**NEW CODEX** World Eaters vs Ultramarines | Warhammer 40,000 Battle Report

Avatar Jinx February 4, 202363  112 63 Likes

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The wait is finally over! The Red Angel and his World Eaters are finally here with their own shiny new Codex! Will Chef and his Ultramarines be able to hold back the raging red tide? Or will the ferocity of the 12th be enough to slaughter their enemy?

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📝 Be sure to watch the video for the player’s Army Lists

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Jonathan Senft
Jonathan Senft
2 years ago

EVERYTIME I play my world eaters now I scream DIE. 🤣 worth it!!

2 years ago

Wondered what your interpretation of this new rule is – in older 9th Ed books, the WLT section says you MUST take a specific trait. Now, the WLT rule says you can give a Character one of the three generic WLTs “instead of one from any other source”.

Do you think this means since they removed the rule saying you must take a specific WLT, then added this new “any other source” it means you could swap out say Angron’s datasheet trait for one of the three generic ones?

I can’t see any other logical explanation for changing the wording!

2 years ago

Can you do an army overview or how to paint video for these please, I want to do the same scheme but I am not sure how

2 years ago

Got to say, there was a lot of B-bones essence in this B-rep. Loved every bit of it!

Rob Willars
Lodge Warrior Member
Rob Willars
2 years ago

Chef: ugh re-rolling, so complicated
Also chef: there should be a mechanic where if you do more than 50% of its total wounds it explodes 😅😂

Dean Brereton
Dean Brereton
2 years ago

Could you use auspex scan for 2CP to literally blow Angron off the board again with the Eradicators? 🤔 not a criticism, I simply wanted to know if that is a valid option/can be done?

Imperial Grunt
Lodge Member
2 years ago

Very fun batrep! The World Eaters are a serious threat for sure. Looking forward to seeing more of them against harder match ups!

John Matson
John Matson
2 years ago

Part of me thinks noise warnings for headphones users might be necessary when spider plays the XIIth haha

Austin Alvis
Austin Alvis
2 years ago

Those world eaters are amazingly kitted and painted. Would love to learn more about the color scheme used and some of the bits. Looks like old red butchers forge world and some WE armor kits. But man. Chefs kiss. Makes me want to not paint them all red so the blood is more visible.

Lodge Member
2 years ago

I’m so happy for the bloody bois!

Lodge Member

Why does an Impulsor gets a 6+ save against a multi melta from the hellbrute? Thought a melta is -4 and an impulsor has a 3+ save. Were it lascannons on the hellbrutes maybe?

tom taylor
tom taylor
2 years ago

Great batrep guys thanks you. Laurence energy was extraordinary this game! Well played gracious chef. X

Mark Seager
Mark Seager
2 years ago

You should have got the B Bone back to do a World Eaters special! With his axe that Spider has stolen 🙂

Michael Whiffin
Lodge Member
Michael Whiffin
2 years ago

SPOILER ALERT……this now makes Guilliman 3 for 3 getting his ass handed to him by one of his a Daemon brothers. For someone so tactically astute he doesn’t really learn does he 😆 awesome batrep as usual!

Liam Spencer
2 years ago

This was fantastic. I am going to make a mini Wrath and Glory campaign for this 😅, have my players be Ultramarines, the battle raging around them and Gulletman teleports out!
All of a sudden, it’s time to survive and Angron is still stomping around the battlefield cleaning up your Brothers!

Radek Kolář
Radek Kolář
2 years ago

Blood for the blood goooood! That being said, this is kinda stupid. 😅 I love the ideas of new book, but it’s bonkers crazy, I think you should pick a unit that gets a bt buff, untill users next command phase or so. Armywide game lasting +1 to hit and +1 ap or +1 charge and stackable is….. ridiculous. Great game anyways and fun to watch 👏

Christopher Pond
Christopher Pond
2 years ago

FYI 5 is the Chaos number of Deeeeeeeeeeeemon saves.

Lifetime Member
2 years ago

Please house rule all of your future games with “excess damage to vehicles adds to the explosion roll.” Such a wicked thought and explosions are awesome! 😁

Lodge Member
2 years ago

Just a very small observation: When Chef was going through the Ultramarines list, he said that he’s taking the standard melta rifles on the Eradicators, as that’s what they’re modelled with… But those models *are* with the heavy melta rifles… 🙄

Nils Martin
Nils Martin
2 years ago

Angron fighting Guilliman was such a “I have the high ground”-moment.

Jason Hoy
Lodge Member
Jason Hoy
2 years ago

I need fletcher to do a tutorial for Angrons armor and the verdigris.

Samuel Dutton
Samuel Dutton
2 years ago

How many blood tithe points to have bone return from the warp to run world eaters with kahn

Luke Morgan
Luke Morgan
2 years ago

Just from an outrageous space marine rules point of view… How the hell do SM get a transport they can get out of after its moved but the dark eldar can’t do that with a raider? Go home gw, you’re drunk!!! 😂

Lifetime Member
2 years ago

Great showing for the World Eaters. I’ve really come to appreciate them after having listened to “Betrayer”. Now we just need to see Kharn in action with a proper revamped Kharn phase! The blood points look like a great army mechanic. A real shame though that quite a few units can’t be used anymore. It’s so stupid from GW to irritate players like that. I don’t even know if they realize at all how people feel about not being able to use previously legal models in an army. To quote a certain someone: “it’s dumb!”

2 years ago

Great showing guys, whoever did the editing bravo had me laughing more than once. And I’m really digging the break down at the end of these reps lately, keep up the good work. Cheers.

Brian Crothers
Lifetime Member
Brian Crothers
2 years ago

such a fun bat rep!!

Yannic Lorenz
Yannic Lorenz
2 years ago

Chef those Eradicators are in fact modeled with the heavy Melta rifles. The pipes are the heavy ones the ones with the round magazine type things are the normal melta rifles.
Might have seen it wrong but all the Eradicators I saw were heavy

Edward Coates
Edward Coates
2 years ago

A great battle rep as usual guys. As an Ultramarines player I was sad to see them absolutely smashed to bits but wow the World Eaters look great. Awesome job guys

Lifetime Member
2 years ago

Fletcher’s Angron paint job was the nicest one WarCom showed off, almost vampiric with the pale skin- awesome work!

Carl Jette
Lodge Member
2 years ago

You guys have probably the best looking Angron i’ve seen so far

Daniel Sandsjö
Lifetime Member
Daniel Sandsjö
2 years ago

Epic game! Blood for the Blood God!?!!?!?!?!

Francisco Michels
Lodge Member
Francisco Michels
2 years ago

Lawrence: “Damn you balasarius Cowl!!!”

Jimmi Gustafsson
Jimmi Gustafsson
2 years ago

Awesome fun!

Ben H
Lifetime Member
Ben H
2 years ago

Gosh, 3 days to film and edit a battle report is mega quick turnaround ;). Love it. World Eaters look like a blast, and I love that they’ve just taken the chaff strats (mostly) and binned them.

Sloppity Biletyper
2 years ago
Lodge Member
2 years ago

The paint job on Angron is so awesome, I am speechless. Great codex, great BR I am looking forward to Tuesday when something silly is apparently going to happen with Kytans and Scorpions and Angron. Thanks for the splendid entertainment! I so hope someone is going to play World Eaters in the league! (Lawrence or Beard maybe???).

Last edited 2 years ago by Humphrey_Appleby
Christopher Krueger
Lodge Member
Christopher Krueger
2 years ago

Chef, you hate the wounding mechanics? What would you prefer?

You guys should do a video where you talk about how you would change 40K.

Jacob Wible
Jacob Wible
2 years ago

Funnily enough, I think Chef’s Eradicators are actually modeled with the Heavy Melta Rifles and not the assault ones. Got the extra little cable goo-gas going around.

Christopher Krueger
Lodge Member
Christopher Krueger
2 years ago

Off topic question: You guys are obviously LotR aficionados, you ever thought about doing the Middle-Earth game?

Richard Ayre
Richard Ayre
2 years ago

As an Ultramarines and World Eater player, I’m so hyped about this match. Although I can’t decide who I want to win 😂

Joshua Burns
Joshua Burns
2 years ago

Will we see Kharn slaughter his way through his own men and the enemy?

Julian Stark
Julian Stark
2 years ago

1page of strats is just swinging too far in favor of the people whining about strats. Like 4 pages plus more in other book is too much but 8 strats total is a sad joke. Less variety is not were I want the game to be headed (same over correction for traits and relics)

Jonathan Holmes
Jonathan Holmes
2 years ago

What I’m interested in would be angron vs mortarion

Will Girling
Lodge Member
2 years ago

What an absolute game! Actually inadvertently shouted out loud when Artemis for the 12″ charge. Worth the weird looks in the coffee shop.

daniel hunt
daniel hunt
2 years ago

Worlds eaters and tempest of war! Perfect game to watch while I build some models

Jonathan Haynes
Lodge Member
Jonathan Haynes
2 years ago


Tom Griffiths
Tom Griffiths
2 years ago

Saying this with love – as I do have a good ear for this stuff as I used to work in sound post production. But a friendly plea to ServoSkulls – when you’re ready to shout cut give it one more breath/beat before you do (will give you more options/wiggle room in the edit – plus Beard might do another funny face), and then second friendly plea to the editors, please check your audio transitions… I can frequently hear “Cut!” even if it’s a little truncated… now I’ve heard it I can’t unhear it. Such a TINY issue though. These… Read more »

Erik Ramvi
Erik Ramvi
2 years ago

I send you some love, <3

Luke Flynn
Luke Flynn
2 years ago

This is gonna be epic

Lifetime Member
2 years ago

Uh oh did Sol Garroth (spelling) make dad upset since he has been demoted back on the juggernaut. Last game I watched with him he was a demon prince with wings 😂

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