picking and choosing best units from different books for high output, the player will be somewhat forced to play actual stratagems and strategies they normal would not employ in a soup list.
Thank you for doing Vox Casts I really enjoy them. I also appreciate the overview so I don’t feel like I have to poor over army books I may never play. Also 120 fire warriors with 2 shots at 30 inches would be gross.
Interestingly enough you can still get a bunch of Daemon Princes in a chaos list. They took away the rule of three in regards to summoning. So you’ll have to wait until turn two and summon them in but you can have as many daemon princes as you’d like. Heh. But all in all I’m with you guys, the changes this FAQ were great. As a mono Emperor’s Children player, I’d love to see some bonus to mono-faction as well but all of these changes were a step in the right direction. (Sad to see obliterators at 115, but oh… Read more »
Interestingly enough you can still get a bunch of Daemon Princes in a chaos list. They took away the rule of three in regards to summoning. So you’ll have to wait until turn two and summon them in but you can have as many daemon princes as you’d like. Heh. But all in all I’m with you guys, the changes this FAQ were great. As a mono Emperor’s Children player, I’d love to see some bonus to mono-faction as well but all of these changes were a step in the right direction. (Sad to see obliterators at 115, but oh… Read more »
Will you be doing a video on the Ynnari index?
I was super keen to start playing my Midnight Sorrow Masque again until I released the Fly Fix doesn’t work in the fight phase so the 6″ consolidate is still meh, oh well. Also I think it says somewhere in the BRB that infantry can pass through terrain as if it weren’t there (ruins with windows for example) so I cant see any reason why harlequins or Jump pack infantry cant continue to do that with the FAQ fly change. The setting up of models rule is actually a pretty big nerf to the Yncarne aswell who might teleport to… Read more »
Eagerly anticipated this since the drop. Great job…. though I would have loved to hear Chef’s take. Guess I need to start reading it
How does measuring effect the jump packs. I thought they brought the change in to help with deploying 9″ away on top of a building, to get a 3″ charge.
Have they fixed this?
I love the aeldari psychic power fix, i just don’t understand why they didn’t fix it for imperial soup (i.e. Dark angels librarian, space wolves rune priest and the phobos librarian all having a -1 to hit power which stack.) I think the Castelan is practically over with, the change to inv save is perfect, the extra 100-points increase I feel was too far. would have liked to see a small reduction to the valiant instead. Removing bolter drill from SIA is genius, removing from vehicles, although a shame, makes sense in the context of the rule. i.e. buffing marines,… Read more »
The Ældari Craftworlds are already internally balanced to include an ability to use such things. Harlequins to care too much about Doom, yes they don’t get to re-roll those wounds on fusion pistols but their damage output is greatest when they get into combat and troupe masters are still incredible… Drukhari on the other hand have been hit the hardest, DOom can be mitigated by going Black Heart but Jinx on Poison was disgusting anyway, hehe
What’s your take on the change to overwatch being changed to be treated as the shooting phase? Good news for Admech as Cawl can now re-roll overwatch but also seems ambiguous for Dark Reapers whose inescapable accuracy was FAQed to say it only works in the shooting phase, but if overwatch now IS the shooting phase…?
With +100 points increase on catellan why don’t you go and just plug in a Porphyron at that level cuz its T9 model with a BS2+ and a possibility of 2+ and 4++ just for 1CP…
I noticed they haven’t addressed the Obliteratior points discrepancies… I’m a bit reluctant to go all in on Oblitirators before I know if they are cheap or expensive to field.
By saying a unit can’t charge AT ALL in the turn they disembark a destroyed is overkill – much like the first change to FLY from last FAQ. All the rule needed to say was ‘a unit disembarking from a transport which is destroyed during the charge phase cannot then declare a charge’ and it’s sorted.
Now…if your transport dies during your opponents turn, if it’s an assault unit inside then it’s basically useless for a turn and then likely won’t survive the next shooting phase either. I mean, can a character from the transport heroically intervene?
I mostly agree with the Big FAQ.
Woulda liked to have seen a fix to the Mechanicus house traits and stratagems, rather than nerfing already weak imperial / renegade castellans into the dirt, so that the mechanicus castellans are “bearable”. Fixing symptoms instead of diseases, the old GW classic.
The only thing I think they haven’t addressed which is significant is the fact that eldar can still make a flier -3 to hit. Either remove the stacking ability or have hit rolls of six add a hit regardless.
Interestingly although Briscon was an ITC counting tournament the format was actually an ETC-style combined Eternal War, Maelstrom and kill points. I’m excited to give a similar list a try as its something completely different to what I’ve been having success with.
I still don’t like how they have treated the fly keyword. It’s better now, but it still doesn’t make sense that a harlequin can’t teleport through a building in the charge phase. I think a lot of these issues could be solved if they stated that you measure base to base distance, not only the horizontal distance, for all movement with fly-like mechanics. It’s silly that going upward for a fly-unit doesn’t ‘cost’ movement in the movement phase, but does in the charge phase.
Im happy with all this update to be honest. I tend to run my drukhari solo and i prefer them that way. The only exception i make to this is in homage to a piece in their codex where they help a craftworld because the craftworlds despair makes them feed their dead into constructs. I love that flyers are now flyers, not suicide pilots and I really hope that there are more assault armies appearing everywhere now. Smash captains are better, but I honestly dont use them – its the common model syndrome. I think the disembark and charge should… Read more »
Great cast as always. I’d agree the FAQ was really good overall. Looking forward to what they have in store for chapter approved this year.
Also as an aside, i’d love to see Chef in on these as well in future if it possible. There’s something very relaxing about hearing Chef talk rules :p
The ability for buffs to continue to effect units after redeployment is great for BA going to be running Astorath in most of my games now. Will work wonders with my vanguard vets. ?
Chaos Characters get legion traits now, so Sargaroth on Jugger finally gets those nails in his head!
Great review guys, glad you mentioned the Tau volley fire. I am looking at making a Tau army and was confused by this as it does directly contradict the original rule in the codex and would make fire warriors just straight up to strong.
Awesome review guys. Any thoughts on particular winners and losers from this FAQ? I know you briefly mentioned Tau at the end. I actually see the Knight Nerf as a huge win for my favourite Knight (and I think yours too Lawrence)… The Krast Crusader! First Knight and Endless Fury on 1 and then run a second with Ion Bulwark and the Headsmans Mark. Team it with a Gallant with something like sanctuary and land strider or knight seneschal and thats 2 4++ knights running round with all the guns doing a ton of high damage shots. So think that… Read more »
Hrm, I dunno, the change that stops a unit disembarking from a destroyed vehicle from charging seems very odd to me. Can they still get out and shoot? Yes…? So why not allow them to set up no closer to an enemy unit than the transport holding them was? Seems a bit of an arbitrary nerf to CC armies, but I do concede that the cheese that led to this was a bit of a scummy move that is better out of the game.
I guess I dont understand the fly thing, I thought the errata made it pretty clear that you can’t ignore ruins or buildings but can ignore other models when charging. You guys seem to think that I can ignore ruins now, am I missing something???
Do you have plans to release voxcasts like this as podcasts? Because would be great to be able to listen to them on my phone.
I listen to a ton of 40k podcast like The Long War and Forge the narrative and think that a TT podcast would be up there with them. Also good place to put chef rants without worrying about time restraints and cutting into video content
The biggest win for me is that Chaos Lords on Daemonic Mounts now get legion traits – hoorah!
been waiting for this 🙂