The Rogal Dorn vs Everyone!! | Warhammer 40,000 Battle Report

A new challenger enters the arena, and this time it’s a TANK BATTLE!!
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What a perfectly glorious ending 😂🔱
Glorious… nothing more, nothing less
Absolutely loving these videos. Keep knocking them out please.
😂 these are brilliant!
Love the idea that Gork and Mork are fighting on center court ^_^
Tanks very much
Who are you and what have you done with James? I’ve never seen him roll that many sixes O.o
Must post out of love.
This was cool, I always enjoy these videos. I would actually like it better if the wounds just reset every time. I mean that last battle was a foregone conclusion. Also for tank battle you should have started farther away as that would make more sense as the point is the distance battle (CC tanks usually have to whether a gauntlet of fire).
These are great fun. Like when you idly roll dice at home for units but turned up to 11!
*looks at the Oppressor Cannon stats, then looks over at my Doomstalker* May I borrow a cup of your cannonfire please? 🤣
Loving the gauntlets though, they’re tons of fun!
That was hilarious!! Moooooaaaaaar!
I don’t get to play nearly as much 40K as I would like to because I work away from home, but having you guys do fun and silly stuff like this always cheers me up when I am feeling homesick!!
I’m glad Gw has rediscovered T more than 8 as a design space but it would have been nice if they could have done that before removing it from a bunch of units that were already not doing well before losing T9 (fortress of redemption, porphyrion, fellblades)
Did James pilot this time to provide a handicap? 🤔
You gotta feel sorry for the tau units. They really arent made to be on their own…..or to take a hit…….or to actually hit with the shots they do fire…….
I love these!! Was so gutted that Abaddon didn’t last the distance, here’s hoping for more in the future!
The entrance of the Spartan was quite excellent.
Ah you’re some wonderfully silly boys (and girl). Great stuff.
Sadly armoured tracks are for ranged only 🥲.
Realised this too late after many games of frustration from my Ork friend clattering away on my Russ hulls to no avail.
My god! Who did the voice at the beginning 🤣🤣?