Craftworlds vs Dark Angels 2000pts | Warhammer 40,000 League Report

Avatar The Chef May 29, 202155  86 55 Likes

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Will the grace and speed of the Craftworlds be able to withstand the ferocity and plasma of the Dark Angels, in this latest League Report!

00:00 Intro

01:43 Craftworlds List

06:16 Dark Angels List

09:03 Mission

10:19 Game Intro

12:29 Game

1:38:15 YOUR DOOM!

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The Army Lists are:


++ Patrol Detachment ++

Craftworld Attribute
*Custom Craftworld*: Children of Prophecy, Expert Crafters

+ HQ +

Autarch Skyrunner: 2: An Eye on Distant Events, Laser Lance, Warlord
The Phoenix Gem

Warlock Skyrunner: 3. Ghostwalk, 4. Protect/Jinx, Shuriken Pistol, Witchblade

+ Troops +

Dire Avengers
4x Dire Avenger: 4x Avenger Shuriken Catapult, 4x Plasma Grenades
Dire Avenger Exarch: Two Avenger Shuriken Catapults
Exarch Power: Bladestorm

+ Elites +

Wraithblades: Ghostaxe and Forceshield, 5x Wraithblade

+ Fast Attack +

Shining Spears
6x Shining Spear: 6x Laser Lance, 6x Twin Shuriken Catapult
Shining Spear Exarch: Star Lance
Exarch Power: Swooping Dive

+ Heavy Support +

Falcon: Bright Lance, Twin Shuriken Catapult

+ Dedicated Transport +

Wave Serpent: Twin Bright Lance, Twin Shuriken Catapult

++ Patrol Detachment ++

Craftworld Attribute
*Custom Craftworld*: Children of Prophecy, Expert Crafters

+ HQ +

Farseer Skyrunner: 0. Smite, 2. Doom, 4. Executioner, Shuriken Pistol, Singing Spear

Warlock Skyrunner: 3. Ghostwalk, 5. Quicken/Restrain, Shuriken Pistol, Witchblade

+ Troops +

Dire Avengers
4x Dire Avenger: 4x Avenger Shuriken Catapult, 4x Plasma Grenades
Dire Avenger Exarch: Two Avenger Shuriken Catapults
Exarch Power: Bladestorm

+ Elites +

Wraithblades: Ghostaxe and Forceshield, 5x Wraithblade

+ Fast Attack +

Shining Spears
6x Shining Spear: 6x Laser Lance, 6x Twin Shuriken Catapult
Shining Spear Exarch: Star Lance
Exarch Power: Swooping Dive

+ Heavy Support +

Falcon: Bright Lance, Twin Shuriken Catapult

+ Dedicated Transport +

Wave Serpent: Twin Bright Lance, Twin Shuriken Catapult

++ Total: 2,000pts ++

Dark Angels

++ Outrider Detachment ++

+ HQ +

Captain on Bike: Bolt pistol, Frag & Krak grenades, Power fist, Rites of War, Twin boltgun, Warlord

+ Fast Attack +

3x Land Speeder Typhoons
3x Land Speeder Typhoon: Multi-melta, Typhoon missile launcher

Ravenwing Darkshroud: Heavy bolter

Ravenwing Land Speeder Vengeance: Heavy bolter, Plasma storm battery

Ravenwing Land Speeder Vengeance: Heavy bolter, Plasma storm battery

Ravenwing Land Speeder Vengeance: Heavy bolter, Plasma storm battery

++ Vanguard Detachment ++

+ HQ +

Ravenwing Talonmaster: Arbiter’s Gaze, Power sword, Twin assault cannon, Twin heavy bolter

+ Elites +

4x Ravenwing Black Knights: Corvus Hammers

4x Ravenwing Black Knights: Corvus Hammers

4x Ravenwing Black Knights: Corvus Hammers

+ Fast Attack +

Storm Speeder Hammerstrike: Hammerstrike missile launcher, 2x Krakstorm Grenade Launcher, Melta destroyer

Storm Speeder Hammerstrike: Hammerstrike missile launcher, 2x Krakstorm Grenade Launcher, Melta destroyer

++ Total: 2,000pts ++

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Justin Wilson
Justin Wilson
3 years ago

I thought these league games were supposed to be competitive?

Argive Lonestar
Lodge Member
3 years ago

Unsure if i want to watch this..

André Orthmann
3 years ago

Pretty interesting match. Even Beards list looked interesting but guess it could have been different with the iniative the other way around (ravenwing bikers charging).

Lawrence: i totally agree. Your list IS good. Saying this while i definitly like the idea of having those wrath units around.
On the Bikers: i really wonder what you think: Are Drukhari Reavers or Shining Spears the better Aeldari biker unit? Personally i’m not really sure… those shining spears are definitly pretty strong while the Reaver also have their points.

Great game + was a lot of fun to watch!

Last edited 3 years ago by André Orthmann
Patrick Kelly
Patrick Kelly
3 years ago

Just started watching this report and I have to say I’m loving the player intro scene. Epic

Lodge Warrior Member
3 years ago

@Spider were you taking advantage of Aeon Sul’s path of command and rolling a d6 for each command point spent (or whatever the FAQ says now) to see if you get one refunded? I know you like the custom Expert Crafters ability, I was just wondering if you have ever considered using Biel-Tan where Aspect Warriors get +1 LD and can re-roll 1’s to hit. It doesn’t give that single additional reroll to wound and only works on Aspect Warriors shuriken weapons so I don’t know how the math-hammer would work out. The Biel-Tan command trait is also lets your… Read more »

Aaron Borer
Lodge Member
3 years ago

Really awesome stuff you guys are putting out.
Thanks alot, it‘s very entertaining and educational.
Keep it up, we neeed moaaaaarr!

Josh Campbell
Josh Campbell
3 years ago

Hey Beard, I Been really enjoying watching you play raven wing, I actually started playing them ask I enjoy your list a lot and that you have bad luck with rolling but the potential to win all the games with them Your comment on the Dark shroud, I think is a good one but what if you used it more like a Protection for outriders. outriders go and grab objectives. If you place shroud where you can get them into – 1 to hit. then at least it is back up Job of you do happen to get turn two.… Read more »

The Grand Tyrant
The Grand Tyrant
3 years ago

I was wondering, as Laurence mentions in the wrap up, his list is active in every phase. Maybe some psychic support is required Beard?

Lodge Member
3 years ago

Beard your’re still playing 8th trying to kill everything (which is fun) this won’t win games. Get those terminators in! It doesn’t matter that they’re slow, they’re an immovable deterrent. Get some infiltrators in to deny some space and screen out your expensive units. Imagine if infiltrators took those shining spear charges then you could eat them with terminators like a nice fish supper (and get an apothecary on bike in there as well). Go well 👍

Terry Thorley
Lodge Member
3 years ago

Great game 😀 .. Beard is my TTT hero !! .. rolls as many ones as I do ^^ its nice to know I have a one rolling twin out there some where. as for suggestions: Mr Spider – stop rolling 6’s Mr Beard – as a Ultramarine player I would go Term’s they are so DA’s Meta right now .. smash every thing including my Ultramarines when I last played vs DA’s >.< much to my disappointment. for changing up your army between league games – you could house rule it so each Victory gains a League Resource point… Read more »

Lodge Member
3 years ago

Dear Beard, Having watched you play for several years on this channel, and having loved so much of it, I have 3 pieces of advice I really, really hope you consider. I think you’re a great player, and I want to see you be even better. The advice is simple, and most of it has probably already occurred to you, but I think if you keep it at the forefront of your mind you’ll do much better in the future. 1). Give the dice a good shake and toss when you go to roll them. I know this sounds a… Read more »

Mattia Sanguedolce
Mattia Sanguedolce
3 years ago

Really good show as always, i Just feel sad for mr.Beard. Lawrence is a really strong player but i’m sure Beard will improve soon. The ravenwing list was really interesting, but i think that Attack bikes with MM and the blob of Terminator are necessaries to male this list really competitive. Terminators are slow but they are One of the most strongest unit that can keep the center of the board and they are a really combat threat. Anyway i love your shows u are the best guys

Lodge Warrior Member
3 years ago

If U win ur stuck with ur list, if U lose maybe U can only change max 25% of ur list and/or 2 Units

Samuel Green
Samuel Green
3 years ago

Is it just me or are Dark Angels a bit… dry? I can’t remember much spice coming out of them so far. Is it just bad luck or are competitive lists a bit boring for the Dark Angels?

Matt Hall
Matt Hall
3 years ago

Some good close ups of the battle there, like it👍

Sam Kirkman
Lodge Member
Sam Kirkman
3 years ago

@Spider – have you considered putting in a unit of warp spiders for some cheeky deploy scramblers action? They seem a really good utility pick for doing actions, much in the same way that people include cheap fodder like cryptothralls and company vets. I’ve played against them a few times and they always seem to generate more VP than their cost would suggest

Lodge Warrior Member
3 years ago

You are optimist, I think that there are some that downvote without even making the effort to read and understand what the discussion is about. Fortunately I belive is a minority in the fine community that follows TTT. About all this discussion, I remember Chef saying in one of the past League reports that they decided to allow the “loser list” to be completely modified if the one piloting it deems it necessary. Maybe Lawrence comment was something from before they decided this course of action, since we don’t know when the game was truly recorded. I understand that this… Read more »

michael swain
michael swain
3 years ago

Set a % cap for tweaking like 400-500 points….. that gives you a big change but at the same time your list would have to remain relatively similar as a place holder…. Play a few games and then change your rules based upon what you yourselves found and what your audience thinks….

One thing to note I feel like beards list was okay…. But I feel like Lawrence could write a list that could win a local tournament in his sleep so tweaking will help beard and others on that front…

Last edited 3 years ago by michael swain
michael swain
michael swain
3 years ago

Its been a hot minute before I played a dark angels force do they still have that stratagem that lets their knights/terminators drop close to the bikes or did they change that rule ?

michael swain
michael swain
3 years ago

I think maybe too many land speeders or elite bikes… having some cheaper bike units people have to go into first is definitely an option…. I am not necessarily adverse to bikes only but you need to have throw away units in 9th so maybe a couple more smaller units with a mix of attack bikes and outriders or a small unit of scout bikes just something to contest an objective…. Could also consider using a whirlwind or thunderfire canon to try and get fight first or hinder movement of the opponent for some tactical flexibility…. Short of that maybe… Read more »

Enhanced Ignorance
Lodge Member
Enhanced Ignorance
3 years ago

Love the list beard but it definitely needs some deathwing in there to be fighty! As you said the darkshroud is just okay and I’d drop it to take something else. I’ve been running something like this to good effect H (Plain Text) ++ Outrider Detachment -3CP (Imperium – Adeptus Astartes – Dark Angels) [39 PL, 8CP, 805pts] ++ + Configuration + **Chapter Selector**: Dark Angels Battle Size [12CP]: 3. Strike Force (101-200 Total PL / 1001-2000 Points) Detachment Command Cost [-3CP] + HQ + Lieutenant(s) [8 PL, -1CP, 160pts] . Ravenwing Talonmaster: Arbiter’s Gaze, Rites of War, Stratagem: Hero… Read more »

Lodge Member
3 years ago

Love that batrep you guys! spyder… are you runnning tempestus at all?!?!

David Garneau
3 years ago

Admittedly I don’t know the Alderi codex. I would like to know how a shinning spear exarch s-3 wound a t-6 on anything but a 5? Is there +4 strength weapon they get to bonus it so high? Like I said I don’t know that codex very ell at all. Thanks for any answers.

3 years ago

What a rubbish Eldar list! Only joking, just salty because I own neither Shining Spears nor Wraithblades and my Eldar will be sitting on the shelf waiting for a new codex, hopefully out sometime before the next Millennium.
Nice game, shame you didn’t play it out a bit longer and show what could be salvaged in a competitive setting (where even if you know you’re losing you should still try and score as much as possible), but I guess the game takes hours as it is to get through.

Louis Gramática
3 years ago

Lawrence. Superglue washers inside your bases!

Julian Stark
Julian Stark
3 years ago

2 things: -they are all playing multiple armies, a mix of weak and strong factions. So I highly doubt we will see more than 4 games unchanged even from the most powerful factions since by that time some other faction will have gotten the boost to take down let’s say DE. Or a too powerful faction will get nerfed and then lose a game 2nd and probably even more important point: I trust in Lawrence as a channel captain. He has shown plenty of times to work towards entertaining reports so i doubt that we will see the same DE… Read more »

Nathan Whitchurch
Lifetime Member
3 years ago

Threefold I would assume of being in the post, needing to film and edit (with or without Stig), and not doing the initial game of them as a League game. Hopefully mine will be here Wednesday so I can have a couple of days to dig into the book before I try them out over the weekend.

3 years ago

Well Beard, you can’t say you didn’t give Lawrence enough opportunities to concede. It’s a real pity he was so blinded by his Aeldari arrogance that he couldn’t see the writing on the wall and take you up on it.

Daniel Hawthorne
Daniel Hawthorne
3 years ago

Shocking to see a Craftworld victory against any flavour of marines, but squeaking out the exact number of wounds needed a couple times made all the difference.

Expert crafters is definitely busted, but it always was, right from the Salamanders 1.0.

That list seems all but designed to go second and hit in two waves.

Crew Member
3 years ago

As soon as I’ve on boarded our new crew member (hopefully we’ll have found that person within the next couple of weeks). In fact, I was thinking about doing the series with them, as that would be a wonderful introduction 🙂

Lodge Warrior Member
3 years ago

As always these competitive games are really interesting! I only used Dark Angels once, since I wanted to try out a list I was mulling over, and it was a Deathwing/Greenwing mix. What I did to circumvent the problem of the DWK slowness was to have a couple of units in deepstrike with the general, a Interrogator Chaplain in terminator that I made master of sanctity with double trait to give him Wise Orator and Rites of War. When I put them on the table I used the stratagem to have Canticle of Hate up and so I had 7″… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Stefano
Lodge Warrior Member
3 years ago

Aeon Sur: “Im kewl”

Mike W
Mike W
3 years ago

Great game! That was loads of fun to watch.
My suggestion for tweaking lists between matches is something along the lines of: the winning list can change around 10% of it’s points, and the losing list can change up to 100%. I think this will help to avoid punishing lists that just don’t seem to work, or become impractical in whatever meta develops during the league.

Stuart Dickson
Lodge Member
Stuart Dickson
3 years ago

Lawrence have you thought about putting something heavy in the shining spears bases? like a magnet or piece of led just to try make them a little more stable. I dont play CWE but they look like such a nightmare to position

Adam Zaschke
Adam Zaschke
3 years ago

I’d love to know how you got that green shine effect on the helmets for the wraith guard units.

3 years ago

Great game! I love those converted shining spears.

@Chef I noticed something when looking at the leage data, the turn 1/ turn 2 winrates seem to be wrong (unless I am incorrect, sorry in that case), Spider has played 2 games in total, one going first, one second, and he has won both, yet his turn 1/turn 2 winrates are being reported as 50%, I assume because they each take total games won into account, instead of games going first/second respectively.

Colin Clarke
Colin Clarke
3 years ago

Are you sure eldar need a codex for 9th?

Mike S.
Lodge Member
Mike S.
3 years ago

Best possible start into the weekend! Thanks for this entertaining League Report! Chef, I really liked the editing and the sublte use of background music in this one.

3 years ago

Haha “I’ll put you on the floor” 🤣

Erik Ramvi
Erik Ramvi
3 years ago

Its been a while since we`ve seen your Druchari, Spider. Will there be a batrep soon?
Erik 🙂

3 years ago


Jacob Smith
Jacob Smith
3 years ago

League reports are so cool! I’m loving the new format!

Lodge Member
3 years ago


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