Adeptus Mechanicus vs Death Guard 2000pts | Warhammer 40,000 League Report

Stig returns to the Studio with upgrades fresh from the Forge Worlds, but will the feared Ad Mech be too much for Beard in his first League outing with the Death Guard?!
00:00 Intro
01:39 Adeptus Mechanicus List
04:31 Death Guard List
07:19 Mission- Sweep and Clear
08:35 Game Intro
10:07 Game
1:33:04 He’s got the what now?
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The Army Lists are:
Adeptus Mechanicus
++ Still downloading from the Noosphere ++
Death Guard
++ Brewing in Papa Nurgle’s vats ++
Great! 😍
Stig is such a gentleman, very polite and positive no matter what happens in the game, an Beard is just a human sized happy puppy! Great job guys, and a great game!
Nice to see you Stig. How you keep track of all those rules is beyond me.
Solid game all around 🤟
What a game! Nailbiter, absolutly great! Did not expect this outcome after Turn 2.
Great game guys, it was an exciting one! Gratz Beard on your first win in the League! Chaos Lord Beard clearly is your true form.
My god its so hard to follow all the ad mech stuff 🤣🤣🤣. Nothing to with TTT but by the old ones, GW have really dropped the ball here. Very hard to follow
That was ABSOLUTELY superb. What a game. Really well done, Beard! that was a helluva comeback, and a lesson to us all. I played a game on Sunday and all looked lost after my poor Aeldari ate huge amounts of T’au fire, then fluffing their charges whilst losing more on overwatch. But came back to squeak a win by two points! Felt a bit sorry for my mate, tbh. Commiserations, Stig! And big thanks to you both.
Nice batrep. Didnt see that twist coming. Like the admech how they are played at the moment. Maybe bot strong but this will even out with the next codex coming.
Quick question. When my manipulus is performing the action to switch to the advanced holy order. Can he still buff one unit with the galvanic field as this is not an aura and does not stop performing actions to fail?
What a great game! Well done guys! Beard’s beard is starting to get pungent!
Absolute belter of a game – really good fun to watch and great that it was so unpredictable. Cheers guys!
BaTallion Beard?? Is this cause Bone is gone..
Oh no. Sanga name has been taken off the list !!!! I was looking forward to seeing him in a battle report.
Great game as always gentleman.
Great game .
A very fun and good game to watch! Thanks Beard and Stig!
More league reports please 😉
Fantastic game. Good lesson for never giving up.
Amazing game well done Mr Beard, well fought victory. I honestly thought Admec had that game.
Thanks again and look forward too watching the next battle/league report.
I know there are cries of outrage at every new codex at the moment, DG and Drukhari were both accused of being OP.
But these Admech seem to be a bit disgusting… and I wondered if you guys thought they are broken or just in need of a small tinker?
It seems they have re rolls on everything at all times and are stupidly complicated…
Muchos love
Another great league game. They are becoming my favorite reports to watch and cannot wait for the coaching series with the spider.
Who is taking over the space wolves now? Would love to see the spider try to make a go of them in a league game.
1) Love me some Stig
2) Admech is filthy
Was not expecting that outcome when I saw the Administration Mechanicum list but kudos to Beard and that turn 3. Great game guys!
Gotta say, the plethora of synergies in the AdMech book (and the doggo calvary) have me wanting to start a new army… my poor wallet. Also, fun game to watch, interesting to the end!
Great game gents.
Good game, I can’t believe how strong those Skitarii blobs are! Not only are Ad-Mech one of the strongest shooting armies around the number of defensive buffs they can dish out every turn is frankly alarming!
Well played Mr Beard, I was worried for you in turn 2 but you managed to really turn it round!
Stig old pal! Great to see the ad mech out but did you forget the Mars reroll hit? I think you forgot the Mars reroll hit. 😅. Not that it’s needed. Ad mech are too good.
Thank you for the battle report!
It simultaniously sad for Mr. Stig loss and glad Mr. Beard finally break his loosing series in the League.
But then I thought: AdMech is like Orks. They never loose, just collect valuable battle date in any case, so it is win-win situation!
Great game
Now that the restrictions are getting a little more relaxed, it would be good to see the lists section return to pre covid status (if you are allowed).
I used to really enjoy the banter aspect of commenting on each others lists.
An excellent game – well played beard!
Great classic TT, great game Gents. Glad to see you finally get a League win Beard, you deserve it mate
I love watching the Death Guard in action. Try out a Foul Blightspawn w/Revolting Stench-vats in the Ferryman company and abuse the strat that will extend that aura of never having counted as charging out to 12″ 😛
Stig and beard bat reps = best bat reps. What a fun game to watch! Thank you do much for weathering the heat to bring us this!
I don’t know what new equipment you all picked up, but the picture is really great in this one.
What a great nailbiter of a game 😻 congrats to Mr. Beard for your first league victory 🦾
I might be wrong, but I don’t think a Daemon Prince and a Lord of Virulence can be in the same detachment.
Well done Beard I thought you were going to concede at one point but you stuck it out. 👍👍👍
Great fight back beard
What would we do without chef?
I watch you guys for the fun but also to learn as much as I can about the game so when I finally get my ork army finished I will have so idea how to play at least competently…I hope, so thanks for the updates throughout the games.
I dont know if you catch it later (im min 25)- but discusting force does AoE mortal wounds on 4+!
Also, poxwalkers can shrug mortal wounds from mutant strain AND spread the sickness:)
Good showing so far with a new army though beard! Let’s go!
That was amazing! Its great to see my DG have a chance after all lol. Well played both of you, best league game so far!
Beard, I think all those brave outings with our poor underpowered Iron Warriors really paid off in this game, you looked very at home piloting the Death Guard and it must’ve felt nice having Chaos Marines that could take a bit of a battering
Well done beard, that was an impressive comeback!
I like the to the last change!
Do the Brits not believe in Air Conditioning?
you can take both enhanced data-tether and omnispex? didn’t know that
So glad to see Beard really show off his competitive play side! Still the same bubbly character but playing really well against the current top dog army of 40K. And of course Stig did an excellent job with the Ad Mech too, luckily he has a whole lot of proof on the channel that he was playing them before they were the in thing
Great match up, one I was waiting for! My AdMech have become headache inducing… I’m becoming too old to keep all those things in mind. Good job for navigating them so well, Stig! I have to admit that seeing all the broken things going on (especially with Lucius, but not just there) I don’t feel like playing them so they are sitting on my shelves waiting for the nerf just like I did with the Iron Hands at the end of 8th. Really cheers for Mr. Beard, you played well and did not give up… great game from you! I… Read more »
How on earth did Stig get 17 VP on his first turn?!?!
What a game, what a turnaround! Really enjoyed Beard piloting the DG, hope he uses them a lot more in the future.
AdMech terrify me. I mean, Drukhari were silly but AdMech are just plain nuts, especially since GW saw fit to give Skitarii even more buffs in their stupid DLC book.
Good and fun game from the both of you! I really enjoyed that. To the victor the spoils!!!
He’s baaaaaaaack. Been following your progress on The ‘Gram, Stig! Lovin it, man
This one was an excellent game! Good work, gentemen!