Tabletop Tactics Podcast Ep 3 | Does 10th Edition Live Up to the Hype?

Avatar The Chef August 7, 202395  106 95 Likes

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The Tabletop Tactics Podcast is a show where each week we discuss a different Tale, Topic or Tangent and hear from our incredible On Demand community and beyond!

In this episode Bard, Beard and Spider discuss 10th Edition: It’s here and in full swing. It’s been called a glorious mess, even decried as completely broken by a few but now with several games under their belt how do the TT team feel this edition is shaping up!

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Douglas Aguirre
Douglas Aguirre
9 months ago

I like it. I am hopeful for the balance slates as my poor Death Guard are hurting

Shanie Lee Ellis
Shanie Lee Ellis
9 months ago

As a new player tenth has made it much easier to pick up and play. I’ve also managed to get two others into it but I’ve had to run the games which would have been a nightmare in ninth. As for grey knights I haven’t played them with the points reduction but the couple of games I did play I just had no units to cover objectives for long enough to score (mostly my bad playing) but it’s always annoyed me that they are purely anti daemon…. I get that’s their thing, but some more generalized anti chaos would make… Read more »

10 months ago

I feel like tenth has very much split up the warhammer community, for example There’s some people in my wargames group like me who think it’s an upgrade compared to ninth, then there’s others who say, AND I QUOTE: “tenth is worse than the holocaust”

Safe to say, it’s a little controversial.
Absolutely love the podcasts though, please keep producing them!

Grant Woodfin
Grant Woodfin
11 months ago

I love these podcasts!
Great to hear the thoughts of the edition overall.
I am enjoying it for the consolidation of rules and having keywords. Less like the free wargear as it makes it harder to balance lists and reach 2k points.
Also love saying “Sustained!”

Clark Gould
Clark Gould
11 months ago

I’m loving the podcasts!

Michael Whiffin
Lodge Member
Michael Whiffin
11 months ago

Having played Grey Knights a few times now, I feel that the Nemesis weapons are ok, but hammers need to come back, something with dmg3, even one or 2 in a squad, just to give a bit of oomph against tough units. Played against Greater Daemon list and I was having to roll 5s and 6s to wound all the time. The loss of the MW output vs big vehicles/monsters really hits home

Ollie Forster
Ollie Forster
11 months ago

Love these podcasts! Easy way to learn more about the game while at work

Christopher Krueger
Lodge Member
Christopher Krueger
11 months ago

So far, when Chef’s come across some silly combos, he just says “No, that’s stupid, I’m not doing it.” There’s also a couple things you guys do like don’t give Breachers 3 because you don’t think it makes sense (or is stupid and just hasn’t been errata’d yet).

You guys should do the same thing with Leader/Units that don’t make sense.

Grant Stevens-Bulmer
11 months ago

Great content, keep it going guys!
I play Grey Knights, love the new challenges and having to think differently to out whit an opponent. Movement is key.
But I also played Sister heavily in 9th, loved them, but now in 10th they seem like the imperium’s poor cousin…

Last edited 11 months ago by Grant Stevens-Bulmer
Oliver Horst
Oliver Horst
11 months ago

I have super enjoyed the first 3 podcasts. However, is it possible they can be released as audio only as well as video? I listen to them on my daily 45m commute (driving).
But they are super good! Keep them coming please.

Lifetime Member
11 months ago

Hello everyone! The new edition is here and as always they are some PROS and unfortunately more “CONS”. As you mentioned in your podcast datasheets and cards are perfect, very easy to manage your units in the army(until GW will start to change stats, abilities wording, etc, then cards become partially useless as they can not be updated). I am in The Game since the 4th edition. I can see that in every edition there is less and less testing and in the 10th edition there was no testing at all. Different teams worked on different aspects of rules and… Read more »

Michael Whiffin
Lodge Member
Michael Whiffin
11 months ago

I suspect that the reason the app will go behind the warhammer+ subscription is simply to force the subscription. I had it the first year and dropped it because frankly the amount of content (however amazing it was) just wasn’t worthwhile. Now if people want to play using the app they are forced into a subscription that is well above what they could legitimately charge for the app service alone.

Matt Hucker
11 months ago

Love the podcast as always. Personally loving 10th but as a non space marine/tyranid player i am feeling a little less love. When playing nids they just seem very strong. Few small gripes that im sure will get resolved over time, like Gaz (the biggest badest ork there is) being the same toughness as a terminator. Also sad about solitares being unplayable in boarding actions (becasue of a qwirk in the rules). Overall though loving 10th partly as a player who came back to 40k at the end of 9th, this just feels so much easier. Love the content guys… Read more »

Lifetime Member
11 months ago

Don’t get me wrong, I am enjoying 10th. BUT I have a few real gripes. The first is that they said they got rid of power levels, they didn’t they just made the numbers bigger and called them points. With the locked squad sizes and free equipment this is just power level under a different name. Secondly, and to me most importantly the balance is really way off. I’ve been playing Craftworld Eldar since second ed. After one game of 10th I am embarrassed to get the army out. I didn’t go for a meta chasing list, and I nearly… Read more »

Miles Hewitt
Lodge Member
Miles Hewitt
11 months ago

As someone that used to love the 30 minute rambling chats pre battle report I’m glad to see an outlet for them! 3 great episodes so far guys.

Keep them coming 💪🏻

11 months ago

I appreciate the 3rd and 4th editions of 40K as the game develops. These editions were just more enjoyable. They were quicker and easier to play, and had fewer problems. I didn’t mind the templates, or guessing ranges, or arguing over the scatter die. They had their issues, but this game is bloated to the point where it’s just not fun to play.

11 months ago

I think in general, 10th has been a good thing. I agree that the Index cards are good and I really do enjoy the reduction in stratagems and the like. I returned to 40k in 9th Edition having last played in 4th (ish) edition and whilst I’d periodically followed from a far, so I had some idea of what was going on, it was an absolute mind melt trying to get going. 10th doesn’t have that same feel about it. I agree on the frustration with points, but I hope that’s an index limitation and will be resolved with codex.… Read more »

11 months ago

Would love to hear more from Chef on future podcasts!

Last Son of Nostramo
11 months ago

Overall 10th is an improvement, couple of things suck: Primarily mandatory unit size buys rather than points per model principally, especially with this meaning you need to lose a model to have a character attached when placing in a transport.

S̷̛̲͈̖̣͎͖̥͕͈̥̟̠͠c̸̠̩̼͚̺̘̙͕̲̀̕͜͡ͅr̵͈͇̳͎͕̠̼͈͇͓̳͔̫̖̬̺͜ͅa͢͜҉̗̬̠̤̬̗̟̥͇͕̳̟̦̗̘̕ͅp͡͏̟̬̞̹̜̮̹͍̯͕ć͢͏̧̯͇̰̩͚̳͜o͖̜͉̜͙̺̦̤̥̦̪̤̬̥͎͇͝͠d̷̫̰̰͇̱̖͙̯̞̤͟͟e̦͕̤͓̠̻̗̣̻͢ ̷҉̺͉̰͔͉̟̝̮ ̹̜̦͙͉͓̮̫̗͟͢
Lodge Member

Absolutely loving the podcast content guys, keep it up! Seriously you guys are killing it, and it’s always interesting to hear your guy’s take on things. It’s refreshing to hear a mix of positive, and negative, takes about 10th, especially as an AdMech player that’s… been petty deflated about the new edition. It’s true that changing your list up from 9th can have decent results in 10th; AdMech’s win rate right now absolutely reflects that. What I don’t like, in our case, is it’s heavily propped up by a select few datasheets in the index which are head and shoulders… Read more »

Paul Flory
Paul Flory
11 months ago

Enjoying the podcast. Is there anyway that episodes that are on free view can still be downloaded in the app?

Really enjoying 10th. My main gripes and suggested changes would: there should be a 6mw per unit per phase cap on devastating wounds. Overwatch up to 2 cp.

11 months ago

Great podcast! Definitely agree that 10th has mostly been great. On Overwatch while Torrent is absolutely the worst offender for overwatch, it’s not alone in being a bit strong with the strat. Anything that does lethal or sustained hits can also feel really bad with Overwatch, especially on 24″ guns that pack a punch that can pick up a whole squad because you had the audacity to try just moving.

Why is there a need for Towering Monoliths to get D3+1 lascannon shots for rolling a 6 because you moved somwhere within 24″ of them? 😞

Philip Kendall
Philip Kendall
11 months ago

I know it’s a slight channel meme, but one of the things I disliked about 9th was that the correct option for just about every army was just about always “overcharged plasma with something to give you reroll 1s” (exaggerating not very much). And while plasma is still very good for killing some things (elite infantry), the fact it’s no longer the right option for in particular anti-armour is a really nice change that forces more diverse armies.

Commissar Pen
Commissar Pen
11 months ago

Spider, “10 people working on the app”??? Total groxmanure, 10 developers would do the apps, all the websites and more. Im saying this as a software engineer with experience with doing ecommerce sites with mobile apps connected and if they have a decent in house team, they should be able to manage everything with a team of 10-15 people

11 months ago

Brave to make this the one you put on YouTube! I’m not even going to look at the comments over there. That’s probably the worst thing about 10th so far, the complaints and whining from people who don’t play enough (or play too much), or are incapable of moderating their own lists. Everyone should have expected 2 things from the indexes: Imbalance, and less complexity. Both things designed to be fixed over time. So just enjoy the games now and play stuff that you like that’s been on the shelf for a whole edition (hello wraiths!).

11 months ago

Just started watching this morning 15 minutes in and just find myself nodding along with things said, about being able to take a really themed army.
After watching the Tau Vs Nids batrep from the other day I’ve started collecting (looks around sheepishly) a Tau (whispered) army. Always wanted a Pacific Rim suit army with no fodder(like The Eight in the old rules) And now because of the way 10th works I can.
So far assembled myself Farsight, 6 crisis suits and 2 broadsides…damn you Fletcher and your sexy looking Tau army!!!!

Lifetime Member
11 months ago

Just had to jump in and say Grey Knights are definitely competitive and a lot of fun to play! I’m here with you Spider, the doom and gloom about them is totally unfounded and the Sons of Titan deserve more respect!!!

Lewis Meier
Lewis Meier
11 months ago

Loving these, keep em coming!
On the Dev and Anti situation, I was thinking of a few adjustments.
1. Dev only happens on unmodified 6+
2. Anti-() becomes 2 wounds. Eg anti 4+, every 4+ wounds twice.
3. If a anti and dev happens on a 6+, its double mortals.
These would make it so a haywire forces many more saves, making them still interative but also good at their job. Then Dev wounds mortals feel specifically painfull on those critical rolls of a 6 if they have both.

Sascha Bouzas Römgens
Sascha Bouzas Römgens
11 months ago

I love the podcasts, but the coughing is crazy loud. Isn’t there a way to tone that down?

Vincent Brusell
Vincent Brusell
11 months ago

Great video, really felt like you got it all included! They fixed so that Plague marines can be taken in units of 7 btw 🙂 Now correct me if I’m wrong, because this is a interaction with CSM that I feel is really bonkers, interestingly tactical thinking, but bonkers. Say you have a unit of 10 Warp Spiders jumping their 24” move and start to flame a unit of 10 chaos terminators, pretty dangerous, then they overwatch before termies move, reeally annoying and dangerous, and it feels unfair. However, the terminators can choose to overwatch the Warp Spiders before they… Read more »

Nick Smith
Lodge Member
Nick Smith
11 months ago

Bard, you’re doing a great job at presenting these. Enough room for solid tangents and discussion, but remaining on schedule and topic. Well done mate, can’t wait to see episode 358

Lodge Member
11 months ago

Lawrence you’re a boss, you really are but the Drukhari are just not good let alone too good this edition. From both a competitive and home game stand point we’re way behind the majority of factions. Scourge with haywire are great but short range and overwatch exists. Dark lances are great but ravagers are very weak. Are they playable, yes with a very particular build but they’re far from too good. Especially my poor cult of strife 😥

11 months ago

Loving the podcast format, very enjoyable and I always appreciate the balanced view that TTT takes. My games of 10th have been a lot more fun than the internet suggests would be possible, however my group has (to date) been taking things more narratively. We’re now in the build up to LGT though, and the filth is coming out, so I expect many more 90 min joke games. This is where GW have really dropped the ball – index balance is absolutely atrocious. I know indexing a game this size is hard, but they really should have done much, much… Read more »

Anders Mårdell
11 months ago

Great episode again. I want more! I would have liked som more analysis on the scoring of 10th. It feels like a lot of your battle reports/games are pretty close in scoring and it is not uncommon you actually get to battle round 5. In 9th getting past round 3 was “a long one”. Thoughts on that? One other thing. I still haven’t seen any battle report in 10th where one of you actually play fixed. Who will be the first brave soul at tabletop tactics to go fixed? Keep the fantastic work! And on the tangent of not feeling… Read more »

Bradleigh Bateman
Bradleigh Bateman
11 months ago

Just regarding Drukhari, they are actually very low on the win rate so their not at all needing to be nerfed. I have seen played against Drukhari and it wad an easy game.

The Green Crusader
Lodge Warrior Member
11 months ago

Quick comment: Beard should use the Horus Heresy Legends rules and points for his Forge World units. Last Iron Warriors game he played them with index rules, I was not sure why.
Hello from Florida! Love all you guys do.

Peter Hofmann
Lodge Warrior Member
Peter Hofmann
11 months ago

I so enjoy your podcasts, please krep going

Brandon Lagasse
11 months ago

I’m one of those guys who hasn’t played since 3rd edition, I had really given up on this game until the new edition stuff hit and peaked my interest once again. I realize there’s still some warts in this edition, but regardless I’m energized to get back into this game that I loved so much. Watching you all play, your enthusiasm and joy playing the game has certainly helped, keep up the great content!

Dan O'Gorman
11 months ago

10th is good in it’s core structure and I was watching one of the old GSC/Ultramarine 9th narrative battles and hearing Chef and Beard going through all the niche bits, etc makes me realise how much straightforward this ed is in that aspect.

I think the leadership aspect should be a bit more varied with some of the other factions – e.g.: basic Ork troops should be Leadership 8, and the more Elite options like Ghaz and the Nobz leadership 6/7. Would make more sense thematically.

11 months ago

I think my feelings are generally broadly positive, especially on the core rules. The games I’ve had have generally been fun, and I think the core tenets of the game are pretty good. The trouble is the index balance. The different factions are wildly imbalanced, and some (Votaan, Death Guard, AdMech) feel like they were written by the interns over a coffee break. I think people would feel kinder towards the edition if you didn’t have Eldar, Genestealers, and Knights roflstomping the meta. Not everyone chases the tournaments, but “what’s good” definitely influences what people are going to add to… Read more »

Lodge Member
11 months ago

I lost interest when they forced PL on us.

Johnny Tightlips
11 months ago

Me (who has played warhammer for years) and my buddy (who I recently introduced to the hobby and has played probably 15 games total) are loving 10th. The index cards are SO useful for a newer player, instead of having to leaf through a codex to try and find the correct information. Just having 6 or so cards for a small 1k point game and away we go. Universal special rules are very transferable between armies too – my buddy has tried space marines and necrons so far and things like Lethal Hits translating across is great for a newer… Read more »

Lee Fawl
Lodge Member
11 months ago

Datacards, enhancements, characters in units, elites spam, no limits tanks meta, no more psychic phase, psychic missiles, objectives, new terrain rules, emphasis on damage, allied agents, etc, i sense that GW is killing two birds with one stone here: bulk buying and… preparing for a set of rules that will allow a Total War 40K to exist then to be coupled with the 40K cinematic universe. NOW, that’s a cash cow if i’ve seen one! I do wish though that there was an enhancement allowing a character to be his own man, between two units for example. And a bonus… Read more »

Last edited 11 months ago by Lee Fawl
Andrew Middlemas
Andrew Middlemas
11 months ago

For overwatch, I have always thought any “non bullet” style gun, which really anything that is a “d*” number of shots Weapon should half their output. So Flamers, for example, would be d3 shots.

Lodge Member
11 months ago

Custodes only have three units worth taking. I hate the fact that all my other models aren’t getting used… but they are just so bad that it would be a major handicap to take them. Vertus Praetors are awful, Venatari cost the earth, the dreadnoughts are the slowest thing alive and rubbish. I hope it will change because taking Guard, Wardens and Allarus just feels boring.

Tyler Horne
Tyler Horne
11 months ago

Another banger podcast! This makes my Monday’s so much better. I would love it if in the night lords detachment I could make raptors battleline it would be so thematic! I can’t wait to see what GW does with codex’s and with how they have been doing I beginning to trust again. Thank you guys so much for grind and can’t wait till next week!

James Stone
James Stone
11 months ago

If the podcast was ever a suggestion that was up in the air — thank christmas you went through with it! I watch you guys mainly for the pure all around entertainment, and this is another great medium for me to get it into my eye holes! Special shout out to Bard for being a fantastic host!

11 months ago

Another great podcast team, very nice work!

Vaguely related content request… Could you guys / Laurence do a ‘movement masterclass’ podcast at some point? Using the overhead shots you take from games, stacked one after the other turn after turn to illustrate the moves made?

Kyle Roach-Smith
11 months ago

This was a good discussion yet again! A couple of things that have stuck with me is that leader abilities need less restriction badly. An autarch not being able to lead aspect warriors is ridiculous for example, and there are plenty of other examples presented during the pod. The second thing is troop spam, which I dont think has been fully realised yet. With such a tank heavy meta, armies that dont have enough anti tank could just run hordes and hordes of infantry to control the board. We’ve seen a preview of this with gene stealer cults but as… Read more »

11 months ago

There’s a ton of good in 10th, and I have enjoyed the games of it that I’ve played. My favorite thing is probably how Battleshock works now. I think it’s the best take on morale that 40k has ever done. The worst of the downsides, I think, is the pseudo-points/power level garbage. There’s now 0 incentive not to tool all your squads up with absolutely everything they can take because why would you not?