Harlequins vs Grey Knights 2000pts | Warhammer 40,000 9th Ed Battle Report

Chef and Spider bring experimental twists on these elite armies in this bloodbath clash!
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The Army Lists are:
++ Battalion Detachment ++
Masque Form: The Frozen Stars
+ HQ +
Shadowseer: Warlord- Player of the Twilight, Pivotal Role- Veil of Illusion & Shield From Harm, Relic- The Shadowstone, Shuriken Pistol, Powers- Twilight Pathways, Webway Dance
Troupe Master: Pivotal Role- Choreographer of War & Darkness’ Bite, Enigma of the Black Library- The Twilight Fang, Shuriken Pistol
The Yncarne: Powers- Gaze of Ynnead, Ancestors’ Grace
+ Troops +
5x Troupe
5x Player: Harlequin’s Caress, Fusion Pistol
5x Troupe
5x Player: Harlequin’s Caress, Fusion Pistol
5x Troupe
4x Player: Harlequin’s Caress, Fusion Pistol
Player: Harlequin’s Blade, Fusion Pistol
10x Troupe
10x Player: Harlequin’s Embrace, Shuriken Pistol
+ Elites +
Death Jester: Role- Humbling Cruelty
Death Jester: Role- The Jest Inescapable
+ Fast Attack +
5x Skyweavers
5x Skyweaver: Zephyrglaive, Haywire Cannon
5x Skyweavers
5x Skyweaver: Zephyrglaive, Haywire Cannon
+ Dedicated Transport +
Starweaver: 2x Shuriken Cannon
Starweaver: 2x Shuriken Cannon
Starweaver: 2x Shuriken Cannon
Starweaver: 2x Shuriken Cannon
++ Total: 1,999pts ++
Grey Knights
++ Battalion Detachment 0CP (Imperium – Grey Knights) ++
+ Stratagems +
Armoury of Titan: 1 Additional Relic
+ HQ +
Brother-Captain: Augurium Scrolls, Gate of Infinity
Nemesis Daemon Hammer: Nemesis Daemon Hammer
Psycannon: Psycannon (Terminator)
Grand Master Voldus: 6: Lore Master, Armoured Resilience, Edict Imperator, Ethereal Manipulation, Inner Fire, Warlord
Librarian: Empyrean Domination, Sanctic Shard, Storm Bolter, Warp Shaping
Nemesis Warding Stave
+ Troops +
Terminator Squad: Hammerhand
Grey Knight Terminator Justicar: Storm bolter
Nemesis Force Halberd
4x Terminator (Halberd): 4x Nemesis Force Halberd, 4x Storm Bolter
Terminator Squad: Hammerhand
Grey Knight Terminator Justicar: Storm bolter
Nemesis Force Halberd
4x Terminator (Halberd): 4x Nemesis Force Halberd, 4x Storm Bolter
Terminator Squad: Hammerhand
Grey Knight Terminator Justicar: Storm bolter
Nemesis Force Halberd
4x Terminator (Halberd): 4x Nemesis Force Halberd, 4x Storm Bolter
+ Elites +
Apothecary: Sanctuary
Nemesis Daemon Hammer: Nemesis Daemon Hammer
Venerable Dreadnought: Gate of Infinity, Twin lascannon
Dreadnought combat weapon w/Storm Bolter: Storm bolter
Venerable Dreadnought: Gate of Infinity, Twin lascannon
Dreadnought combat weapon w/Storm Bolter: Storm bolter
Venerable Dreadnought: Gate of Infinity, Twin lascannon
Dreadnought combat weapon w/Storm Bolter: Storm bolter
+ Fast Attack +
Interceptor Squad: Astral Aim
4x Interceptor (Halberd): 4x Nemesis Force Halberd, 4x Storm Bolter
Interceptor Justicar: Storm bolter
Nemesis Force Halberd
Interceptor Squad: Astral Aim
4x Interceptor (Halberd): 4x Nemesis Force Halberd, 4x Storm Bolter
Interceptor Justicar: Storm bolter
Nemesis Force Halberd
Interceptor Squad: Astral Aim
4x Interceptor (Halberd): 4x Nemesis Force Halberd, 4x Storm Bolter
Interceptor Justicar: Storm bolter
Nemesis Force Halberd
+ Heavy Support +
Purgation Squad: Astral Aim
4x Purgator (Psilencer): 4x Psilencer
Purgator Justicar: Storm bolter
Nemesis Force Sword
++ Total: [111 PL, 2,000pts, 11CP] ++
Love the MIB reference at 2:00:00 Mr. Chef, great stuff
Thanks for the great battle report, aren’t able to play myself at the moment so very happy to see my favourite armies against each other!
Lawrence’s luck was actually bad. ALERT THE MEDIA!
“I will not let a stone steal my glory”…Achilles correct? Bad ass.
Great game!! Loved it!
(PS any chance of Custodes anytime soon???)
Great example of some Alpha armies doing what they do.
This really does highlight the issue if you have a board with a lot of open space and not enough terrain especially in deployment zones. I get that there were ruins and woods in the middle but who ever got first turn in this game was always going to make a Huge dent in their opponent as there was no were for either army to hide and there is no way to mitigate the damage when you go 2nd.
I always run Interceptors in my lists. Theyre mobility is a huge boon in an objective heavy game and when you are using forced targeting spells such as Vortex and Smite being in the right place really matters
Minor suggestion for Harlequin stratagem use, while the Frozen Stars specific Malicious Frenzy is great, for the same cost you can use Murder Entrance from the White Dwarf Psychic Awakening. Against 2W Terminators, going up to flat 2 Damage is going to net you more results.
The only sparring Spyder does is with genestealers
it’s a purge planet, They’re peaceful, and then, you know, they just purge. 🙂
great game as always thank u
“Hard loss if someone brings thunderfire cannons” ha! Good one spider…thunderfires…lol
Ethereal Manipulation? Sounds more like that should be a T’au thing….
What a brilliant game! Chef you are a great Harlequin player mate and the Spider is just unstoppable. Cheers from Canada! Thanks for keeping us all sane during Covid.
Fun stuff. Personally I hope Spider takes another go with the purgation squad(s). I really would love to see Grey Knights against their natural enemies like Slanesh Demons. Bring out the purifiers, and Crowe. Especially since at least since I have been watching I have seen neither. With the terminator squads, could you get away with one as a fire support using the psi-weapons and the other more combat as a layer set?
Great game! Can we please have a tour of the entire painted army selection?
Also on a side note, goonhammer did some analysis based on over 6,000 games of 9th and found a 58% win rate for going first, might have been just on the GT missions but hey.. A decent sample size. That compared to around 53% in 8th edition ITC.
very enjoyable as always!
Hot dog look at those raiders!!! Honestly pretty excited to see Lawrence running Imperial Knights though. Seems like a good change of pace and curious to see what he does with them.
Yay you mentioned Imperial Knights ! Cant wait !
Also a recommendation for when you run future soaring spite lists, try bringing a second TM with darkness bite, skystrider WL trait and either the domino shroud for extra jank or the rose for reroll wounds and flat 3 dmg. turn 1 charge him into whatever, annihilate it, fight twice if you really want to ruin someone’s characters, then use the soaring spite strat to consolidate back into a starweaver, can use fire and fade on the starweaver to ensure it’s in range. this combo imo make the TM the scariest assassin in the game…..and like 30 less points than… Read more »
Chef i know it seemed like a waste to bring out the yncarne turn one, but frankly you needed every last bit of help to make that counter punch worth it. I wouldve spawned the yncarne when that first starweaver died, sent him up the middle and into the terminators and then teleported him over to where the interceptors died to screen him for next turn. i realize that’s a relativy hard thing to think of when you’re not used to using him and hindsight is 20/20. Also speaking of hindsight, I definitely wouldve taken assassinate over attrition.
Chef. I’ve been tracking stats since the channel’s first 9th ed game (plus a handful of our own games) and so far its around 50% win rate for going first.
Great report thanks! love the little tactic stuff thrown in there
Have Spider do Scion/Knight mashup, Pure Knight battles are so onesided and its settled within the first 2 turns 😁 With a Blend of Mobile Scions with Big Old Knight support i think it would be intresting
Great battle rep guys!! Would love to see GK in a tactics. Keep up the good work and keep the coaching coming
Spider, I have something very important to say. Henceforth, the Tide of Shadows shall be known as the Tide of Sneaky Sneak. I was thinking maybe Dodgy Dodge, but it doesn’t maintain the trio of S name perfection with the Tides of Shooty Shoot and Smitey Smite.
Chef, you play the straight man very well. The rest of the cast’s antics wouldn’t be as entertaining without you to play off of.
Edit: The Tide of Fury is obviously the Tide of Smashy Smash, completeing the quadrumvirate of S-tides.
Chef, I think you have the models to run a Frozen Stars list, you just need to put less into boats (or not bring boats at all). Run at least 2×10 big 10-man blobs, 15 bikes, the Yncarne, 2x Jesters, and then a few transports or Voidweavers. I don’t think 2×10 works as well as 3×10, but it’s still a way to run them. Two things went wrong in your first turn that I think decided the outcome. First, you spent too much CP on Spider’s first turn that you didn’t have enough to adequately counterpunch. Second, you got too… Read more »
Chef to Lawrence when he rolls above average: @$&@#%#
Chef when rolling above average just after: « It’s not bad »
Huzzah the Hammers of Titan triumphant … not much left though !! Great to see them back on the table Lawrence. Nice bait laid out there for the Chef 🙂 Want to see a Tactica with the GK please – against the toughest opponent – Harlies again or Speesh Mareens.
Chef: Not content to let Voldus go alone, this Dreadnought tries to join the fray. But he does need a ten …. SHUT UP!!!
Brought to you by Spider’s completely average rolling (the rolls actually do average out, but its between Spider and Bone, not either one alone)
Hold the phone, there’s plans for a TTT outcomes data publish?
You’re making this particular data scientist very happy…
Cast your mind back to a few bat reps ago when chef said baddalion! What a wonderful moment that was!
Good to see the Frozen Stars used on the channel. Hopefully this outcome won’t prevent them from making another appearance in the future as this match-up wasn’t ideal for them to show off what they can do. Chef, you mentioned that the Yncarne does not get Strength From Death because it’s not in an Ynnari detachment, but I don’t think that’s an accurate interpretation of the rules. The reason that most units in an Ynnari detachment gain Strength From Death is pointed out in Phoenix Rising is to give that rule to the non-native Ynnari units in the list (Harlequins,… Read more »
Going first for the win in this one, I’m afraid. Both armies with powerful alpha strike abilities. Those smites are so powerful, I think psychic awakening went a bit too far with them!
I love Spider/Chef batrep as they tend to be very calm and measured affairs with lots of coaching. Of course I love a Beard/Bone nonsense fest as well!
Thanks for the Batrep guys!
1:53:28 This is a situation where it is fair-er to roll the damage one at a time. You get to much information when you roll them all together.
MWG started doing this, and it does make a difference.
Mr Chef, how can you have shooty shooty and smitty smitty tides without taking a Baddalion?
“If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs” This is what I think of every time I see Chef on a batrep! Don’t ever change Chef!
I think if you are going Frozen stars troupe blobs it would be better to go with Our kin shall rise again and the laughing God’s eye. The standing back up on a 6 is a better feel no pain, and on the troupes likely to save a few if you are running 30+, very cheeky when you stand a bike back up too. The laughing God’s eye funnily enough would have been nice in this match-up for the 6+++ against mortals in psychic phase, but also the auto-pass morale in 6″ is clutch. Great match, always love watching you… Read more »
Lawrence, Irish dancing is all kicks. If you have a good straight leg axe kick and good speed, especially knee to toe, then you can abandon all your messing about with toy soldiers and fulfil your dream of joining Riverdance! We get everywhere so I’m sure if you look around Bath you’ll find an Irish dancing teacher or just some random Paddy who can teach you the basics.
Yes – Kickboxing has been one of my go to martial arts over the years. Absolutely love it! Currently I am only training bag/shadow boxing amongst my weight training as I had to leave my club when I moved from London to Bath. I did however join a Kung Fu (Northern Styles) club when I moved here as there is one local to me and they also did freestyle sparring. Sadly since COVID the club has closed – hopefully they’re will re-open soon 🙁
I know chef ran purgation squads what felt like an age ago when he played them against bone and that justicar tanked like a champion. Can’t remember his name though. I can’t recall a time where you played them though spider in the last couple years.
Glad to see GK again, feels like it has been a while.
Spider would beat a Genestealer in a dance off. Debate me!