Death Guard vs Dark Angels 2000pts | Warhammer 40,000 Battle Report

Avatar The Chef April 17, 202148  66 48 Likes

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It’s rematch time as Beard brings out some of the feared Deathwing, but will they meet their match in the equally tough Death Guard?!

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The Army Lists are:

Death Guard

++ Battalion Detachment ++

Plague Company: The Ferrymen

+ HQ +

Death Guard Daemon Prince: Warlord- Arch-Contaminator, Hellforged Sword, Foetid Wings

Malignant Plaguecaster: Relic- Putrid Periapt

+ Troops +

5x Plague Marines
Plague Champion: Plague Knife, Boltgun
3x Plague Marine: Plague Knife, Boltgun
Plague Marine: Flail of Corruption, Plague Knife

5x Plague Marines
Plague Champion: Plague Knife, Boltgun
3x Plague Marine: Plague Knife, Boltgun
Plague Marine: Flail of Corruption, Plague Knife

5x Plague Marines
Plague Champion: Plague Knife, Boltgun
3x Plague Marine: Plague Knife, Boltgun
Plague Marine: Flail of Corruption, Plague Knife

11x Poxwalker

11x Poxwalker

11x Poxwalker

+ Elites +

10x Blightlord Terminators
Blightlord Champion: Bubotic Axe, Combi-bolter
7x Blightlord Terminator: Bubotic Axe, Combi-bolter
2x Blightlord Terminator: Flail of Corruption

Noxious Blightbringer

Plague Surgeon


+ Heavy Support +

Defiler: Defiler Scourge, Twin Lascannon

Defiler: Defiler Scourge, Twin Lascannon

Defiler: Defiler Scourge, Twin Lascannon

++ Total: 1,990pts ++

Dark Angels

++ 2nd Company Outrider Detachment ++

+ HQ +

Captain on Bike: Warlord- Rites of War, Rites of Initiation, Power Sword, Bolt Pistol

Ravenwing Talonmaster: Relic- Arbiter’s Gaze

+ Elites +

7x Ravenwing Black Knights
Ravenwing Huntmaster: Corvus Hammer
6x Ravenwing Black Knight: Corvus Hammer

+ Fast Attack +

4x Bike Squad
Biker Sergeant: Astartes Chainsword
3x Space Marine Biker: Astartes Chainsword

3x Land Speeder Typhoons
3x Land Speeder Typhoon: Multi-melta

Ravenwing Darkshroud: Assault Cannon

++ 1st Company Vanguard Detachment ++

+ HQ +

Deathwing Strikemaster: Master-crafted Power Sword, Storm Bolter

+ Elites +

Deathwing Ancient: Relics of the Chapter- Pennant of Remembrance, Power Fist, Storm Bolter

Deathwing Apothecary: Chief Apothecary, Hero of the Chapter- Selfless Healer

10x Deathwing Knights: Watcher in the Dark

++ Total: 2,000pts ++

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The Beard
Crew Member
3 years ago

Greetings On Demand bosses! Sadly we’re having an issue with playback for some app users on this video. For the time being please enjoy the game on YouTube and it should work fine there.

Thanks for your understanding!

Darren Fahey
Darren Fahey
3 years ago

All I want to know is did you film one more Death Guard vs Dark Angels before Bbone left. Promised myself I wouldn’t cry. 😂

3 years ago

I think full deathwing is the way to go here.

3 years ago

I definitly wanna see the third game 😁

3 years ago

Using Defilers as artillery makes them very sad. All they want in life is a nice, cheap scourge and to be sent scuttling into combat like the adorable nightmare crabs that they are.

Lodge Member
3 years ago

Hey Team, just an idea, would you be able to super-impose some txt on screen that outlines what the different terrain rules are (ie: which terrain pieces are LoS, light, heavy, dense cover etc) would be nice to get a bearing on the board setup before the game starts, could be done during the fast-forwarded set-up phase when Sanga gives the mission objectives.

Matthew Kelly
Matthew Kelly
3 years ago

I know this is crazy but any chance of league/tactical report Imperial knights

Daniel Moulton
Daniel Moulton
3 years ago

What ever happened with the dice trays? 😂 They were in like 3 vids lol

Albert Bargery
Albert Bargery
3 years ago

Great match up and very interesting to see these 2 9th edt armies going head to head. Beard, I think a librarian is a must, and sammael over the the bike master with just a power sword! Defilers seem to never do anything with their shooting, If you are going to use them I would just leg them up the battlefield ASAP into combat. The termies had more cheese on them than the professor of cheese at the University of cheese studies, but still DG looked very tough! Don’t think the space Marines will own 9th edition as they did… Read more »

tim whitney
tim whitney
3 years ago

Love the fight between the Talon Man and the Tally Master 😅

3 years ago

Great content as always boys.
As a note i think if you wanna run a big knight blob a librarian is a must that fight last power would have been real good as would Aversion for -1 to hit and -1 attack within 6.

And finally consider the reliqary of the repenatant to reduce enemy invuls to no more that a 5 up. I find it super useful especially as there are still alot of armies using 3 up invuls.

Thanks for another great show!

3 years ago

Why is Gordon Ramsey a Plague Marine? I can see him in Bone’s army intro

Lodge Warrior Member
3 years ago

Great game both! The deathwing are terrifying! Beard, I might be seeing things wrong and it’s not a big deal but I think you are rolling too few shots with your standard ravenwing. Bikes always get rapid fire at full range so 3 bikes get 12 shots all the time and bike captains get 4. (+2 for a master crafted boltgun or +4 for a stormbolter). Not much but adds up for horde clearing if you are spamming normal bikes.

Christian Hellicar
Christian Hellicar
3 years ago

The only thing I have to contribute to this is a name suggestion for Grotty’s dad: Grottopotamus!
Thanks 👍

Ollie Fox
Lifetime Member
Ollie Fox
3 years ago

The scenery on this table is awesome, would love to know how / who does this. The large bits of LOS blocking are amazing.

Lodge Member
3 years ago

Off topic, but it would be cool to see a ynnari game at some point. I’m interested to see how they go in 9th

Owen Popplewell
3 years ago

This was a great game, well done lads!

Quinnlin Johnson
Quinnlin Johnson
3 years ago

Bone! I run defilers all the time with my black legion army, if you want to utilize them as much as possible they need to be ran up the board and flung into combat, their guns arent really the best for backfielding and shooting, thats more of a crawler type thing, its for keeping things at a distance while they run into combat and rip tanks and elite units apart, hope this helps you a bit, i love seeing them and i want to see you use them some more

Lodge Warrior Member
3 years ago

Great game guys, thanks! Those Deathwing Terminators look amazing. Sanga is a cracking painter. Can’t wait for more DW reinforcements.

David McGeever
Lodge Member
David McGeever
3 years ago

Great game guys, brutal! Bone – I agree that PBC are probably a more competitive fit for DG than Defilers (such a shame with those amazing converted models!). Their resilience can really show, opening While we stand we fight in certain lists, along with Morty or a 10 man Blightlord blob for a decent chance at good points. As an army we generally have poor ranged output, which is where PBC fits that role (or Contemptor with Volkite & Tallyman Tollkeeper) and having them effective from your back objectives means the rest of the army can shuffle to the midboard… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by David McGeever
Matt Hall
Matt Hall
3 years ago

That Dark Angels terminator squad had more cheese than cheddar Gorge mate,sure that wasn’t spider in disguise there?🤔😄

Lifetime Member
3 years ago

@MisterBeard (Or El Beardo I don’t know anymore…^^): Rites of Battle is an aura, so it applies to all friendly units within 6″, as a result you don’t have to select a unit in the command phase!

Lodge Member
3 years ago

Beard, just investing too much in characters and CPs. The strikemaster just doesnt bring much, especially since you’ve already got the Talonmaster. If taking a bike captain over Sammael, you have to tool him up, and I’m just not convinced on that WT, not with this army. All those points, and he’s just got a power sword, lol. If youre going to do the RW/DW detachments, bring the obsec troops. I generally prefer Sammy, TM as you equipped him, the apoth (1CP) and ancient with banner (1CP). Start with 7 CP, instead of 6. As people already mentioned, don’t forget… Read more »

Jack Beaman
Jack Beaman
3 years ago

Death Guard looking stronk – is the counter-play just weight of 1 damage fire? Got a post-lockdown tournament coming up in a few months and trying to design a marine list which can deal with them (I’m assuming there will be more than a few Death Guard lists)

David Garneau
3 years ago

I think a Chief librarian is more useful than a standard bearer. Plus 1 to cast interormancy and plus 1 to deny for psychic hood inside twelve. Would have stopped some of those mortal wounds in turn 2.

Lodge Warrior Member
3 years ago

If you like pina coladas
And bringin plague and the pain
If you’re not into hygiene
If you have half a brain
If you like spreading all your diseases
In the spires of the hive
Then we’re the cult that you’ve looked for
Join with us and survive

Popcorn seasonin
Lodge Member
Popcorn seasonin
3 years ago

Bone you silly goose! The tally man doesn’t give rerolls. He gives +1 to hit to a selected core unit 🙂
EDIT: And you fixed it yourself. That’s what I get for commenting half way into a video. Guess I’m the silly goose now!

Last edited 3 years ago by Popcorn seasonin
Seamus Bradford
Seamus Bradford
3 years ago

I’ve found ‘brilliant strategist’ not worth it on Talonmaster. I much prefer ‘rites of battle’ (I think it’s pretty much an auto-include in SM lists). Being able to zoom around the battlefield and steal objectives, especially in the late game, is great. Once your DW reinforcements arrive, I’d try taking a couple of Deathwing Command squads for holding objectives and completing actions like deploy scramblers. I also think the ‘stubborn defiance’ secondary is almost too good to ignore. In most games I’ve played, it’s a guaranteed 15vp. Looking forward to seeing more of the boys in white soon! Keep up… Read more »

3 years ago

Two armies I love duking it out over a nice beach-resort world. What’s not to like. GG to you both.

Sarah Soden
Lodge Member
Sarah Soden
3 years ago

Love the paint job, you two have done a great job

3 years ago

BEARD!!!!! GRIM RESOLVE BRO GRIM RESOLVE. IT APPLIES TO ALL DARK ANGELS!!! If you don’t move you get +1 to hit including in Melee. So many two’s with your Ravenwing black knights that where actually hits. Otherwise you and Sanga did an incredible job on the Deathwing. Side note I don’t think running both Ravenwing and Deathwing together is the best option. They are expensive models and are quite CP hungry. At least the Ravenwing are. Once you guys get more of the Greenwing knocked out try running them with either or. Now back to the game. Edit; Now that… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by skovira88
Colin Clarke
Colin Clarke
3 years ago

Cool game, nice editing Bone

3 years ago

Creeping blight can only be used in fight phase, so you can’t get -4 ap on 6s while shooting with virulent round bolters of the storm.
Wish you could would be an amazing strategy…… But we can’t 🙁.

Dusty Macdonald
3 years ago

Not finished it yet, but seeing the dark angels shooting it’s mental the amount of shots, ignore modifiers, rerolls, extra AP and all the rest is just disgusting! When you consider both books are new codices, it really does show the huge advantage SM armies get.

3 years ago

Immovable object meets immovable object – begin!

Lodge Warrior Member
3 years ago

Hey Bone! Stopping by before watching the match to answer your question about the Plague Surgeon: I played him in every game I used the DG since the codex dropped, so I can say that you are right in asking yourself if he is useful. My take is that as he is it’s not very needed: the 3″ FnP bubble is quite limited so you can get the odd save that can help you mitigate the damage on you terminators blob, and sometimes you manage to heal someone. Were in my opinion he start to become much more useful is… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Stefano
Callum Seymour
Lodge Member
3 years ago

Epic game, cheers guys!

Seamus Bradford
Seamus Bradford
3 years ago

Love the DA list. Reminds me of the Master of Sanctity book where the DW & RW fight the Death Guard.

What combo of the wings are you enjoying the most?

Also, Beard, don’t forget your bike captain’s aura does affect the DW knights so they can reroll 1s to hit in melee. 👍

EDIT: Noticed you spotted this after! 😁

Chapter Master Seth
3 years ago

Guess I’ll do some more vanguard vet conversions and have some morning entertainment cheers boys

Lodge Member
3 years ago

Love a Saturday batrep!

3 years ago

I was going to wash the car, then noticed this #priorities

Lodge Member
3 years ago

Now to fast forward time to this evening so I can watch. Pray to Tzeentch?

Lodge Warrior Member
3 years ago

Deathwing Vs Death Guard Deathing each other to the Deathly Death with Death.

Tom Sargent
Tom Sargent
3 years ago

My Mrs “we’re going shopping in a bit”

*this drops*

Me “here’s my card. Go to Primark. I’m going to stay here for a bit..”

Lodge Member
3 years ago

Yay! We love a good Chaos Vs Chaos battle! Let me guess, it started over who wears the better shade of green? 🤣

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