New Adeptus Mechanicus Detachment First Look! | Warhammer 40K Grotmas Calendar

We are on to day 5 of the Grotmas advent calendar, and today’s release is a whole new upgrade to the Adeptus Mechanicus!
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Good to see you today Mr stig !
Try saying any of that with a mouth full of jelly baby sandwiches
I really like this detachment & will be using it asap. It looks fun and it isn’t half bad to boot.
It’s also great to see Stig back on the channel, we need more Stig Batreps!
My beloved Necrons tomorrow. Apparently it’s called the Starshatter Arsenal according to a leak I saw but I have no idea what it contains. Shooty buff perhaps, vehicle focused maybe?
Huh, doesn’t specify admech models…. So cannis Rex with advance and charge?
Some say he is summoned by disturbances in the noosphere…
Some say he uploaded his consciousness millennia ago and now uses a robot body to communicate with us mortals…
Some even say that the computerised voice was him speaking directly in to your mind…
All we know is…he’s called The Stig.
Seriously interesting detachment! Was planning on giving my Admech a rest but… There’s some very nice stuff to try here 😁