Let’s Chat 10th Edition Core Rules | Backstage Livestream

Avatar Jinx June 2, 202360  43 60 Likes

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Join Spider, Beard, Chef, Bard and Jinx live, from the brand new studio, as they sit down and talk the newly revealed 10th Edition Core rules!

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Crew Member
1 year ago

Hi bosses! There seems to be an embed issue for iPhone users for this live stream in our app. Please tune in via our website or YouTube to catch up with it! ❤️🕷

Harry Warren
Harry Warren
1 year ago

Knights and titanic units should be in 40k. For reference, “skirmish” has an established meaning in the wargaming community, it refers to games like kill team, necromunda and warcry. 40k is not a skirmish game.
That being said, these units should be rare and terrifying. They should be limited to one per army IMO and definitely knights should not be a standalone army.
Obviously, they aren’t going away now though.

Michael Whiffin
Lodge Member
Michael Whiffin
1 year ago

Hi guys, does anyone know if the FW flyers got hit with the no rules stick as well? Things like the Thunderbolt and Vulture?

Colby Pryor
Colby Pryor
1 year ago

Bro, forgeworld is not balanced with the rest of the game. Hornets were unbalanced, leviathan dreads, contemptor dreads, all the way back to 6th. They made a huge mistake allowing forgeworld into the game. It means that you have to account for more models, balance those models, and also account that the forgeworld models benefit imperium over every other faction. The other issue is that all those horus heresy models become playable in 40k as well, so you almost double the space marine line with an entire game dedicated to space marines. Forgeworld custodes shouldn’t be allowed, neither should knight… Read more »

Rob Johnson
Rob Johnson
1 year ago

That was great. Loved the last comment “oh beard!”

Ritchie Balan
1 year ago

I’m final catching up! The super chat about side bars……the most fun competitive I have had was in a recent team tournament- I had no idea what our skipper was doing with the cards and picking opponents for everyone but omg it was so much fun and it made trying to squeeze the points out even if I knew i had lost was really important.

Christopher Skeggs
Lodge Warrior Member
Christopher Skeggs
1 year ago

Unfortunately I missed the live broadcast. My apologises.

However I do have a quesy. Would you consider doing Underworlds games? Their warbands do look amazing!

1 year ago

Wonderful stream. Maybe not much 10th directly discussed, but a great time chatting with the community. I wish I’d been able to catch it live.

Also, it may please you all to know that the TO at my main LGS has decided the FW/HH decision is indeed stupid and elected to ignore it, along with several other TOs in the region. It’s heartening to see the community rally around their friends when GW does them dirty. Hopefully they realize it’s a mistake and reverse course

Manuka Cliffe
Manuka Cliffe
1 year ago

Just a small rules question. For big guns never tire, am I right in thinking vehicles/monsters can shoot both at units they’re in combat with AND out of combat at other units? (similar to the turret weapon ability in 9th). Or can they only shoot at the things they are in combat with? Cheers

Isaac Bishop
1 year ago

On the topic of tank shock; I agree its probably not going to be used by tanks as intended, but the thought of a Knight running up and doing a penalty kick to some poor infantry is hilarious!

Mark Merfield
1 year ago

I really like the ‘podcast’ format where you all sit down and discuss topics but it would be good to either make these prerecorded or if not, limit the number of superchats as they somewhat derail it as you then have an obligation to answer them all, even if questions have already been covered or are irrelevant to the topic (AOS). Love the content and would definitely like to see more video codex reviews (chefs write ups are great but it’s easier to listen than read when dealing with kids etc).

Andrew Read
Lodge Member
1 year ago

I want the Khan. That’s it. And I’d be happy.

1 year ago

Ah, very excited for 10th! Somewhat bittersweet for my clowns not even being a real army anymore, but 10th in general looks great.

Lifetime Member
1 year ago

Great chat, I very much enjoyed it.

Thanks for promptly uploading these on the site, I try to avoid the Cicatrix Maledictum that is youtube and social media so I ended up missing a bunch of these in the past.

Lodge Member
1 year ago

Hoping wolves vs 1k sons, chef vs spider, as debut for the 13th!

Dean Brereton
Dean Brereton
1 year ago

Still very annoyed my Crimson Fists and Raven have lost their codex. Not spending a penny on 10th until that marine codex comes out, if it contains generic rules and no fleshed out rules, which allow my army to play like they should rather than different coloured ultramarines then I won’t be playing 10th. Very disappointed, loved my strike from the shadows, master of ambush, refuse to die rules. Now I have the Gladdius strike force which is so far removed from Raven Guard and Crimson Fists.

Brett Pettitt
Lodge Member
1 year ago

Everything about 10th just doesn’t appeal to me right now. I’m struggling to even remain partly enthusiastic about gw

Lodge Member
1 year ago

Having played Warhammer & 40k equally I’m not surprised with the forge world decision. My tomb kings sit in a box on round bases waiting for the day to return.
Great chat and fun to watch, especially the horns sprouting out of James (poster in background). Couldn’t stop smiling once I noticed 😅. Can’t wait for a podcast unless your just teasing us.

1 year ago

Question on Eldar and Wraithlords. Can you use them again? As when I was playing them in 7th, they were able to be on the battlefield because a low strength high-roller wasn’t able to kill it with a squad of marines or especially IGs bootmen. I noticed quickly in 8th and 9th that there was no reason to bring Wraithlords as they would be randomly shot at and since most guns had 1AP, the Wraithlord was saving on 4+ and got bracketed and killed within the first 2 turns.

Joshua Rich
1 year ago

Love this content guys, would love to see a weekly/fortnightly podcast.
Extremely excited to see how Grey Knights play when the index drops. I hope that when the codexs’ drop, we see a much bigger element of flavour come into them, but I can see this edition going very mono-faction again. 🙁

Justin Prato
Lifetime Member
1 year ago

As to the not allowing forge world stuff in GT, first, beyond any feels bad to players, it is a stupid sales decision. They sell a bunch of those models in plastic now, why would you not want to have both 30k players and 40k players (who there is probably 10 times as many) buying those same models. It doesn’t make business sense. Second, as to Chef’s point where they could have just not said anything, I have the Points updates for 1/17/21, 1/22/22, and the final 1/5/23. A leviathan is the same points in all three. It also looks… Read more »

Lodge Warrior Member
1 year ago

Omg Chef! I’ve wanted to be able run a proper swordwind again for about 15 years 😣
Hoping the “less lethal” thing means my banshees and hawks etc be more than 1 shot weapons >.

Lodge Warrior Member
1 year ago

The Lion model had me super tempted for a DA army, even more tempted now >.

Lodge Warrior Member
1 year ago

Have to say, I’m worried how my yummy custards are going to fair against tanks and the like. I don’t like using forgeworld models so I don’t know where my anti-vehicle stuff is going to come from 😬

Lodge Warrior Member
1 year ago

Gutted I missed this live 🙁
Could you please kindly arrange it for when it would be most convenient for *me* next time 😜 x

Alexis Rose
1 year ago

I’m just happy to help Chef become the giant birb we all knew he was. Bless him and Tzeentch

Matt Hall
Matt Hall
1 year ago

That was very interesting to watch,I think with all the different weapon rules like “Anti” “Lethal” “Devastating” etc the battle line squads from all the army’s can still damage the Tanks but without the ridiculous amount in the past while the big guns on the tanks really nail the foot troops as it should be.Think 10th games are going to be merciless and faster than ever but fair(crossing fingers). TT is sky rocketing up and up probably need some more staff soon Lawrence!😇👏👍

1 year ago

Next time, just call the livestream “Shits and Gigles with Tabeltop Tactis” You know we’ll love it and watch it! 😉

Lodge Warrior Member
1 year ago

Regarding the debacle of the Forgeworld models: I could accept their reasoning that doing so simplifies the balancing of the game if at the same time they did not make exceptions (Custodes and Knights). The argument that Marines would be at an advantage given all the new HH models coming out is ridiculous: if you don’t publish 40k rules for new kits, you’ve solved the problem. At that point they should just keep the units that have given us the chance to buy at often unreasonable prices over the years up to date. I was already irritated that since the… Read more »

Garlic Bread
Lodge Member
Garlic Bread
1 year ago

Great stream all! Loved it.

Chef – what was it that made you decided to pick up the brush after so long? Was there something that inspired you to do so, or was it just a one morning “imma do this” sort of thing?

Rusty Iron Warrior
Lifetime Member
1 year ago

A Livestream that has a laser focused discussion on 10th edition core rules! 🤣

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