NEW 40K BALANCE DATASLATE! Four New Detachments, Rules Updates and Big Faction Changes.

Avatar Jinx March 12, 202584  38 84 Likes

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The brand new Balance Dataslate is here and this time Games Workshop have gifted us 4 new Detachments as well! More Dakka! For Da Orks, Experimental Prototype Cadre for the T’au Empire, Lions of the Emperor for the Adeptus Custodes AND Shadow Legions for Chaos Daemons – along with what is effectively a free digital Codex! Check it all out here.

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John Barber
Lifetime Member
21 hours ago

I am disappointed, super disappointed, that my Slaanesh has lost their chariots, but to be honest. I look back at all the games I played and I realized that it was relatively rare that I even actually used them in 40k. Until the recent Excess detachment (that they just nerfed :() I found that I usually couldn’t use them as much as I’d like, mainly because of terrain. THey were tough compared to the usual Slaanesh fair, but ultimately they weren’t *that* tough either. And they kinda had weird rule interactions with how they dealt mortal wounds. They were awesome… Read more »

Shawn Chenoweth
Lifetime Member
1 day ago

…good news, but… I still can’t get my 90x Stormboyz on the table in 10th.

1 day ago

As a sspace marine i really don’t have fun 10th, we were at 50% win rate, we got nerfed again, +1 to wound is such a bullsshit rule, instead of giving us some unique units that non-codex can’t use and unique detachments, we are boys to be beat for rest of players who whine when marines are at 50% win rate about how OP they are! Also, how the **** i can remember 30 diffrent detachments? and why they won’t rework uslesss ones that noone plays (1st company or stormlance for codex marines with don’t have ANY units to play… Read more »

Alessandro Donada
1 day ago

May this day be remembered as the Bridgehead Massacre. Very sad face, loved my scions greatly, even with their WR of barely 50%

Lifetime Member
2 days ago

Not sure why my previous comment was flagged as spam? Maybe I edited it too quickly after posting it.

2 days ago

the daemons going into legends stuff was an oversight, fix soon

2 days ago

Well, regarding the parts most relevant for me, I’m unsure about this update. Tau (main army) getting more detachments is per se great, they got too few In the codex. But why another one best played with many Crisis? We had that already (and not that much else), in fact you can play this to good success with at least 3 existing detachments out off 5. So sadly, I personally don’t get much out of it. Orks (second army) getting even another one is nice (not that we needed that), and it’s my highlight of the update, since it is… Read more »

Lifetime Member
2 days ago

Sorry to be the only one with a bit of a negative take here. Thinking of my poor aging brain and the now 60+ detachments that can be picked across all factions (when we’re still only halfway through the Codex release cycle and with more free detachments being released quarterly), whenever I go to a tournament or even a casual pickup game I am not going to be able to recall much of what my opponent’s army can do, unless it’s something I also play myself. Same goes for my opponent unless they are some sort of memory savant. I… Read more »

Last edited 2 days ago by Corruption
Philip Henderson
2 days ago

I don’t need a Word Bearers army, you need a Word Bearers army!

Seamus MacIntyre
Seamus MacIntyre
2 days ago

While it’s perfectly fair that Bridgehead Strike got reined in a bit, I really think changing Firezone Purge to +1 to Hit is a mistake. Not only is it a very large nerf, it treads on the toes of both the Take AIm! order and, more importantly, the Taurox Prime: a Scion unit that jumps out of a TPrime now gets no benefit from its re-roll missed ability at all unless the target has a -1 to Hit thing going on (as they hits on 3s naturally, new Firezone Purge makes them hit on 2s, and the Detachment gives all… Read more »

Lodge Member
2 days ago

Chaos Daemons seem like they’re in a really good place with lots of fun thematic detachments now and the Shadow Legion sounds awesome (I have an old Chaos Space Marines Start Collecting set sat in the cupboard 🤔) as a Khorne player I’m abit sad about our bestest boy but it is what it is. Absolutely loving the new quarterly detachments, long may it continue. The more Dakka detachment sounds like absolute carnage! DAKKA DAKKA DAKKA!! 💚

Colin Clarke
Colin Clarke
2 days ago

Votann was a pretty big change, more as an indicator of what they will get in future, but it does affect the Christmas detachment and make it better

Shas'O Myenshi
Shas'O Myenshi
2 days ago

Look i try not to be negative but whoever decided the that the fusion blades should not be a melee weapon needs to be take permanently off the rules team

Lennon Simpson
Lennon Simpson
2 days ago

“This is a love letter to people who collect” YES! I get the feeling that releasing all these detachments for all these different ways to play armies is a conscious decision by GW to try and get people to think of their armies as a collection. Which is good. No more feeling like you choose a faction and there’s maybe 1-2 ways you can effectively build a list… that may be made obsolete for a whole edition by a single rule change. You can build a faction and find an easy half dozen different ways to play it. So now… Read more »

Joshua Binks
2 days ago

The true irony is that Karanak is on the picture GW used for the Instagram story about the new Index . . .

Last edited 2 days ago by Joshua Binks
Chris-Searle ‘93
2 days ago

Largely I think this balance dataslate has been a big success, stopping the game breaking manipulations on rules wording & fixing armies they broke too hard. Slannesh Daemons had it coming but the new interpretation of Daemons W/ CSM seems really fun! Points changes are all reasonable & fair imo too. 3 new detachments for free seems fantastic too! My main playing group consists of Tau, Orks & Custodes so I’m looking forward to taking on these new rulesets!

Anthony J/ScrollSmyth

They’ve confirmed we’ll be getting Quarterly Detachments going onwards!
We will therefore be releasing new Detachments as part of each Quarterly Update to the game for the remainder of the edition, to supplement your Codex purchases. What does this mean for you? Each Quarterly Update we will be releasing a new detachment for several factions who already have a Codex. “

Isaac Bishop
2 days ago

They’ve added in the detachment announcement that these will be quarterly going forward, which was a nice surprise. Personally I’d want to see a Hive Fleet Kronos detachment, as that is what I’d started working towards at the end of 9th 🙂

Nathan Whitchurch
Lifetime Member
2 days ago

The triple nerf to Slaanesh daemons was uncalled for. The detachment caught a hit which it needed. The data sheets becoming worse versions of themselves. The points increases for some of the units (fiends). On top of all that shunted all the chariots to Legends. They took the Slaanesh army out to the back and put one in the back of its head.

Andrew Middlemas
Andrew Middlemas
2 days ago

Sisters are Back BAY-BEE!!!

Brandon Tolputt
Brandon Tolputt
2 days ago

The release of MORE digital detachments and everything you need for essentially a digital codex daemons is very interesting. Is this MAYBE the beginning of turn to digital codexes ? 👀

Jody Lathwell
Jody Lathwell
2 days ago

Karanak is in the newly released Legends document, so unfortunately not looking like his exclusion was an error. 🙁

Last edited 2 days ago by Jody Lathwell
Sven Hegenbart
Lifetime Member
2 days ago

It’s official we will get more of those Detachments and no Codex for Daemons

For Oath of Moment I still think Ultramarines with their vide variety of strong characters should ironically be not be included for the 1 wounds bonus

2 days ago

So, about Dark Angels…. ??? DA Codex detachments? No? No? …. Ah no

George Stainforth
2 days ago

The daemons release definitely feels like they had intended to bin daemons and saw the reaction to deathwatch and did a massive U0turn, at least they are learning somewhat.

Lodge Member
2 days ago

As a slaanesh daemon player, big sad face. Sure, the detachment needed to be brought down a bit but the changes to the profiles just kills them for me. Don’t know if I’ll be using greater daemons (named or otherwise) any time soon now, probably get more bang for my buck with other stuff. Well at least I had some fun with them for 6 months or so. Time to change back to my tyranids.

wayne keeley
wayne keeley
2 days ago

is the skull cannon still available? which can be made into a chariot

Michael Cook
Michael Cook
2 days ago

The moment I put the video to fullscreen, the sound is suddenly a half-second out of sync. Reboots and restarts do not fix. Fun. Ah well, video itself is still good.

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