Imperium vs Chaos 4,000pts Multiplayer Battle! | Warhammer 40,000 Battle Report

It’s a four way mega battle as the Flesh Tearers are joined by a lance of Knights to face off with the savage hordes of the World Eaters and their own Chaos Knight allies!
00:00 Intro
01:54 Forces of the Imperium List
06:16 Forces of Chaos List
09:33 Mission
10:39 Game Intro
12:48 Game
1:37:19 So what’s happening here?
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What a fu##ing great Game!!!!
Bye bye Ben…
Me and my very own group of stinky boys will miss you Bone! All the best and Papa bless <3
I made a death guard and knight list 2000pts
Awesome! Fantastic send off! All the best for the future Mr. BB!
super fun game!!! will miss you Bone
You will be missed Mr. Bone. I’m glad you got an epic send off. Happy trails and all the best with your future endeavors, we hope to hear from you again.
Thanks for the laughs bbone 😊
I’m really going to miss watching Bone. Bone and Beard made a wonderful comedy duo.
Good luck with your new adventures Bone!
Farewell Mr Bone! The end of an era! Best of luck in your future endeavours.
post the uncut version, hardly long enough video for a final send off.
Bye Mr B BONE LOVE YOU hopefully see you soon.
Bye Mr B Bone, sniff, its been emotional….very best of luck for the future
Goodbye B-Bone, thank you for all the wonderful years of epic battles and even more epic laughter. Wherever you may go, know you have a place in all our hearts.
Thanks so much for all the fun B-Bone! Good luck
BIG love to the B BONE so nice too see you all together again. and much love for you all.
When beard knocks the command points over I swear you can hear him whispering ‘how many did we all have? 🤣
A great send-off for a great guy! Enjoy London, Bone, and I look forward to your future visits with the TTT gang!
Bye Bone, thanks for all the laughs. What a great game to sign off with, well done all of you.
going to watch this while painting some fat babies with wings (and accompanying SoB) while singing the song in my head in honour of the B-Bone. Goin to miss u Mr Bone x take care u lucky duck u
Bone, you will be missed, no doubt of that. But this game was the best farewell I can think of.
Best of luck and may the chaos gods bless you in your new path.
Bone was indeed seen off in style. Kharn….chainaxe mischief, lots of explosions. Great job and some of the most fun I’ve ever had watching a batrep.
Guys, this game was hilarious. I laughed so much! What a fitting farewell to mr. Bone. I hope he’s having a great time with whatever he is doing next. He will be missed by many, including me, with all the charisma he brought to the games.
This game rocked. I always love seeing huge robots beat the tar out of each other with huge guns and ridiculous melee weapons, and seeing Kharn have the Kharn phase to carve up some fools too stupid to stay away from him is always good for some laughs. And it was Bone’s last game… I couldn’t ask for a bigger, better send-off for our favorite human peanut. Well done all around, from gameplay to performance to editing and presentation!
Fabulous game!!!
It would be great to see these bigger games once every couple of months, but fully understand it must have been so much work to pull together!
Brilliant fun! Great send off for Bone! Good luck sir and may your Baddalions always be fielded!
An amazing send of for the B-Bone, you shall be missed. I want wish you all the best in this next chapter of your life.
I’m a few days late on the comment, but maaaan I got excited when I saw an Imperium v Chaos… then immediately *slightly disappointed when I saw that the Endonian Genome was not in attendance😞. It’s ok, even Guard players forget about the lethality of Scions. On a more uplifting note concerning The Imperium’s finest, my ”Scions of the Hydra” AKA “A-Team” are rapidly approaching the paint phase en masse. Hydra Dominatus, yo
Fair winds and following seas Bone! Good luck to you, bud! It’s been a joy.
Already watched on Freeview….. I’m watching again…
Just a thought, can we get a line of battle reports which are most definitely not PG rated?
Wow. Incredible stuff. That Ahab explosion was fantastic. Best of luck on all your endeavors Mr. Bone – thank you for bringing so many laughs to this channel. You all did a really great job keeping this 4K point game interesting through the edit. Well played, well laughed, great fun!
What a treat. Godspeed Mr B, and thanks for all the fun. Keep up the great work TT, you’re killing it.
The bone!!! In the flesh!
This is the saddest I’ve ever been watching a batrep. BBone, best of luck in future engagements, but if the Spider and co. are so willing, I hope you come visit your buds and roll dice on camera one more time in the future. If not, that’s okay too. In any case, thank you so much for… (I dunno, hundreds!? Feels like hundreds) many, many excellent batreps and great times. We’ll miss you and we wish you great success in future endeavors.
great game, I’m sad to see Bone leave thanks for all the memories sir. I do hope we see you again as a guest on the channel now and again. Good luck Mr. Bone and thank you.
Ah, that was amazing,fellas! The exploding knight taking out half the battlefield, oof. Really fun to watch, despite the melancholy end. Thanks so much, Mr B-Bone. You’ve been a key part of my journey back into this amazing hobby and I’m so grateful to you. Your lockdown games with Lawrence are some of my fave content of the channel. Oh, and the Ork Nob gags. Magnificent. Best of luck with everything, I’m sure whatever you do, you’ll be ace.
Loved that game, it was epic, Mr. Bone, thanks for all the laughs and best of luck in London!
This was fantastic! I’ll miss Bone for exactly what this game was, but I wish him well for the future. This game made me laugh many times, but the one bit I lost it was when Bone was clapping Chef towards the end and the red screen and death noise, that had me! Fantastic stuff guys, I’d love to see more of these types of games. Thanks 🙏
That was one of the most fun to watch games I’ve ever seen! Fantastic energy and it’s sad to see Bone go! Hopefully he’ll get back in every so often for some exhibition games 🙂
Awwwhh man. The moment when they say it was bones last game… 😭😭😭😭😭 This is like the end of Return of The King when Frodo embarks on the last ship to valinor leaving the other hobbits behind.
Good Luck BBone, we will miss you so much!
Fitting chaotic farewell for the B-Bone there! I don’t think there is someone who embodies the “spirit” of the game more than Ben. Relentelessly cheerful. even in the face of multiple ones on the dice, and all about the good times.
Good luck Mr.Bone. Sad to see you go. I got my subscription when I was put into quarantine at the start of the pandemic. Youy and Lawrence were great fun to watch. Tauva!
31:03 Put some sunglasses on Mr. Chef, he’s looking like a real G.
Goodbye and good luck Mr. Bone!
That was a really epic battle. Was a lot of fun to watch even when the end of it is very sad because of Bones farewell. As i already said it i keep it short: good luck to you Sir! Have a good life + stay healthy. Thx for all the great laughter with you! 🙂 In general: would be great if you guys can manage to make those 4k battles from time to time. I really enjoyed watching it plus so much fun to see all those Marines running around followed by the big stompy boys. Even if its… Read more »
What an epic farewell to one of the best in the business. Can’t ask for more. Goodbuy Mr. Bone, you will be missed. 💐
I enjoyed the multiplayer game format and would be happy to see more of this in the future. I know it’s not productive to have 3+ presentator doing a game, but the energy is so much different when it’s the case.
Also, it’s always cool to see Rob on screen. Do those cameos more frequently dude ! And those terrain do look fantastic, great job mate.
That was such an epic game! Loved it! all the best Bone for the future.
Best game folks, such a great sendoff. Awesome stuff, thank you!
Probably the funniest game you’ve ever had with the funniest person you could find. Farewell, Mr. B-Bone, the human peanut, the King Plant of all gardens, the craziest-funniest person in the whole 40k scene, I hope you’ll be coming back from time to time. After a month of drought, with no Beard’n’Bone battreps, I realized that a tiny part of me has died somewhere deep down inside.
PS. Bone, I hope you don’t have a grudge for all the angry comments you had to read from us during those 6 years. Good luck in all your new beginnings!