Tyranids vs Iron Warriors 10,000 Points | Warhammer 40k Battle Report

It’s a Beard and Jinx special! As Beard bring 5,000 points of his iconic Iron Warriors to bear against the studio Tyranids, reinforced by her personal Hive Fleet Leviathan! With the Tyranids having made their nest in a decimated Imperial City, The Iron Warriors are tasked with destroying the Xenos!
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📝 Be sure to watch the video for the players’ Army Lists
What rule is Feel no pain? Cant find it..
great battle report
Oh yeah, great spectacle ! Sign me up for more.
That was fantastic! I’m so happy the spawn won the game for Beard XD. Its nice to occasionally have bigger on the channel and this was very fun to watch. You guys were hilarious!
This is why I subscribe! So. Much. Fun!
Chef’s comment about DBZ and Flamehead’s Super Saiyan power up taking 12 episodes killed me. My friends love it but that has always been my biggest criticism. Chef gets it.
That was a super fun game, I do not envy Katie trying to run two different detachments at once… It’s hard enough remembering one!
Yeeeesss, initial starship troopers references, Yeeesss
This game was so much fun to watch! The iron warriors firepower was devastating! 🔥
SPECTACLE. Glorious, glorious, spectacle. I’m so pleased to see these larger games. Now we just need to get the tag teams going again!
It’s ok chef, *I* got the Starship Troopers reference 😁 x
Shoot the exocrine 1st to get the reroll 1’s to hit for your zoeys and tfex, helps a lot with those big shots
Not ashamed to admit that I started drooling as Beard went through listing all the big guns 🤤
Katie’s list is going to give me nightmares for a week…
…although when the list ended I couldn’t resist letting out a “and partridge in a pear treeeeeeee”!!
Love the big battles but you really need a bigger board if they are going to be a more regular thing which I hope they will
By the way, where did the “Why Does Everyone Hate Games Workshop?” video go?
Bloody hell guys, that was ridiculously good. Everything looked amazing and there’s something joyous about the focussed structure. No fretting about optimal choices or playing for mission points, just getting into the fray and letting the dice help tell the story. So so good!
That was incredible. How long did it take to film?
I’ve never felt as much joy as Beard when his Lord of Skulls exploded.
has beard ever talked about why he like iron warriors so much/why its his favorite legion?
i think a cool podcast episode would be each member going through their favorite faction or legion and talking about their history and favorite lore moments that might have made them pick their favorite.
world eaters ftw
That looked like an absolute blast! Sometimes you just gotta get all your toys out and have a laugh without thinking about matched play, secondaries etc. Some of the most fun I’ve had playing Warhammer have been those big, thematic smash fests.
Beard, glad to see some Forgeworld on the table! My Alpha Legion are in a similar pickle at the moment with going to legends. I’d have liked to have seen a Sicaran or two in that line-up though.
Beard is from Buenos Aires, and he says kill ’em all.
I appreciate you, Chef.
great game well done all. Much love
This is going to be one for the books, I can tell already!
“what have we become, I wonder?!” Says Chef
The answer is devastating!
This was amazing! Hope there will be more, when it fits in
FIVE… THOUSAND… POINTS…?!?!?!?!?!?!? SO COOL!!!!!!!!
Brilliant battle report! I LOVE Apocalypse games, more of these on occasion! Would love to see what other big battles you all can think up!
My god, more of this. Such a fun watch. GG
Amazing!! Rooting for Warsmith Beard for this one. Iron Within, Iron Without! Also, did a double take when you said you’d brought a Mastadon (Spartan) 🤣
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!! 10k points Baaaaybe …. love it yeah!!!
@Beard, what head us used for mr Flamehead please?
I`ve started collecting iron warriors because og you 🙂
Genuinely think 5000pts would take me about 2 days to get through one round! Amazing work
As many as 10,000 points. Love it
Oh yeah baby! 10,000 points! Epic!!!
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