How to Play Boarding Action – The BEST way to play 40K?!

Avatar The Beard January 7, 202395  80 95 Likes

YouTube video

Boarding Action is here!!  If you know how to play 40k, you already know the main mechanics for Boarding Action, and for the rest, Lawrence and Beard have got you covered.

In this video we show you the extra rules and everything you need to know to play what we think is the BEST way to play Warhammer 40,000 with shorter game times, much smaller army requirements, a balanced rule set and exciting new missions.  We hope you enjoy Boarding Action as much as we do, and that this video provides you with what you need to know to play your first game!

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Daniel Sandsjö
Lifetime Member
Daniel Sandsjö
2 years ago

Great tutorial! 🙂

Joshua Thompson
2 years ago

What size is the deployment square?

Robert Sildatke
2 years ago

Thanks for the tutorial.
I played Space Hulk (STAR ​​QUEST) when I was young. That brings back memories.
In addition to Tempest, a conceivable alternative for me to the stressful Compentatives WH40K (tournament scene)

Dale Johnson
Dale Johnson
2 years ago

Cautiously awaiting if the WAAAGH will prevail within Boarding Actions…

Lifetime Member
2 years ago

Scripting difficulties aside, I can see the excitement you all have for the new Boarding Actions narrative. I’m wondering though, what do you make of a comparison to Kill Team’s Gallowdark narrative?

More apples-to-apples, how much better (read as fun and enjoyable) would you call the new game mode compared to a standard Combat Patrol sized game of Tempest?

2 years ago

Nice vid and looks like a fun way to play, will definitely look at how to get a board set up.
The delivery did seem like an agent of GeeDubCorp was just off camera with a bolter to the head of your favourite child though. I could see the panic in Beard’s eyes.

Matt Hall
Matt Hall
2 years ago

Seems pretty good to me, new space hulk but easier to play 99% of people watching this channel have enough model’s anyway. Beard and Spider just doing a fun intro, GW things aren’t the cheapest we all no this💊🙂

Christopher Krueger
Lodge Member
Christopher Krueger
2 years ago

Looks like people are still out of sorts for the ad bit in the Mechanicus game. 👹 They used the text from the game and gave examples with minis and more of those effects everybody likes. What’s the problem? I want to see the battle between the Ultras and the BL. It’s about time Spider dusted off his alter ego Artemis! Let’s say GW no longer supports this in 6 months, and this is just like Nephilim (did anyone get a copy of that book)? Who cares, within a week, the 3D shops will be filled with .stls and printed… Read more »

2 years ago

Pandorum! Totally under rated movie – can confirm this is a choice recommendation.

Boarding action seem cool, looks like it makes for a more balanced 500pts 40k game that is focused on purely infantry and I am liking the idea of that.

Was an enjoyable one to watch, the enthusiasm is awesome!

Cheers homies

Louis Mcallan
Louis Mcallan
2 years ago

Yeah, firm agree with pevious post. You chaps, looking at you chef, can be relied on to review gw products with a little salt. This feels floggy as. Don’t doubt there are valid reasons, but, gw can afford advertising, can you afford to become their advertisers?

Terry Thorley
Lodge Member
2 years ago

Wow felt almost as if gw wrote it themselfs xD

Thomas Dolinar
Thomas Dolinar
2 years ago

I am really, really sorry guys, I really enjoy your content, and I never regretted that on-demand-subscription, so please consider this constructive criticism.

Brief sum up of the rules, ok, i get that, but that video might as well have been a GW commercial spot on a homeshopping channel…

I am not going into more detail what I disliked the most in public, because I don’t want to start a public fight here.

Dale Johnson
Dale Johnson
2 years ago

Great reason to ‘tactically’ expand into additional armies #500

Robert Wild
Robert Wild
2 years ago

That was brilliant guys!

Mark Merfield
2 years ago

And yes I know it wasn’t 10 minutes long but I missed most of it the first time round and had to rewatch it 😉

Mark Merfield
2 years ago

I’m not going to lie. For the first 10 minutes of this all I could look at was Beard and how he no longer had one. It was kinda freaking me out. It’s like Mac without the cheese, Rocky and no Bullwinkle. 😂. Nice walk through gents. Very easy to follow.

David Taylor
David Taylor
2 years ago

Great tutorial! It can’t have been easy for Beard to stick to script 🙂

Lodge Warrior Member
2 years ago

That was well done, thanks. Brilliant outtakes!😂

Lifetime Member
2 years ago

I always love your blooper reels. Also, this mode of play looks really fun. Thank you for doing this tutorial!

2 years ago

Just missing some “what is your take on these, Beard” and “glad you ask, Spider”
Don’t get me wrong guys. I think it’s quite funny

André Orthmann
2 years ago

didnt know you guys produce GW’s officials adds? xD
Good work for sure. 😀

I think that game mode is a cool addition to the 40k. With all the silly rules on GT since Nihilm and also the new one it looks to me way more tempting to play tempest & boarding actions mainly.
For GT i really hope on a hard reset & general overhaul of rules with 10th.

Lodge Warrior Member
2 years ago

Awesome work guys, can’t wait to try this out.

Grant Mackay
Grant Mackay
2 years ago

I’ve been waiting for this game type since it was announced….its the perfect size for my group (who all have young kids and have very very little spare time) and hopefully more balanced that more 40k at 500/1k points

Wael Riad
Lodge Member
2 years ago

Thanks for the great instructional video, and btw I like how the walls look 😀

For me I will use card board for my Void ships 😁🤣

Lodge Member
2 years ago

ok, thats great, I was wondering if this new extension would/could be added to a “narrative” style crusade… hell yes time to get writing and making walls 🙂

Elliott Lansdown-Bridge
Lifetime Member

very tempted to jump on this

Harmen Duits
Harmen Duits
2 years ago

When i got the set for into the dark kill team, i need an additional set to get all the walls or am i already set?

Nathan Marechaux
Nathan Marechaux
2 years ago

Sounds like you are doing a aircraft security video

stuart Easton
stuart Easton
2 years ago

Can’t wait to play this after I’ve one the lottery and can then afford to buy all this! 🤣 $600 for the terrain and books in Australia. That’s a PS5!!!

Lodge Member
2 years ago

Great tutorial guys. Boarding Actions looks like alot of fun.

Benjamin Olson
Benjamin Olson
2 years ago

Great breakdown and high-larious post credits!

Sven Hegenbart
Lifetime Member
2 years ago

nice and easy to understand video – good job!
Hope my friends and me will have a ton of fun playing it

2 years ago

“We’ll read your copy GeeDubs, but we’re going to make it clear how difficult it was in the outtakes.”

2 years ago

Great video guys good way to summarise the rules and loved you hamming it up in the cut aways 🤣

Luke Lemon
Luke Lemon
2 years ago

Lol did GW write this for you? I sense from the delivery this was forced upon you a bit (or just some careful scripting)! Super helpful though thanks. Any chance Fletch could did a little vid on painting the terrain bits?

Brett Pettitt
Lodge Member
2 years ago

Thinking of looking at this with my friends. Literally posted it on discord last night

Timmy Tables
Lodge Member
2 years ago

Tempest no longer #bestwaytoplay? 😂

Jonathan Haynes
Lodge Member
Jonathan Haynes
2 years ago

Good morning team.