Orks vs Astra Militarum | Season 2 Ep 8 Warhammer 40,000 League Report

Avatar The Chef April 19, 202394  78 94 Likes

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The Green Tide hits the tabletop for their first League outing, but will Spider lead his Waaagh!! to victory over the battle-tested Astra Militarum headed up by the Bard?

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📝 The Army Lists are:

Astra Militarum
List Analysis HERE

Regimental Doctrine: Born Soldiers
Arks of Omen Compulsory Choice: Heavy Support
Starting CP: 3

+ HQ +

Cadian Castellan: Warlord- Superior Tactical Training (Mechanised Orders)
Chainsword, Laspistol

Tank Commander: Officer Cadre- Master Tactician, Relic- Gatekeeper
Leman Russ Battle Cannon, 3x Heavy Bolter, Armoured Tracks

Tank Commander: Executioner Plasma Cannon, 3x Heavy Flamer, Armoured Tracks, Dozer Blade

+ Troops +

10x Infantry Squad

+ Fast Attack +

5x Attilan Rough Riders:
Rough Rider Sergeant: Hunting Lance
4x Rough Rider: Hunting Lance

5x Attilan Rough Riders:
Rough Rider Sergeant: Hunting Lance
4x Rough Rider: Hunting Lance

+ Heavy Support +

Leman Russ Battle Tanks
3x Leman Russ Battle Tank: Executioner Plasma Cannon, 3x Heavy Flamer, Armoured Tracks

Leman Russ Battle Tanks
3x Leman Russ Battle Tank: Executioner Plasma Cannon, 3x Heavy Bolter, Armoured Tracks

Rogal Dorn Battle Tank: Tank Ace- Knight of Piety, Armoured Tracks
Oppressor Cannon & Co-axial Autocannon, Castigator Gatling Cannon, 2x Heavy Bolter, 2x Meltagun

++ Total: 2,000pts ++

List Analysis HERE

Clan Culture: Goffs
Arks of Omen Compulsory Choice: Fast Attack
Starting CP: 1

+ HQ +

Warboss in Mega Armour: Warlord- Proper Killy, Relic- Super Cybork Body

Warboss on Warbike: Big Boss – Brutal but Kunnin’, Extra Gabbing – Da Killa Klaw

+ Troops +

10x Gretchin

10x Gretchin

10x Gretchin

+ Elites +

4x Meganobz: 4x Power Klaws, 4x Kustom-shootas

4x Meganobz: 4x Power Klaws, 4x Kustom-shootas

4x Meganobz: 4x Power Klaws, 4x Kustom-shootas

+ Fast Attack +

10x Stormboyz
Boss Nob: Power Klaw
9x Stormboyz

10x Stormboyz
Boss Nob: Power Klaw
9x Stormboyz

10x Stormboyz
Boss Nob: Power Klaw
9x Stormboyz

4x Deffkoptas

4x Deffkoptas

4x Deffkoptas

+ Heavy Support +

Battlewagon: Deff Rolla

Battlewagon: Deff Rolla

Battlewagon: Deff Rolla

++ Total: 2,000pts ++

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27 days ago

Cant convince me that this isn’t Beard wearing Bard’s skin, because Bard would NEVER roll that many saves.

Alex Martyniuk
Alex Martyniuk
1 year ago

Late to the party, but I am so glad you are embracing the small heroic victories that individual orks can give you! Such joy!

1 year ago

What a sensational game! May well be the most entertaining league game yet.
Amazing work as always, Lady and Gents!

Davide Chiuchiù
Davide Chiuchiù
1 year ago

Woah, this game is terrific. Lots of twist and turns. Epic moment,s followed by silly ones, followed again by epic ones. Possibly the channel standout!

Last edited 1 year ago by Davide Chiuchiù
John Wrightson
John Wrightson
1 year ago

How does a horse charge a helicopter……?? Even in the world of 40K that’s a bit weird.

1 year ago

Hell of a game guys! Easily the best league game so far. Very well played.

Bard it must be so painful to roll so well and see Spider roll badly and yet somehow it all slips away. That is rough, and you have my condolences good sir.

However, as one of the many who has been on the immolating end of guard firepower it is really satisfying to see this excessively killy and tanky army brought low by good old fashioned melee and tactics.

Hoping Spider can bring down those filthy dwarfmarines+ too when the time comes!

Last edited 1 year ago by SLaaNeShi1
Christopher Greenhill

Great game. A classic show down.

1 year ago

Absolutely epic game gents, that was truly glorious

Lifetime Member
1 year ago

That was ridiculous, disgusting and amazing. Well played to both, well done for keeping in there Spider.

Kyle Roach-Smith
1 year ago

Congratulations to Spider! I’m very impressed that he’s adapted yet again to a completely new faction with such speed. This was a truly hard won and well deserved victory

Kyle Roach-Smith
1 year ago

Guard are fine….. Votann are definitely the problem. The only reason the orks won this game is because of the objective control given to them by actually HAVING INFANTRY. If bard actually took units of guardsmen and set up a balanced list he would score so much more effectively. I just find it baffling that people complain about other armies when astra militarum is in this state. Its not down to the lack of los terrain, as good players are still able to use terrain effectively. You will always have something exposed. The problem is most armies have a chance… Read more »

Lodge Warrior Member
1 year ago

Great game! Well played both! It’s a joy watching Lawrence work through games like this 👏

Josh Eilbeck
Lifetime Member
Josh Eilbeck
1 year ago

Absolutely fantastic game! Thanks team!

Kye Lott
Lodge Member
1 year ago

Great game well done Spider 🕷️ love seeing the Orks get Krumpin’!

Bard – I know you like the Royal Dorn, but you would be better off swapping it for some sentinals for fast attack. This could have slowed spider down allowing you to get on these objectives.

Alas, great game and great result.

I’m hoping for a Ork league win!

Benoit Cappez
Lifetime Member
1 year ago

What a rollercoaster… Great game, thanks for this one. I think my son will see its ork differently now on.

John Alexander
John Alexander
1 year ago

Great game! LOVE seeing what spider can do piloting non-meta factions like orks.

Guillaume Corbe
Guillaume Corbe
1 year ago

@The Chef

It takes time to produce quality. So take your time guys, do what you have to do and don’t worry about us. You’re still the best out there and you work to keep that place. We have no worries and we’ll be patient cuz we love y’all!

What game! Bravo Spider!

James Dowson
James Dowson
1 year ago

If you’re sticking to the koptas, against shooting (e.g. the votan/guard), you may be better bringing a unit in from reserves and using ramming speed to make the 9″

1 year ago

Such a good game! Tense – and a perfect example to sticking at it and plying to the objectives!

Terra Luna-Mae
1 year ago

This was SUCH a good game.
Watching Lawrence having an emotional breakdown over the 6 attacks from the Leman Russ Tank Commander was HILARIOUS.

Very good game all, glad to have you back Lawrence! :3

David Edwards
David Edwards
1 year ago

The community: “let’s make this tough for the Spider and make him take an army he doesn’t know and aren’t meta. “
The Spider: “Do not doubt my power, this is my realm and you’re merely pawns in my great game.”

Ritchie Balan
1 year ago

Got your kommandos yet spider?
Orks do bounce quite hard. I have played twice ce against guard at tournaments recently and drew both games. However I had no orks left by turn 4……there’s an argument for waaagghhhing turn two. I’m still not sure tho as the 5 saves orks from the shooting. Green tide isn’t great…..

Lodge Member
1 year ago

What a great game! That was so fun to watch, lots of you and downs for both sides. Such great entertainment, thank you!

Ben H
Lifetime Member
Ben H
1 year ago

A couple of ideas for Bard: 1. If you really want to keep the dorn, maybe consider armoured superiority/grim demeanour and swapping all the sponsons/hull weapons possible to heavy flamers. With the HF in your list currently you’re losing a lot of the value of born soldiers by skipping the hit roll anyway. AS means you can be aggressive and force opp to contest objectives with obsec or several bodies, freeing up orders for rerolls etc. GD means that you can spend a CP to shoot into a combat without risk as you use the heavy flamers, which hopefully frees… Read more »

Jon Donoghue
Lodge Member
Jon Donoghue
1 year ago

Fantastic game for all. An absolutely blast. Awesome work James! Lawrence, I am beyond impressed. I hope you didn’t mind but I stole your list to give it a go a couple times few weeks back. It feels very evil sunz/Blood Axe to me (in my head canon) but I still run them as goffs. Like you, when your turn 1 started, knowing how key the units you lost were, thought that there was no coming back from this. But, you’re continued move and damage control (despite some awful luck) was really impressive. Depending on the opponent I took to… Read more »

1 year ago

Superb battle report, love the small animations to represent shooting, melee attacks, orders etc, genuinely helps set TT reports aside from others. Also about the funniest report I’ve seen in ages! Keep it up guys

Aaron Borer
Lodge Member
1 year ago

It hurts my soul to see a fellow ork suffer like this 🙁
Guard getting first turn and spider beeing unlucky in turn 1 sucked really hard

patrick cunningham
patrick cunningham
1 year ago

Love all the league videos. You all should really consider changing your terrain rules. GW tournaments and over here in the US the FLG tournaments have made all first floors of building completely LOS blocking. Playing the rules like you are the Ranged armies have a huge advantage. The power creep was so insane in 9th that basically anything that can be seen is killed.

Lifetime Member
1 year ago

Watched this while flying and looked like a crazy person cracking up the first half. Great game to watch.

James Mowatt
Lodge Member
1 year ago

It’s so rare we get to see Spider as the underdog, so bloody good effort sir! That was a banger of a match.

Lifetime Member
1 year ago

What a wicked fight!

It felt very thematically correct – a withering salvo from the Guard absolutely devastates the incoming orks, but a handful of them make it into the firing line and just run amok. A protracted stand-off between the tank commander and Buzzgit, who ended up being the only orkish survivor after taking the day. It was perfect.

Great tactics and adapting to the wild tides of battle, just lots of fun all around.

Adam Douglas
Adam Douglas
1 year ago

Hi Lawrence, Long time watcher, first time commenter. I think what you just experienced is what every new Ork player goes through and it takes quite a lot of games to get it through your head. It often feels like you’re losing with them because you’re removing so many models (often being tabled) and on top of this they lack consistency due to their lack of rerolls. But then miraculously, you win the game on points. It’s totally different to a lot of armies in the game (mostly due to the changes in Waagh and Secondaries holding them together). Good… Read more »

Adam Stewart
Adam Stewart
1 year ago


Sven Hegenbart
Lifetime Member
1 year ago

” This is game”
me looks at video lenght – ” ha classic Spider” xD
Was interested in this match up the most and damn it delivered.
Well played from both sides but Spider onace again showing his veteran status as really good player

Lifetime Member
1 year ago

Great Game! I still think terrain is an issue. Guard shouldnt be able to draw so many angles on an army in the 1st turn.

Lodge Member
1 year ago

Blinding game, what a turn around. Glad to see your better post ski injury Lawrence

Major Triphazard
Major Triphazard
1 year ago

Response to James at 15:00 – Wow you’ve outdone yourself this time 😂
Probability of missing 9/9 4+ : 0.19%
Probability of rolling 6/9 1s : 0.1%
Probability of both in the same roll : approx 0.009%
You are a statistical miracle James.

Last edited 1 year ago by Major Triphazard
Lodge Member
1 year ago

Wow what a game!!! Best one I have seen in a long time! So much fun! Thank to the Bard, Spider and Chef! It was just amazing.

1 year ago

The most enjoyable aspect of this game, Spider got a taste of what it feels like to play against himself during some of these games =D Absolutely loved it through and through.

Christopher Curtis
1 year ago

This game sums up league! Great play on both sides looking forwards to more Goff’s games in the future!


League S2 Ep8 – A Grotz Tale

1 year ago

Imagine, for a second, just how terrifying an opponent Bard would be if he rolled well on his dice.

Wael Riad
Lodge Member
1 year ago

I don’t know what happened 😕, I went for a second and came back, and Bard lost an army?

What a great game 😁 I love the League ❤️

Lifetime Member
1 year ago

Brilliant game and proof that you play to the end! Great job to the spider and the bard!’ Kept on edge of my seat while I finished my coffee and cigar. Wifey had to wait for the honey do list to be done as I screamed at my phone😂😂

Commissar Pen
Commissar Pen
1 year ago

Some say he’s the Lord Solar himself

Some say that he eats fungus for breakfast
And that he’s the Anti-Spider

All we know is, he’s called the Bard

Lifetime Member
1 year ago

Well played Spider, again a masterclass in showing how to outscore your opponent. For me, it was the expected result, though still impressive to manage to do so after that incredible hit and following whiff in the first round. I have a bit mixed feelings about the game though, because it just felt like James made similar mistakes to what everybody does against you (see Season 1), which is to be scared and try to hide. Don’t let Goffs pressure you in your deployment zone. Move out, clutter the mid board and let the Orks wade through all several lines… Read more »

Sam Reed
Lodge Member
Sam Reed
1 year ago


1 year ago

What an amusingly bizarre game.

Lodge Member
1 year ago

Mild spoilers.

I’m not normally a rules pointer outer but not sure how Buzzgit survived three failed saves at 4 damage? Unless he has 10 wounds…in which case what a weapon

1 year ago

Wow, just brillaint! What a Masterclass in Tactics! Spider you are a Star!