Jinx’s League Craftworlds | Warhammer 40,000 List Analysis

Avatar Jinx February 2, 202338  80 38 Likes

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Jinx takes on the guise of Farseer as she aims to lead the Craftworld Ulthwรฉ to victory in the season 2 of the League. Will she be able to read the skeins on fate, or will the curse of foresight be her doom?

0:00 Intro
1:46 HQs – Farseer Skyrunners
2:56 Troops – Guardians
3:19 Elites – Wraithblades
3:50 Elites – Wraithguard
4:06 Dedicated Transports – Wave Serpents
5:03 Fast Attack – Shining Spears
6:30 List Thoughts
6:42 Secondary Tactics
7:03 Warpcraft – Skry Futures & Psychic Interrogation
7:30 Purge the Enemy & No Mercy No Respite
7:53 Battlefield Supremacy
8:30 Final Thoughts and Wrap Up

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(Spoiler Warning! The Rankings are updated the day after every release, so donโ€™t read it until youโ€™ve watched the game!)

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The Army List (watch the video for discussion and tactics though!)


Craftworld: Ulthwรฉ
Arks of Omen Compulsory Choice: Elites
Starting CP: 3

+ HQ +
Farseer Skyrunner: Warlord, Relic – The Weeping Stones, Warlord Trait – Fate Reader, Witchblade
Powers: Guide, Doom

Farseer Skyrunner: Warlord Trait – Seer of the Shifting Vector, Witchblade
Powers: Fortune, Will of the Asuryan

+ Troops +
10x Guardian Defender: Plasma Grenades, Shuriken Catapults

+ Elites +
5x Wraithblades: Ghostaxe and Forceshield

5x Wraithblades: Ghostaxe and Forceshield

5x Wraithguard: Wraithcannon

5x Wraithguard: Wraithcannon

+ Fast Attack +
5x Shining Spears
Shining Spear Exarch: Expert Lancers, Paragon Sabre, Shimmershield, Shuriken Cannon
Shining Spears: Laser Lance, Twin Shuriken Catapult

+ Dedicated Transport +
Wave Serpent: Crystal Targeting Matrix, Shuriken Cannon, Twin Bright Lance

Wave Serpent: Crystal Targeting Matrix, Shuriken Cannon, Twin Bright Lance

Wave Serpent: Crystal Targeting Matrix, Shuriken Cannon, Twin Bright Lance

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Crew Member
1 year ago

Heads up bosses! Jinx is away on holiday for two weeks so will get back to your comments when she returns! Thanks for the thoughts and feedback โค๏ธ๐Ÿ•ท

Justin Prato
Lifetime Member
1 year ago

This is an interesting list. I also play eldar and I really like the shining spears. The only thing I would say is I would maybe drop one unit of wraith guard, and put in a squad of guardian bikes with either scatter lasers or cannons. They are one of the best eldar units and will provide a high volume of shots unit that your currently really don’t have in the list. Can’t wait to see this played.

Sonny Govus
Lodge Warrior Member
Sonny Govus
1 year ago

Jinx i love the list! Very cool very balanced simple yet effective. I would make 2 subtle changes. I run Iyanden and love wraiths (Ulthwe is by far the superior choice though!) so i am used to using other units around wraiths to score. Drop the Guardians for Rangers (forward deploy, scout) Go with 2, 3 man shining spears. One has star lance and expert lancers the other has paragon and heartstrike. Give both shimmershields and cannons. The Exarchs are the strength of the unit 4 wounds T4 4up invuln. Now you also have 2 units to score BEL. Good… Read more ยป

1 year ago

I believe the studio has Shroud Runners, a unit of 3 instead of the guardians. Same points. 21 shots vs 20 of slightly lower quality. 9 Wounds vs 10. They however have double the range, more than double the speed, and in theory sniper weapons with fate dice can really do miracles with plinking final wounds off things. Also enjoy your vacay.

Simon Cooper
Lodge Member
Simon Cooper
1 year ago

Also Jinx can I recommend ( highly) that you bin of the weeping stones and the 2nd warlord trait and try the Ghost Helm and SunStorm.
These 2 are two good not to take

Simon Cooper
Lodge Member
Simon Cooper
1 year ago

Love the list your gonna smash it.
Scout the Enemy is a really good secondary so Iโ€™d definitely give it a go.

Lodge Member
1 year ago

Very excited to see this! And I love the music for the League!

1 year ago

Throwing my 2 cents in as I haven’t seen this suggestion yet and I’m going CWE for my ‘season’: You could swap out the guardians for 10 rangers, which give you a lot more secondary help (Scout The Enemy, Behind Enemy Lines, Engage, Retrieve Data). They’re also nice for holding objectives with their +2 to saves, and as Chef has shown not too shabby for picking off any last wounds with To Wound Fate Dice! I also never leave home without a warlock skyrunner or a council on foot, because it gives you Seer Council for that added reliability, and… Read more ยป

Last edited 1 year ago by Autarch
Momento Mori
Momento Mori
1 year ago

Im glad we can see some Waithguard action. I need some serious clarification on the wraithcannon’s ability to shoot in the engagement range.

Richard Howard-Jones
Richard Howard-Jones
1 year ago

I think the list look great but you could put 2 units of wraiths put into 1 unit and use a fate die advance then quicken to move advance 6 with a another fate die but I like the idea of having multiple units of wraiths in 3 wave serpents.

Lodge Member
1 year ago

Hey jinx, this is a nice balanced list and good luck with your first game. Now I’m not one to change my list during a “league”, old school gaming and all that, but if you do… here are some Y-Wacky thoughts ;-)… a Spirit – The re-role 1s to wound I find very useful. A Wraith-knight with sword and shield – Very interesting when in formation with the wraith warriors as “visual threat” and as it has no shooting some opponents ignore it T1/2. Hemlock – I find useful for sniping vehicles and/or back line characters. Webgate – an interesting… Read more ยป

Kyle Roach-Smith
1 year ago

To amend my previous comment, Eldrad cannot take a relic

Last edited 1 year ago by Kyle Roach-Smith
Kyle Roach-Smith
1 year ago

Ok ill give you my thoughts, wraiths are too expensive for what they do in my opinion but as you say, theyre what youre used to. I would find a way to get the protect psychic power in this list, probably losing one of the farseers for a warlock. In fact taking 2 farseers is not efficient at all, other than the spears, there is nothing fast in your list that theyll need to keep up with, so lose the 2 farseers and take eldrad. His warlord trait is the one you have anyway, weeping stones can be slapped on… Read more ยป

Nathan Marechaux
Nathan Marechaux
1 year ago

Very efficient list, much easier to follow than Chefโ€™s list hahaha

Bjรถrn Persson
Bjรถrn Persson
1 year ago

YES! I was hoping for a craftworlds list! Go get them, Jinxy!

1 year ago

Weโ€™re getting some physic heavy armies this season, looking forward to seeing some Eldar v. TSons!

Sven Hegenbart
Lifetime Member
1 year ago

Dont know much about Eldar but i though Iyanden would be the to go way for Wrath heavy lists? Dont they offer enough or is it that Ulthwe is so much better anyway?

The Wraith
Lodge Warrior Member
1 year ago

Hey Jinx! I’m so excited to see you running a Wraith list! I will be rooting for you! I have some thoughts, if you would like them. If durability is the aim, then Protect is really a must-have, in my experience. I usually cast it instead of Jinx, especially given the amount of AP in your list. I know you don’t have all the meta units, but I know you have Wraithseers. Being the best current Wraith unit IMO, it seems natural to put one in! I’ll just be glad to finally see one on TTT getting the honor it… Read more ยป

E Double
Lodge Warrior Member
E Double
1 year ago

@jinx Just my 2cents, if the 6 don’t work out (expensive and want points spent elsewhere), I’ve seen people will run a min squad with the Exarch equipped Paragon Sabre + Heartstrike Power which makes him on his own a bit of blender! 6 attacks and reroll ALL hits and wounds and heartstrike gives you 6’s for mortal wounds, this allows you to fish for the mortals quite nicely. Makes the squad easier to hide and cheaper. Luckily the TTT Shinining spears don’t have the updated base sizes, because running 6 is a nightmare to hide completely ๐Ÿคฃ

Shortsighted Farseer

As an Ulthwรฉ fan this makes me very happy! Interested to see how this goes as I have very few Wraiths myself (5 blade guard). Think a blob of Banshees with the mirror blades and piercing strike Exarch would be a great addition. Itโ€™s been mentioned but Eldrad is fantastic as well.

Thomas Taylor Bigg
Thomas Taylor Bigg
1 year ago

Katie, Love that youโ€™re going for aeldari! I also really like the feel of the list, durable and punchy. The one omission Iโ€™m surprised about is the spiritseer. Giving your wraiths re-rolls might be pretty clutch, and it also gives you another body to do psychic actions with. Iโ€™m guessing Tears of Isha will be a staple stratagem! ๐Ÿ˜€ The other option I wonder about – given your comments about horde clearance and overall army speed – are Shroud Runners. I know you have a unit painted up (though I guess it might be for another craft world), and if… Read more ยป

Peter Hamlรฉn
Lodge Member
Peter Hamlรฉn
1 year ago

Best of luck, Jinx! Eldar is my first love so you have my full support this season!

Simon Gedge
Lodge Member
Simon Gedge
1 year ago

I love this. Craftworld Ulthwe are my favourite. Best of luck jinx, Iโ€™ll be rooting for you this season.

Lodge Member
1 year ago

Mmmm OK. I think you guys really should consider running the league as a highlander. Variety being the spice of life with concessions on model availability and excluding troop types.

Jonathan Haynes
Lodge Member
Jonathan Haynes
1 year ago


Benoit Cappez
Lifetime Member
1 year ago

I was hoping for a zoomy and deadly drukhari’s reaver army but, eh, aeldari are they too, no?
Wraith w/o being Iyanden? But ok, Ulthwรซ is really good too

Julian Stark
Julian Stark
1 year ago

So happy to not get a repeat army. Also great news for Victor. (And every other elf fan, Victor is just the most vocal of you)

Christopher Goddard
Lodge Member
Christopher Goddard
1 year ago

Nooooiiiiice! Looking forward to watching this after work. Been an Ulthwe player since 2nd edition so canโ€™t wait to see how they stack up in now. Go Jinx! And donโ€™t forget to cast Jinxโ€ฆ..

Not Mon-Keigh
Lodge Member
Not Mon-Keigh
1 year ago

Perfect release for lunch break. Lets go Jinx!

Ember Jantzen
Ember Jantzen
1 year ago

I love themed lists that revolve around someone’s favorite units, best of luck Jinx!

Joseph Thomas
Lodge Member
1 year ago

This has me very excited! As an Iyanden player I’m looking forward to see you trying to make a Wraith list work and Ulthwe is 100% the best craftworld for it (sadly for me). I know they aren’t the most meta pick but it’ll be great to see what you can do! If this list doesn’t work out for you I would maybe suggest looking at adding some Warlocks, their powers can be super useful with Wraith units, powers like conceal/reveal just give you a bit more staying power and obviously protect/jinx is as good as everyone knows. Also giving… Read more ยป

Wael Riad
Lodge Member
1 year ago

I wish you the best of luck ๐Ÿ˜for 2nd place after the t-sons

Kidding a side, can you make after each reveal a test match on the next day to see how the army intranet ๐Ÿ˜„

Kurtis Carlson
Kurtis Carlson
1 year ago

No eldrad in an ulthwe list? He’s the eldar’s best psyker and is fairly tanky by himself. Also surprised no baharroth. He just gives an eldar list so much flexibility. I’ve kitbashed my baharroth from a drukhari scourge kit.

Terra Luna-Mae
1 year ago

Can’t watch this yet as in the office. But Sooooo excited to hear about this list!

1 year ago

Did not see this one coming!