The Pastry Chef | Tabletop Tactics Backstage

The Chef talks about his origins in the hobby and where his passions lie with the games that we play.
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I like how Chef predicted 9ed changes 🙂
Bahahaha.. “I was at University. I discovered women and alcohol.” oh man.. its a wonder any of us do any learning at University at all! 😀 😀 😀
I have to say I am right there with Chef when it comes to the varying aspects of the hobby. I love playing basically any army and want/have 2000-3000 points of each because of the unique identity rules wise GW has been able to confer on them. Almost as much as playing I really love building and converting models. I am one of those rare people that likes to sit down, and clean mold lines and (except for out of plasma) methodically put a model together. My castellon was so much fun to watch come together as it began to… Read more »
Is this a JoJo referance?
love these new vox casts, and getting to know how the team came together, its really enlightening and interesting. 🙂
The only reason I kinda disagree with chef about the command point thing is that the intent was for elite armies (custodes) to have significantly more powerful stratagems, and thus fewer CP while the Guard codex doesn’t have as powerful strats (not touching Vengeance right now because thats screwy.)
Very enjoyable listen guys. Looking forward to more!
Chef sounds like someone how would like to play Necromunda. There you have all the Conversion in the World. I would massively appreciate when TTT start a Necromunda Campagne. There for Chef could be the Arbitrator and go absolutely crazy.
Thank you for all your work. Keep going and push our great Hobby forward.
Great conversation, enjoyed every minute of it! Also, Chef, let me assure you – listening to your thoughts in general and about the state of the game in particular is a thinking man’s treat 🙂 I happen to agree with most of them too, for what it’s worth.
Really interesting conversation to listen to. Makes me realise i have probably spoken to you a couple of times while you were in Covent Garden shop, as went there every now and then whilst it was open. Your approach sounds similar to me Chef, i could collect every army as they all appeal in some way, and i tend to write a 2k list then get the army, and am much more into gaming than painting. But then i cant help but redo the list and change my mind, meaning i buy more things which then snow balls into large… Read more »
Great conversation! I think chef should go back to his roots and do a BT army when you guys do your new army building thing :P. Only, because I would love a BT army myself but eldar and HE are life at the moment so that I can live vicariously through TTT 😛
Thanks for the vid chaps! was refreshing.
I’ve been an On-Demand member since February and this is probably the first video I’ve commented on. In addition to all the amazing batreps it’s so good to hear about the background and hobby thoughts from you guys, and the video was professional, funny and intriguing at the same time! Keep up the good work 🙂
I think Chef touched on some interesting points when it comes to owning an army(as opposed to just playing something because it’s available on the shelf) and dedicating yourself to it. That human element of building up an army and connecting with it and adding personal insignia and a backstory and doing conversions is one of the best things about the hobby for me. I know you guys have to provide content and be able to feature as many different things as possible, but there is a danger when every army is just a commission painted collection that it all… Read more »
Thanks for the chat guys! It’s great to get to know you all.
This is a really great show and I can’t wait for the next one! Is B-Bone doing an interview with himself? You know, using the new camera magic 😀 Interesting idea about the detachments. For me, this structure feels very arbitrary, meaning that you organize your units in detachments but then your force acts as a single army with no trace of the original structure. What if some rules and stratagems were tied to detachments? For example, an Astra Militarum commander would be able to command units from his detachment or in order to use a Killshot, your predators need… Read more »
yay, this was good. Nice insight…. don’t worry about getting your models on shelves, it will happen eventually… Took me about 22 years but I got there in the end 😉
Nice show, looking forward to see the others! I had a long break myself from Warhammer and only came back when 8th of 40k had just come out. I found your battle reports as I was looking around for info on 8th Edition and I was hooked instantly. You guys produce great content that has kept me enthousiastic about the hobby, so cheers for that!
Another great one. These are very enjoyable. Who is going to interview the B-Bone?
Really enjoying these voxcasts, its nice hear a little about you guys and see you all are genuinely awesome dudes (which Im sure non of us were doubting anyway)!
Welcome aboard Chef 🙂
This was a great vox cast! I need one for every one of you. I want to know more.
Now, for the mandatory rules debate. While I agree that the command point structure needs some rework I feel there’s a really easy to fix to this: 1 command point per fully filled 250 points slot filled in your army. Then maybe +2 for battalions and +1 for other detachments. This way elite armies aren’t penalized too much (not all can hit the exact 250 mark) and they would still be able to use their stratagems.
I am really diggin’ these! More please! I kinda feel like Chef and I are rather similar in several regards. I LOVE building and gaming. Painting kicks my ass. But I also love writing about my characters. I name all of my HQ type characters and even a few other things. A mate ran a campaign back in 7th where we were encouraged to write lore for why our forces were in this particular sector. Most of the guys would write a couple of sentences but my opening bit was a couple of paragraphs. I did this, same as Chef,… Read more »
Really like this as a show. Something i would love to see change in the game is removing re-rolls completely. IMO they slow the game down so much, esp when you’ve got a unit like 6 aggressors that haven’t moved parked near a Captain or Rowboat. Instead of re-rolls i’d like to see modifiers: your captain (or equivalent) will give a +1 to hit rather than a re-roll. Lieutenants (or equivalent) would give a +1 to wound (although not 100% sold on that as an option. Maybe an additional AP to units in range of the aura, but doesn’t stack… Read more »
It really sounds like you’re an old-school Stillmania player at heart, Chef. Nigel Stillman once wrote a piece (this was c.97, 5th edition WFRB days) in which he said that you build an army by making it to 2000 points, modelling every option, including magic items, varnish it three times, and then never touch it again. Take it to bigger games and just lose magnificently, that’s the stuff.* That said, the other day you mentioned all-giants Tyranid army as a throw-away idea and now I cant get it out of my head. What would that look like? Would you take… Read more »
I’m kinda like Chef when it comes to armies. I too love writing a list and then building and painting that.
Heck it’s the main motivation I have for painting.
But For me I always come back to my Black Legion in some way. Always trying out new things, and having a large collection it’s easier and faster to assemble a new force. (But then again I haven’t really played them since the codex update 😛 So many models I need to paint to get the list I want up and running.)
I really enjoy these, getting to know you guys a bit more off camera. You may not be a pastry chef but will always be a chef to me!
Bone your personality works great for these as you can transition into the different topics so smoothly, i hope you continue to do these ?
Haven’t watched just yet but as a preface I love you chef you are a person after my own and keep up the AMAZING work (that goes for the whole crew too)!
Really great video; loving this series. Great to get to know you better, Chef, and I hope both Seraphon and, perhaps, Ogres can make it onto the channel sometime!
Hey Chef, really agree with your mono army rewards idea. Also agree with the CP ideas (ie: no more double ups on Detachments) i am not liking the dual Battalions these days, restricting to 1 might be an incentive for players to look at say Brigades, which in turn will make players utilize more units from a single army and play mono (because more than likely your not going to be able to soup up once you have filled a Brigade). I also think if you are going to play soup, then whatever army your Warlord is aligned to, you… Read more »
Love the chef and his rants! Get him in tactics battles! Someone needs to beat “the spider” ha….ha
*rubs belly*
Chef your filming is getting hugely better with each game. I have seen worse… way way worse and your first is better than the worst out there. So don’t be too hard on yourself.
I tell you what though…. you know what I cannot wait for…
Cast of players!!! You got me into DnD and damn it I cannot stop playing lol.
great idea with the “get to know you” videos. Right with you Chef, started with marines and then lost my way dabbling. I feel I’ve been dabbling too much though and now I long to find an army that I love enough that I would *want* to do a gigantic collection for… perhaps a fiery new supplement
Cast of Players was great, look forward to its return!
(And would be quite interesting to see what everyone would choose for AOS)
100% believed you were a pastry chef.
Really like the ideas regarding soup, CP and rewarding “pure armies”!
Great format!
I’m seriously looking forward to Bone’s interview with the B-Bone!!
(bit of green screen, sure it’d work………..)
These are such a great series and I’m very pleased you are doing them, its great painting fodder.
Tounhave an excellent rapor bone, could see you as the next parkinson.
Love love love the Rants and I’m now super hyped for season 2nof cast of players!!!!
I loved this hobby and background rant with chef, didnt know he was so shelfless. 😉
But seriously, these backgrounds into the awesome cast of the TT crew are great. Wouldn’t have minded a bit on the D&D background with the great cast of players side of the site as well.
Chef rants = 10/10
Really love this series! Bone, you are a really good host. I would be really happy if GW changed the game in the way suggested by Chef, but if they could to do it without getting in a whole new edition… it would be hell for my finances having to buy again every rule book.
Love this format, please more. It´s great to listen to you guys while painting my miniatures. Keep on the good work!
hey chef you should build a Black templars army 🙂
Really digging this series, just getting to learn a bit more about each of you is really cool!
That was awesome, thank you Chef. Also, please start a Raven Guard army for the channel!
I do enjoy these and seeing how people got into the hobby. Looking forward to the next one.
Thanks for sharing Chef! I also started in the hobby with the 3rd edition starter set!
We love you chef!