Slaves to Darkness vs Maggotkin of Nurgle | Age of Sigmar Battle Report

It’s battle of Warbands as Chaos Lord Beard hopes to prove his worth to the Gods, whilst Blightbringer Bard looks to spread the joys of Grandfather Nurgle in this clash within the Mortal Realms!
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28:43 is what we’re here for.
With Knight type units Beard I would always recommend withdrawing and then trying to get another charge off (albeit at the next turn). Mainly because Lances get bonuses. The ideal situation is to charge with something else acting as an anvil (which of course could be another knight unit), but of course, sometimes that isn’t possible.
Yeeeeessss more Sigmar!!!
Great batrep, loving the AoS – but the oracular visions re-roll ability was errat’d into a simple +1 save modifier. Yeah, rubbish I know.
Technical question guys. When Beard got 7 hits with 2 damage weapons and James had to make 14 shrugs, shouldn’t he have done them 2 at a time? Depending on when the shrugs happened that can vary the number of models reduced significantly.
If im not mistaken, I heard a Kung Pow reference in there Chef. You have made my day significantly better
Great fun watching your battles and thankful you also play AoS now!
Doesn’t Nurgle have that wheel of corruption with plenty of extra abilities each turn? Have I just missed it every single turn?
Fun watch again! Keep Sigmar coming! Familiar seems a good fit for the camera person, or maybe from blood bowl it could be Cabalvision.
I predicted chaos would win and they did! AS WAS FORETOLD!
FIVE 6s! FIVE. One less than the Blessed Number. Nearly perfection.
Six 6s, that would be perfection.
This channel is very near perfection. I dont even play sigmar but these batreps have got me interested in it. GG fellow lords of chaotic darkness. GG.
In my humble opinion the cameraman should be “the Celestial College”, as they have big voyeur vibes looking through lenses and trying to divine on events and people.
Fyreslayers BABY!! 🙏🙏
Since an haemonculus is essentially a miniature of a person, I vote for “familiar” for the person behind the camera
The Putrid Blightkings seem to be quiet good, James should stock up on them and perhaps some faster units like drones. Beard might think about running the knights with ensorcelled weapons 3 attacks, -1 rend, hitting and wounding on 3s. The lances are good in charges but once you are tied up in melee that advantage goes out of the window. In comparison to the chariot they still have their 5+ ward.
Funny enough, when you guys do AoS I enjoy the games much more than on other channels.
I prefer Sig over W40k. More melee combat, fewer strats, heroes are there to FIGHT. Love it.
good thing Chaoslord Beard had his familiar to remind him of his ward dices xD Really good battlerep – Bard is surprisnlgy good fit
Really enjoyable game to watch, cheers guys!!!
Someone mentioned on Facebook about whether you could do a rules tutorial or demonstrating the differences to 40k. Think it would be a great idea. 👍🏼
Good game, some flies for mobility would be good for Maggotkin
How about a homunculus for the camera person?
Slaves are undivided? Go Beard.
Yaaaayyyyy!!!!!!! SIGMAR!!!!!!!!
Super excited for this. Love how you are starting sigma about same time I am getting into it from 3rd Ed fantasy days