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Beard and Jinx talk Sisters of Battle, as they run through the big changes of their Codex!
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Join the Crusade with Chef and Jinx as they give you the lowdown on this most zealous Chapter of Space […]
It’s James’ debut game on Freeview and as a fully fledged member of the Tabletop Tactics Crew, but will his […]
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To view this post, you must have an active On Demand Membership or log in if you are a member.
Chef and Spider throwdown with murderclowns and red rampagers, but who will seize victory in this savage League game! 00:00 […]
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To view this post, you must have an active On Demand Membership or log in if you are a member.
To view this post, you must have an active On Demand Membership or log in if you are a member.
Will the war machines of the Chaos Knights withstand the martial might of the Custodes as Beard and Stig face […]